RESPONSIBLE USE AGREEMENT. Our goal is to ensure the safe and responsible use of IT facilities, services and resources available to students. Please review the points below and indicate your understanding and agreement on the following page. The school will provide: • IT infrastructure including Wi-Fi networks, specialist computer labs and peripheral hardware • BYOD program induction — including information on connection, use and care of device at school • support for students to access our network at school • BYOD internet filtering (when connected via the school’s computer network) • some technical support and advice • some software for use on student devices e.g. Adobe, Microsoft Office 365, eBooks • printing facilities • a limited number of laptops for students that require short or loan term loans Student agrees to: • acknowledge that core purpose of device at school is for educational purposes • care for own device, school-owned devices and devices owned by other students • ensure device has enough battery power for each lesson • use resources (e.g. printing paper and internet service) only for educational purposes and only as much as required • seek out assistance from school IT technicians to resolve connection problems before they interrupt class learning time • acknowledge that IT issues are not grounds for non-participation in class • regularly back up all important documents and data (e.g. to school OneDrive account) • acknowledge that loss of data by failing to back up is not grounds for late submission of work • exhibit appropriate digital citizenship and online safety (see student charter for detailed expectations) • maintain network security and password protection — keep passwords private and secure • abide by intellectual property and copyright laws (including software/media piracy) • operate within the school internet filtering and not attempt to bypass in order to access blocked or inappropriate content (e.g. with a VPN or mobile hotspot) • sign the Centenary State High School IT infrastructure and BYOD: Responsible Use Agreement (below)
RESPONSIBLE USE AGREEMENT. Student agreement: Parent agreement:
RESPONSIBLE USE AGREEMENT. I understand that I must use school technology systems in a responsible way, to ensure that there is no risk to my safety or to the safety and security of the systems and other users. I understand that the District may monitor my use of District systems, devices and digital communications at school.
RESPONSIBLE USE AGREEMENT. I understand that I must use school technology systems in a responsible way, to ensure that there is no risk to my safety or to the safety and security of the systems and other users. I understand that the District uses automated software monitoring for the purpose of staff monitor/review and possible contact home or student intervention when appropriate (suicide ideation, violence, sexual assault/harassment, sexual content, self-harm, bullying/harassment) when I’m using District systems, devices and digital communications.
RESPONSIBLE USE AGREEMENT. The school uses Internet resources as part of the curriculum. It is School Policy not to allow unsupervised access to the Internet. IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE A RESPONSE TO THIS LETTER WE WILL ASSUME YOU ARE HAPPY FOR YOUR CHILD TO HAVE THEIR PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN AND FOR US TO USE IT FOR
RESPONSIBLE USE AGREEMENT. 1:1 Mission Statement A 1:1 technology program refers to the ratio of students per device. Therefore, in a 1:1 program, each student and staff member have access to their own device. Please note this does not mean all students will have access to take their device home. Only grades 5-12 have the option to take their device off campus. Devices in grades K-4 will remain on campus. This device may be a Chromebook, laptop, or tablet. Having a digital device in the hands of all students gives students access to highly engaging, interactive, and transformational learning. Through the effective use of these digital devices, students will participate in more 21st Century geared classroom interactions and learning opportunities which are even more personalized, individualized, and differentiated. As students interact with the content, they will be in the role of producers, evaluators, and interpreters of knowledge as teachers facilitate their students’ collaboration and engage in authentic learning tasks. The enclosed guidelines and procedures are subject to periodic updates and revisions. District Owned/Issued Chromebooks ● Chromebooks will be distributed at the beginning of each school year for grades 5-12. The device will be assigned to your student for the school year. Devices in grades K-4 will be kept by the classroom teacher. ● Parents/Guardians and students MUST sign BOTH this Indian Lake Local School District 1:1 Responsible Use Agreement and the Student Technology Acceptable Use and Safety Policy, completed with initial fall online forms, before the Chromebook can be issued to any student. There will be no exceptions to this rule. ● Chromebooks will be collected at the end of each school year. In most cases, the same device assigned to your student will be returned to him/her at the start of the next year depending on the rotation of devices in grade levels. Acceptable Use ● Access to Indian Lake Local Schools technology is a privilege, not a right. Each student and parent will be required to follow the guidelines in this policy and outlined in the Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy as well as all other school policies. ● Transmission of any material that is in violation of any federal or state law is prohibited. This includes, but not limited to the following: confidential information, copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, and malicious software. ● Any attempt to alter data, the configuration of a Chromebook, o...
RESPONSIBLE USE AGREEMENT. Sheridan Community Schools (SCS) believes that student access to technology supports the district’s educational mission, vision and goals. SCS also believes that all students have the capacity to utilize and access technology in a responsible, efficient, courteous and legal manner. Thus, the mission of the SCS 1:1 Digital Learning Initiative is to use technology effectively to increase student engagement thereby increasing student achievement in all areas. All students will be immersed in a digital environment, which connects our students to enriched curriculum, engages staff and students, inspires critical thinking and creativity, and empowers all learners. It is important that users understand their responsibilities and conduct themselves as responsible learners at all times. Responsible uses of technology are devoted to activities that support teaching and learning. The following statements represent the students’ agreement about the responsible use of technology.
1. Nazareth College recognises as unacceptable use.
2. If a student takes any of the actions listed, Nazareth College reserves the right to issue a sanction as part of the College Discipline Policy.
3. Agreement to this document is a condition of using the network and resources at Nazareth College.
4. These commitments have been developed with reference to social media terms of service, in particular Facebook, and so reflect community standards for network and internet access.
RESPONSIBLE USE AGREEMENT. The school uses Internet resources as part of the curriculum. It is School Policy not to allow unsupervised access to the Internet. I consent to my child having Internet access during supervised teaching sessions (including lunchtime and after school clubs)? Yes No Parent/Carer Name: ………………………………………...... Parent/Carer Signature: ……………………………………………… Child’s Name: ……………………………………………… Child’s Year: ………………………………………………… Date……………………………………………