PRIOR SICK LEAVE ACCUMULATION. An employee’s existing sick leave accrual at the time of entering the Time Management Program will be preserved in a separate sick leave bank account. No additional sick leave will be earned. Existing sick leave will be treated in the following manner: A. No compensation for accrued sick leave bank shall be provided for any employee for any reason, except that one-half of the employee’s accrued sick leave bank shall be paid to the employee or his/her beneficiary upon death or permanent total disability. B. Employees will be allowed to convert up to 100 hours of existing sick leave to time management leave on a two-for-one basis. (100 hours of sick leave will convert to 50 hours of time management leave). C. Employees with an existing sick leave bank as of the date this contract is signed shall have those hours moved to a “sick leave vault.” One–half of the employee’s sick leave vault balance will be paid to the employee upon termination of employment or, upon death of the employee (in accordance with state law). No additional hours will be transferred to the sick leave vault.
PRIOR SICK LEAVE ACCUMULATION. A. An employee's existing sick leave accrual at the time of entering the Time Management Program will be preserved in a separate balance. No additional sick leave will be earned. Existing sick leave will be treated in the following manner B. No compensation for accrued sick leave shall be provided for any employee for any reason, except that one-half of the employee's accrued sick leave shall be paid to the employee or his/her beneficiary upon death or permanent total disability C. Employees will be allowed to convert up to 100 hours of existing sick leave to the earned leave balance on a two-for-one basis. (100 hours of sick leave will convert to 50 hours of earned leave). D. Existing sick leave (banked sick leave) may be used by employees only after the employee has been absent from work for at least twenty-four (24) hours in a row for qualifying sick leave utilization per the Personnel Rules. The twenty- four (24) hours will be either deducted from earned leave or be identified as leave without pay. In furtherance of the parties' mutual intent to provide for the use of voluntary overtime by Asso�iation members when staffing shortages occur on short notice (less than fourteen days but more than 24 hours) as described above, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. For the duration of the current CBA, but only during those times when total staffing for the operations floor ls less than 40 full-time equivalent Association-represented employees, overtime hours worked by such employees who volurateer to fill anticipated staffing shortages P.Ursuant to Section 16.G.1 will be compensated at the rate of two (2) trmes the regular rate of pay converted to an hourly rate. Subject to the same conditions described herein concerning payment of wages for volunteering ,to pursuant to Sectfon ·16.G.l, if an employee and the District mutually agree, non-exempt employees may receive compensatory time off at rate of two (2) times the regular rate of pay converted to an hourly rate. 2. The Distri� shall have authority to fully implement the provisions of Section 16.G.l beginning June 15, 2022, regardless of whether the CBA is fully fjargained to completion and executed by the parties as of that date. The District and the Association each acknowledge the new Section
PRIOR SICK LEAVE ACCUMULATION. An employee’s existing sick leave accrual at the time of entering the Time Management Program will be preserved in a separate balance. No additional sick leave will be earned. Existing sick leave will be treated in the following manner: A. No compensation for accrued sick leave shall be provided for any employee for any reason, except that one-half of the employee’s accrued sick leave shall be paid to the employee or his/her beneficiary upon death or permanent total disability. B. Employees will be allowed to convert up to 100 hours of existing sick leave to the earned leave balance on a two-for-one basis. (100 hours of sick leave will convert to 50 hours of earned leave). C. Existing sick leave (banked sick leave) may be used by employees only after the employee has been absent from work for at least twenty-four (24) hours in a row for qualifying sick leave utilization per the Personnel Rules. The twenty-four (24) hours will be either deducted from earned leave or be identified as leave without pay.
PRIOR SICK LEAVE ACCUMULATION. An employee’s existing sick leave accrual at the time of transferring into the Time Management Program will be preserved in a separate sick leave bank. No additional sick leave will be earned. Existing sick leave will be treated in the following manner: A. No compensation for accrued sick leave shall be provided for any employee for any reason, except that one-half of the employee’s accrued sick leave bank shall be paid to the employee or his/her beneficiary upon death or permanent total disability. B. Employees will be allowed to convert up to one hundred (100) hours of existing sick leave to time management leave on a two-for-one basis. (100 hours of sick leave will convert to 50 hours of time management leave). C. Existing sick leave (banked sick leave) may be used by employees only after the employee has been absent from work for at least the equivalent of three (3) entire work days due to the same illness or injury for qualifying sick leave utilization per the Personnel Rules. The equivalent of the first three (3) days will be either deducted from accrued and unused time management or, if the employee does not have sufficient time management leave, will be deducted from accrued compensatory time or any other paid leave time, or be identified as leave without pay. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ADVISORY POLICY It is the policy of the Board of County Commissioners to provide a quality health and welfare insurance benefit program on a consistent basis to all regular county employees and to involve employees in making recommendations regarding such a benefit program by appointing an Employee Benefits Advisory Committee (EBAC).