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Policy Guides Sample Clauses

Policy Guides. The application of these principles is based on the fundamental premises that: a. the Grantee shall be responsible for the efficient and effective administration of the Contract through the application of sound management practices; b. the Grantee shall assume responsibility for administering the grant funds in a manner consistent with underlying agreements, program objectives, and the terms and conditions of the Contract; and c. each Grantee will have the primary responsibility for employing whatever form of organization and management techniques that may be necessary to assure proper and efficient administration of the Department’s grants.
Policy Guides. The application of these principles is based on the fundamental premises that: a. governmental units are responsible for the efficient and effective administration of state awards through the application of sound management practices; b. governmental units assume responsibility for administering state funds in a manner consistent with underlying agreements, program objectives, and the terms and conditions of the award; and c. each governmental unit, in recognition of its own unique combination of staff, facilities, and experience, will have the primary responsibility for employing whatever form of organization and management techniques may be necessary to ensure proper and efficient administration of state awards.
Policy Guides. The application of these principles is based on the fundamental prem- ises that: a. Grantees are responsible for the efficient and effective administration of grant pro- grams through the application of sound man- agement practices. b. The grantee assumes the responsibility for seeing that Bureau assisted program funds have been expended and accounted for consistent with underlying agreements and program objectives. c. Each grantee organization, in recogni- tion of its own unique combination of staff facilities and experience, will have the pri- xxxx responsibility for employing whatever form of organization and management tech- niques may be necessary to assure proper and efficient administration.
Policy Guides. At the core of the Policy Maintenance Program are the policy guides, which include hundreds of templates setting forth recommended policy language developed by PSBA to assure that the governmental responsibilities of school entities can be fulfilled in a manner that reflects recommended practices and complies with legal standards and limitations. Assembled together, the policy guides form a comprehensive policy manual addressing all common aspects of school entity operations and responsibilities for which local policies are recommended, and they exist in multiple versions specific to the three standard types of Pennsylvania public school entities (school district, intermediate unit and career and technical school). Built into many policy guides are optional provisions and alternatives among which participants may choose as a means of tailoring policies to local needs and preferences. Further local customization by participants is encouraged and supported by PSBA. Policy guides are updated and revised as deemed appropriate by PSBA to reflect changes in legal mandates and other parameters due to new legislation, regulations, court decisions or non-regulatory guidance pronouncements of state and federal agencies. Policy guides contain footnotes indicating the sources of law necessitating various provisions, with hyperlinks to those sources of law when available online. Participants in the Policy Maintenance Program receive all new and newly-updated policy guides that are published by PSBA in the course of a program year and upon request will be provided with up to ten (10) additional policy guides per program year. The governing board of a school entity that has separately engaged PSBA for a comprehensive policy development service will have before it for adoption a complete set of the most current policy guides customized for that particular school entity. An entity that has separately engaged PSBA for a comprehensive policy review service, based on the need to bring an existing but substantially outdated local policy manual up to date, will be provided all necessary policy guides customized for that particular school entity. The policy development and policy review services are separate fee-based services that are not included in the Policy Maintenance Program or Administrative Regulations Program.
Policy Guides. At the core of the Policy Maintenance Program are the BCS policy guides, which include hundreds of templates setting forth recommended policy language developed to assure that the responsibilities of school entities can be fulfilled in a manner that reflects recommended practices and complies with legal standards and limitations. Assembled together, the policy guides form a comprehensive policy manual addressing all common aspects of school entity operations and responsibilities for which local policies are recommended. Built into many policy guides are optional provisions and alternatives among which school entities may choose as a means of tailoring policies to local needs and preferences. Further local customization by participants is encouraged and supported by BCS. Policy guides are updated and revised as deemed appropriate by BCS to reflect changes in legal mandates and other parameters due to new legislation, regulations, court decisions or non- regulatory guidance pronouncements of state and federal agencies. Policy guides contain footnotes indicating the sources of law necessitating various provisions, with hyperlinks to those sources of law when available online. Subscribers to the Policy Maintenance Program receive all new and newly-updated policy guides that are published by BCS in the course of a program year and upon request will be provided with up to ten (10) additional policy guides per program year. An entity that has separately engaged BCS for a comprehensive policy manual, will be provided all necessary policy guides in accordance with the contracted service. The comprehensive policy manual service is a separate fee-based service that is not included in the Policy Maintenance Program or Administrative Regulations Program.
