Project Close-out Sample Clauses
Project Close-out. Termination of a research project that used controlled-access data from an NIHdesignated data repository (e.g., dbGaP) and confirmation of data destruction when the research is completed and/or discontinued. The project close-out process is completed in the dbGaP Authorized Access System.
Project Close-out a. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the PROJECT’s construction and the ARCHITECT’s receipt of as-built documents from the Contractor, as required subject to Article II, Section 26.d.(3), ARCHITECT will review the as-built documents prepared by the Contractor and revise the record drawings and specifications so that they include all material changes made necessary by CCD’s, ICD’s, change orders, RFI’s, change order requests (“COR’s”), Bulletins, clarifications as noted by the Contractor in its as-built documents and/or any other DISTRICT approved document which details the changes that were made to the DSA approved Construction Documents. The ARCHITECT shall incorporate such changes into a complete BIM/AutoCAD as-built file, and pdf files, and provide all such documents, including five (5) hard copies, to the DISTRICT as a reimbursable expense. In the event the Contractor fails to provide its as-built documents within 30 days of the PROJECT’s completion, the ARCHITECT shall notify the DISTRICT, in writing, of the Contractor’s failure and recommend the appropriate withholding from the Contractor’s final payment under the Contract with the DISTRICT.
b. The ARCHITECT shall assist the DISTRICT in securing the delivery of any and all applicable documents described in Sections c and d below, to DSA for review prior to issuance of a “Certificate of Completion.” The ARCHITECT shall submit all documents prepared by, or in control of, the ARCHITECT to DSA withoutdelay.
c. During the period the PROJECT is under construction, the ARCHITECT shall certify that the following documents have been submitted to DSA:
(1) Copies of the Project Inspector’s semi-monthly reports;
(2) Copies of the laboratory reports on all tests or laboratory inspections as returned and done on the PROJECT;
(3) Copies of all the necessary PIC’s which have been approved and signed off by the Project Inspector for the certification by DSA; and
(4) All other documents required to be submitted to DSA in accordance with Title 24 and the Construction Oversight Process Procedure set forth in DSA’s PR 13- 01. The ARCHITECT shall notify the DISTRICT, in writing, if any of the above forms are not promptly submitted to DSA by the responsible parties. If necessary, the ARCHITECT shall assist the DISTRICT in obtaining the delivery of the above documents to DSA.
d. Upon the completion of all construction, including all Punch List items, the ARCHITECT shall assist the DISTRICT in securing the deli...
Project Close-out a. Acceptance of the completed construction shall be with the concurrence of the Department. Within 30 days of completion of construction or other activities authorized by this agreement, the Recipient shall provide written notification to the Department. The Recipient shall follow and request a final review, in accordance with the procedures in I.M. 6.110, Final Review, Audit, and Close-out Procedures for Federal-aid, Federal- aid Swap, and Farm-to-Market Projects. Failure to comply with the procedures may result in loss of funds and the ability to let future projects through the Department; reimbursed funds shall be returned and a possible suspension may be placed on the Recipient from receiving funds from the Department on future projects until the Recipient has demonstrated responsible management of funds on roadway projects.
b. For construction projects, the Recipient shall provide a certification by a professional engineer, architect, or landscape architect as applicable, licensed in the State of Iowa, indicating the construction was completed in substantial compliance with the project plans and specifications.
c. Final reimbursement of funds shall be made only after the Department accepts the project as complete.
d. The Recipient shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records, reports, and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred for the project. The Recipient shall also make this documentation available at all reasonable times for review by the Department. Copies of this documentation shall be furnished by the Recipient if requested. Such documentation shall be retained for at least 3 years from the date of the Department’s signature of the Department’s Final Payment Form (Form 830436) or the bottom part of the Certificate of Completion and Final Acceptance of Agreement Work (Form 640003).
e. The Recipient shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, the completed improvement in a manner acceptable to the Department.
Project Close-out a. The ARCHITECT shall assure delivery of the following documents described below to the DSA for review prior to issuance of a “Certificate of Completion”.
b. During the period the PROJECT is under construction the following documents are required:
(i) Copies of the Inspector of Record’s semi-monthly reports.
(ii) Copies of the laboratory reports on all tests or laboratory Inspections as returned and done on the PROJECT.
c. Upon completion of construction of the PROJECT, the following reports are required:
(i) Copy of the Notice of Completion.
(ii) Final Verified Report Form DSA-6A/E certifying all work is 100% complete from the ARCHITECT, Structural Engineer, Mechanical Engineer and Electrical Engineer.
