Policy Enforcement Sample Clauses
Policy Enforcement. The Department of Information Technology, prefects, faculty, staff and administration will work together to enforce the Technology Responsible Use Agreement. Violations of this agreement should be reported to and will be enforced through the Student Life Services. Legal authorities will be contacted if situations warrant.
Policy Enforcement. The RA is expected to be knowledgeable regarding University and Residence Life policies, to educate residents as necessary, and to model behavior consistent with such policies, community standards, and University directives. When RAs see students engaging in conduct that is contrary to the University’s mission, values, policies, or community standards, RAs are required to report that information to their supervisor and document any incident as required as soon as possible.
Policy Enforcement. When a buyer or seller issue arises, we may consider the user's performance history and the specific circumstances in applying our policies. We may choose to be more lenient with policy enforcement in an effort to do the right thing for both buyers and sellers.
Policy Enforcement. Serve on call and perform duty functions as established by the Department and Residence Coordinator to enforce policies, ensure safety, and serve as a resource to the community. o RAs will hold the phone from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Monday-Friday (Residence Hall RAs), from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. Monday-Friday (Apartment RAs), and 24 hours on weekends and during University closures and breaks. o RAs must be “in community” while on call, with the exceptions of 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. on weekends, during which RAs must remain within 10 minutes of campus while on call. Review, understand, and uphold all items outlined in the RLDS Apartment & Residence Hall Policies & Procedures, the UW Student Code of Conduct, and the Resident Assistant Training and Resource Manual for addressing situations, which includes confronting, reporting, and following up with appropriate people. It is necessary to report all safety, security, health and behavioral concerns. Specifically, RAs must report any and all threats or incidents of violence (including self-harm) or sexual misconduct immediately and in-person or by phone to their supervisor or the Live In On Call (LOC). Serve as a positive role model through all internet activity and computer-related communications including, but not limited to, instant messaging, online journals, texting, social networking xxxxx, xxxxxx applications, and email communications. Adhere to all Federal and State Laws as well as University and Departmental policies (as outline in the RLDS Apartment & Residence Hall Policies & Procedures, Code of Conduct and Resident Assistant Training and Resource Manual) whether on or off campus. o RAs will be held responsible for violations of the RLDS Apartment & Residence Hall Policies or Code of Conduct. Cases will be adjudicated in accordance with the University conduct process, and applicable outcomes and sanctions shall be assigned independently of any applicable job action, which may include termination of employment.
Policy Enforcement. If KPS management has reasonable suspicion to believe, based upon observation and or information, that an employee, while on or off duty, is under the influence of illegal or controlled drugs or substances; or alcohol, while on duty or on City property the following procedure will be followed:
1. The facts forming the basis for the reasonable suspicion shall be disclosed to the employee and the employee shall, at the same time, be given the opportunity to explain his or her actions.
2. If the Chief or designee determines that reasonable suspicion exists, the employee shall submit to testing procedures as outlined in this policy.
3. The employee shall be required to submit to an immediate blood/urine/hair/breathalyzer and/or appropriate test.
4. The employee may have a Union Representative present. The test may not be unduly delayed in order to wait for the Union Representative. The absence of the Union Representative shall not be grounds for the employee to refuse to submit to such test; however KPS management shall make a reasonable effort to allow for the presence of Union representation, if requested.
5. The employee shall submit to such test and release test results to the City. Failure to do so shall be a presumption that the employee has violated this policy. The employee shall not interfere with the testing process by failing to provide an adequate sample or ingest any test altering products. Violation of this provision shall subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
6. After the test has been administered:
a. If test results are negative: The employee will be put back to work with full pay for time lost.
b. If test results are positive:
Policy Enforcement a. Enforce residence hall policies and regulations to maintain a safe and respectful living environment.
b. Assist with the completion of Healthy & Safety Inspections as outlined by the department.
c. Document and report policy violations to the appropriate authorities.
Policy Enforcement. Assists in enforcement of the Company's policies, practices and procedures related to finance, accounting, and tax matters.
Policy Enforcement. CeraNet reserves the right to amend its policies at any time. All Clients, sub- networks, resellers and other users of CeraNet must adhere to the policies. Failure to follow any term or condition may be grounds for immediate Cancellation. You will be held responsible for the actions of your clients. Therefore, it is in your best interest to implement similar or stricter terms and policies if your clients also use the CeraNet network.
Policy Enforcement. Each Independent Distributorship Agreement is a separate and enforceable contract between the Distributor and Unicity. Either party may waive the performance obli- gations of the other or any provisions of the Contract. Unicity is not bound to treat all Distributors equally. The failure of Unicity to enforce any provision(s) of the Contract with one Distributor does not waive Unicity’s right to enforce any such provision(s) with any other Distributor, or subsequently with that same Distributor.
Policy Enforcement. Serve on call and perform duty functions as established by the Area Coordinator to enforce policies, ensure safety, and serve as a resource to the community. o RAs will hold the duty phone from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. Monday-Friday, and 24 hours on weekends and during College closures and breaks. o RAs must be “in community” while on call during 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. On weekends, outside of these hours, RAs must remain within 15 minutes of campus while on call. Review, understand, and uphold all items outlined in the Residence Hall Terms & Conditions and the Casper College Student Handbook for addressing situations, which includes confronting, reporting, and following up with appropriate people. It is necessary to report all safety, security, health and behavioral concerns. Specifically, RAs must report any and all threats or incidents of violence (including self-harm) or sexual misconduct immediately and in- person or by phone to their supervisor or the pro phone. Serve as a positive role model through all internet activity and computer-related communications including, but not limited to, instant messaging, online journals, texting, social networking xxxxx, xxxxxx applications, and email communications. Adhere to all Federal and State Laws as well as College policies (as outlined in the Residence Hall Terms & Conditions and the Casper College Student Handbook) whether on or off campus. o RAs will be held responsible for violations of the Residence Hall Terms & Conditions and the Casper College Student Handbook. Cases will be adjudicated in accordance with the College’s conduct process, and applicable outcomes and sanctions shall be assigned independently of any applicable job action, which may include termination of employment.