Policy GuidesT h e s u ccessfu l a pplic a t io n of t h ese p r i n ciples r eq u i r es develop m e n t of m u t u a l un de r s t a n di n g be t wee n r ep r ese n t a- t ives of h ospi t a l s a n d of t h e Dep a r t m e n t of He a l t h a n d H u m a n S e r vices a s t o t h ei r scope, a pplic a bili t y a n d i n t e r p r e t a t io n . I t i s r ecog n ized t h a t : 1. T h e a rr a n ge m e n t s fo r h ospi t a l p a r t icip a- t io n i n t h e fi n a n ci n g of a r ese a r c h a n d devel- op m e n t p r ojec t a r e p r ope r l y s u bjec t t o n ego- t i a t io n be t wee n t h e a ge n c y a n d t h e h ospi t a l co n ce rn ed i n a cco r d a n ce wi t h s u c h Xxxx xx- m e n t - wide c r i t e r i a a s m a y be a pplic a ble. 2. Ea c h h ospi t a l , possessi n g i t s ow n un iq u e co m bi n a t io n of s t aff, fa cili t ies a n d expe r i- e n ce, s h o u ld be e n co ur a ged t o co n d u c t r e- se a r c h i n a m a nn e r co n so n a n t wi t h i t s ow n i n s t i t u t io n a l p h ilosop h ies a n d objec t ives. 3. Ea c h h ospi t a l i n t h e fu lfill m e n t of i t s co n t r a c t u a l oblig a t io n s s h o u ld be expec t ed t o e m plo y so un d m a n a ge m e n t p r a c t ices. 4. T h e a pplic a t io n of t h e p r i n ciples es t a b- li s h ed h e r ei n s h a ll be i n co nfo r m a n ce wi t h t h e ge n e r a ll y a ccep t ed a cco un t i n g p r a c t ices of h ospi t a l s. 5. Hospi t a l s r eceive r ei m b ur se m e n t s f r o m t h e F ede r a l Xxxx xx m e n t fo r diffe r i n g t y pes of se r vices un de r v a r io u s p r og r a m s s u c h a s s u ppo r t of R ese a r c h a n d Develop m e n t ( i n- xx x xx x x disc r e t e cli n ic a l ce n t e r s) He a l t h S e r vices P r ojec t s, Medic a r e, e t c. I t i s esse n- t i a l t h a t co n s i s t e n t p r oced ur es fo r de t e r - m i n i n g r ei m b ur s a ble cos t s fo r s i m il a r se r v- ices be e m plo y ed wi t h o u t r eg a r d t o p r og r a m diffe r e n ces. T h e r efo r e, bo t h t h e di r xx x x x x i n di r ec t cos t s of r ese a r c h p r og r a m s m u s t be ide n t ified a s a cos t ce n t e r ( s) fo r t h e cos t fi n di n g a n d s t ep- dow n r eq u i r e m e n t s of t h e Medic a r e p r og r a m , o r i n i t s a bse n ce t h e Med- ic a id p r og r a m .
Policy Guides. The application of these principles is based on the fundamental premises that: a. the Grantee shall be responsible for the efficient and effective administration of the Department’s State Financial Assistance Contract through the application of sound management practices; b. the Grantee shall assume responsibility for administering the grant funds in a manner consistent with underlying agreements, program objectives and the terms and conditions of the State Financial Assistance Contract; and c. each Grantee, in recognition of its unique combination of staff, facilities and experience, will have the primary responsibility for employing whatever form of organization and management techniques that may be necessary to assure proper and efficient administration of the Department’s grants.
Policy Guides. The application of these principles is based on the fundamental premises that: a. The Grantee shall be responsible for the efficient and effective administration of the Commission’s State Financial Assistance Contract through the application of sound management practices; b. The Grantee shall assume responsibility for administering the grant funds in a manner consistent with underlying agreements, program objectives and the terms and conditions of the State Financial Assistance Contract; and c. Each Grantee, in recognition of its unique combination of staff, facilities and experience, will have the primary responsibility for employing whatever form of organization and management techniques that may be necessary to assure proper and efficient administration of the Commission’s grants.
Policy Guides a. The application of these principles is based on the fundamental premises that: (1) Governmental units are responsible for the efficient and effective administration of Federal awards through the application of sound management practices. (2) Governmental units assume responsibility for administering Federal funds in a manner consistent with underlying agreements, program objectives, and the terms and conditions of the Federal award. (3) Each governmental unit, in recognition of its own unique combination of staff, facilities, and experience, will have the primary responsibility for employing whatever form of organization and management techniques may be necessary to assure proper and efficient administration of Federal awards. b. Federal agencies should work with States or localities which wish to test alternative mechanisms for paying costs for administering Federal programs. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) encourages Federal agencies to test fee-for-service alternatives as a replacement for current cost-reimbursement payment methods in response to the National Performance Review's (NPR) recommendation. The NPR recommended the fee-for-service approach to reduce the burden associated with maintaining systems for charging administrative costs to Federal programs and preparing and approving cost allocation plans. This approach should also increase incentives for administrative efficiencies and improve outcomes.