(iii) Final Verified Report Form DSA-6 certifying all work is 100% Complete from the Contractor or Contractors, Inspector of Record and Special Inspector(s).
(iv) Verified Reports of Testing and Inspections as specified on The approved drawings and specifications, i.e., Final Laboratory Report, Welding, Glued-Laminated Timber, etc.
(v) Weighmaster’s Certificate (if required by approved drawings And specifications).
(vi) Copies of the signature page of all Addenda as approved by DSA.
(vii) Copies of the signature pages of all Deferred Approvals as Approved by DSA.
(viii) Copies of the signature page of all Change Orders as Approved by DSA.
(ix) Verification by the I.O.R. that all items noted on any “Field Trip Notes” have been corrected.
Project Close-out. Upon completion of construction, Architect shall provide Fort Bend County Two original, one reproducible and an electronic copy of record drawings showing the building after all of the construction changes have been made (‘as built”) based upon information concerning field changes maintained and provided by the Contractor.
Project Close-out. During the Project Close-Out phase the CMF shall (1) develop specific criteria for determining the final acceptability of contractor’s work (whether determination is by CMF or by others); (2) establish dates for equipment testing, acceptance periods, warranty dates and instructional requirements; (3) conduct frequent inspections throughout the finishing stages; (4) obtain close-out documentation including guarantees, warranties, samples, test reports and certifications, Owner Close-Out forms, operating and maintenance manuals, keys and completed as-built drawings from the contractor and vendors; and (5) jointly with the Design Consultant, certify final completion of the facility for acceptance by the Owner. The CMF shall monitor and track the progress of the contractor’s timely submission of project close-out documentation. The CMF shall send all project closeout documents to the Design Consultant for review and approval. The CMF shall periodically produce a project closeout documentation report sorted by contractor for the Owner and contractors until all documentation has been received.
Project Close-out. The Agreement Expiration Date refers to the last date for LOCAL AGENCY to incur valid Project costs or credits and is the date the Agreement expires. LOCAL AGENCY has sixty (60) days after that Expiration Date to make final allowable payments to Project contractors or vendors, prepare the Project Closeout Report, and submit the final invoice to CALTRANS for reimbursement for allowable Project costs. Any unexpended Project funds not invoiced by that sixtieth (60th) day will be reverted and will no longer be accessible to reimburse late Project invoices.
Project Close-out a. Within 30 days of completion of construction or other activities authorized by this agreement, the Recipient shall provide written notification to the Department and request a final audit, in accordance with the procedures in I.M. 3.910, Final Review, Audit, and Close-out Procedures for Federal-aid Projects.
b. For construction projects, the Recipient shall provide a certification by a professional engineer, architect, or landscape architect as applicable, licensed in the State of Iowa, indicating the construction was completed in substantial compliance with the project plans and specifications.
c. Final reimbursement of Federal funds shall be made only after the Department accepts the project as complete.
d. The Recipient shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records, reports, and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred for the project. The Recipient shall also make these materials available at all reasonable times for inspection by the Department, FHWA, or any authorized representatives of the Federal Government. Copies of these materials shall be furnished by the Recipient if requested. Such documents shall be retained for at least 3 years from the date of FHWA approval of the final closure document. Upon receipt of FHWA approval of the final closure document, the Department will notify the Recipient of the record retention date.
e. The Recipient shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, the completed improvement in a manner acceptable to the Department and the FHWA.
Project Close-out. 2.9.1 The Designer will prepare the Record Documents based upon the As-Built Drawings and Documents received from the OAR. The OAR will have reviewed and accepted the Contractor’s As-Built Drawings and Documents when in their opinion they meet the intent of the Contract Documents and field observations. The Designer will prepare a complete set of Record Drawings representing, to the best of their knowledge, the as-built conditions of the Work, as further detailed in EDC-06.
2.9.2 The Designer will review all Close-out Documents and Manuals for conformance with the Contract Documents.
Project Close-out. The termination date of this AGREEMENT refers to the last date for RECIPIENT to incur valid Project costs or credits. RECIPIENT has 60 days after the termination date of this AGREEMENT to make final allowable payments to third-party contractors, prepare the Project Closeout Report, and submit the final invoice to SANDAG for reimbursement for allowable Project costs. Any unexpended Project funds invoiced after 90 days post the termination date of this AGREEMENT will be forfeited and will no longer be accessible by RECIPIENT to reimburse for Project expenses.