Related to Policy Guides

  • SPAM POLICY You are strictly prohibited from using the Website or any of the Company's Services for illegal spam activities, including gathering email addresses and personal information from others or sending any mass commercial emails.

  • General Guidelines Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory.

  • Alcohol Policy Where contractually bound, the employer will apply the Drug and Alcohol Management Program (DAMP) as contained at Appendix M.

  • Policy Statement The RSU Award grant the Company is making under the Plan is unilateral and discretionary and, therefore, the Company reserves the absolute right to amend it and discontinue it at any time without any liability. The Company, with registered offices at Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, #00-00, Xxxxxxxxx 000000, is solely responsible for the administration of the Plan, and participation in the Plan and the grant of the RSU Award do not, in any way, establish an employment relationship between the Participant and the Company since he or she is participating in the Plan on a wholly commercial basis and the sole employer is Availmed Servicios S.A. de C.V., Grupo Flextronics S.A. de C.V., Flextronics Servicios Guadalajara S.A. de C.V., Flextronics Servicios Mexico S. de X.X. de C.V. and Flextronics Aguascalientes Servicios S.A. de C.V., nor does it establish any rights between the Participant and the Employer. Plan Document Acknowledgment. By accepting the RSU Award, the Participant acknowledges that he or she has received copies of the Plan, has reviewed the Plan and the Agreement in their entirety, and fully understands and accepts all provisions of the Plan and the Agreement. In addition, the Participant further acknowledges that he or she has read and specifically and expressly approves the terms and conditions in the Nature of Grant section of the Agreement, in which the following is clearly described and established: (i) participation in the Plan does not constitute an acquired right; (ii) the Plan and participation in the Plan is offered by the Company on a wholly discretionary basis; (iii) participation in the Plan is voluntary; and (iv) the Company and any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliates are not responsible for any decrease in the value of the Shares acquired upon vesting of the RSU Award. Finally, the Participant hereby declares that he or she does not reserve any action or right to bring any claim against the Company for any compensation or damages as a result of his or her participation in the Plan and therefore grants a full and broad release to the Employer, the Company and any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliates with respect to any claim that may arise under the Plan.

  • Safety Policy The City agrees to maintain in safe working condition all facilities and equipment furnished by the City to carry out the duties of each bargaining unit position, but reserves the right to determine what those facilities and equipment shall be. The Association agrees to work cooperatively in maintaining safety in the Xenia/Xxxxxx Central Communications Center.

  • R&W Policy (a) Purchaser has conditionally bound a representations and warranties insurance policy (the “R&W Policy”) pursuant to the binder agreement which was provided to Seller for review in advance of the Execution Date and which is attached hereto as Exhibit H (the “R&W Conditional Binder”). From and after the Execution Date, each Party shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to satisfy the conditions set forth in the R&W Conditional Binder as of the Closing Date. The R&W Policy shall contain: (i) a waiver of subrogation, contribution, or otherwise by the insurer in favor of the Seller Indemnified Parties, except against Seller or any “Seller” under the Other PSAs or with respect to such Seller’s or “Seller’s” (as applicable) actual and intentional fraud in the making of the representations and warranties set forth in Article 3 of this Agreement (or the corresponding article setting forth any “Seller’s” representations and warranties in any Other PSA, as applicable), it being understood that the fraud of one Seller or “Seller” (as applicable) shall not be imputed to any other Seller or “Seller” (as applicable); and (ii) a statement that each Seller Indemnified Party is an intended third party beneficiary of the foregoing subrogation limitation. (b) Seller and Purchaser shall each pay fifty percent (50%) of all costs of obtaining the R&W Policy, specifically the premium, surplus lines Taxes and fees, and any related broker compensation and underwriting fees; provided that Seller’s share of such costs shall be paid by Seller via the adjustment of the Cash Purchase Price pursuant to Section 2.3(n). (c) Purchaser agrees that after the Closing it will not agree to any amendment of the R&W Policy that would be expected to cause actual and material prejudice to Seller without Seller’s prior written consent. (d) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, none of the Seller Indemnified Parties shall be entitled to any proceeds from the R&W Policy. Notwithstanding anything in this Section 5.18 or otherwise to the contrary, nothing herein shall be interpreted to limit Purchaser’s rights to make or pursue claims, or secure recovery under the R&W Policy, as Purchaser believes, in its sole discretion, to be in Purchaser’s interests.

  • Policies, Guidelines, Directives and Standards Either the Funder or the Ministry will give the HSP Notice of any amendments to the manuals, guidelines or policies identified in Schedule C. An amendment will be effective in accordance with the terms of the amendment. By signing a copy of this Agreement the HSP acknowledges that it has a copy of the documents identified in Schedule C.

  • Policy Because the volume of human genomic and phenotypic data maintained in these repositories is substantial and, in some instances, potentially sensitive (e.g., data related to the presence or risk of developing particular diseases or conditions and information regarding family relationships or ancestry), data must be shared in a manner consistent with the research participants’ informed consent, and the confidentiality of the data and the privacy of participants must be protected. Access to human genomic data will be provided to research investigators who, along with their institutions, have certified their agreement with the expectations and terms of access detailed below. NIH expects that, through Data Access Request (DAR) process, approved users of controlled-access datasets recognize any restrictions on data use established by the Submitting Institutions through the Institutional Certification, and as stated on the dbGaP study page. Definitions of the underlined terminology in this document are found in section 13. The parties to this Agreement include: the Principal Investigator (PI) requesting access to the genomic study dataset (an “Approved User”), the PI’s home institution (the “Requester”) as represented by the Institutional Signing Official designated through the eRA Commons system, and the NIH. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the DAR Approval Date, as specified in the notification of approval of the Data Access Committee (DAC).

  • Umbrella Policies Contractor may satisfy basic coverage limits through any combination of basic coverage and umbrella insurance.

  • Certain Policies Prior to the Effective Date, each of the Company and its Subsidiaries shall, consistent with GAAP, the rules and regulations of the SEC and applicable banking laws and regulations, modify or change its loan, OREO, accrual, reserve, tax, litigation and real estate valuation policies and practices (including loan classifications and levels of reserves) so as to be applied on a basis that is consistent with that of Parent; provided, however, that no such modifications or changes need be made prior to the satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Section 7.01(b); and further provided that in any event, no accrual or reserve made by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries pursuant to this Section 6.09 shall constitute or be deemed to be a breach, violation of or failure to satisfy any representation, warranty, covenant, agreement, condition or other provision of this Agreement or otherwise be considered in determining whether any such breach, violation or failure to satisfy shall have occurred. The recording of any such adjustments shall not be deemed to imply any misstatement of previously furnished financial statements or information and shall not be construed as concurrence of the Company or its management with any such adjustments.