Proportion. Except in cases of emergency not more than four enrolled nurses and/or assistants-in-nursing/midwifery to each registered nurse shall be employed in a hospital and for this purpose a director of nursing shall count; provided that the proportions specified by this clause may be altered in respect of any particular hospital by agreement between the hospital concerned and the Association.
Proportion. Except in cases of emergency not more than four enrolled nurses and/or assistants in nursing to each registered nurse shall be employed in a HammondCare Health and Hospital establishment and for this purpose a Director of Nursing shall count.
Proportion. One junior to every four or fraction of four workers receiving not less than the adult Storeworker Grade One rate of pay.
Proportion. One junior for every seven or fraction of seven full-time adult employees covered by the classifications under this clause.
Proportion. All HST bridge and overpass types should exhibit principles of correct proportion, i.e., the relationship of height, width and thickness, to convey slenderness and strength. HST bridges and overpasses will be built in widely diverse locations and will span across a wide variety of conditions, from urban to rural, high to low visibility, in residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, and natural settings. Context-sensitive design solutions are encouraged in a collaborative process with local stakeholders. Common attributes will include quality, longevity, life cycle value and low maintenance. Consistent with federal, state and local policies promoting the integration of art into public buildings and places, artistic expression should be integrated into CHSTP structures when appropriate and feasible. Refer to section 3.5 Roles and Responsibilities for further information,
Proportion. Cement and sand shall be mixed in specified proportions, sand being measured in measuring boxes. The proportions will be by volume. The mortar may be hand mixed or machine mixed.
Proportion. Except in cases of emergency not more than four (4) enrolled nurses and/or assistants in nursing to each registered nurse shall be employed in a hospital and for this purpose a director of nursing shall count; provided that the proportions specified by this clause may be altered by agreement between the hospital concerned and the employees or their nominated Nurses Association (NSW) branch representative. Year 1 $826.62 $847.28 $868.46 Year 2 $853.39 $874.73 $896.59 Year 3 $880.05 $902.05 $924.60 Thereafter $907.89 $930.59 $953.86 Level 1 $1,036.98 $1,062.90 $1,089.48 Level 2 $1,081.72 $1,108.77 $1,136.49 Level 3 $1,104.74 $1,132.36 $1,160.67 Level 4 $1,129.76 $1,158.01 $1,186.96 Level 5 $1,150.66 $1,179.43 $1,208.92 Nurse-Undergoing Pre Registration training/ AIN in 3rd Year of U/G study $992.22 $1,017.03 $1,042.45 Level 1 (New Graduate) $1,150.66 $1,179.43 $1,208.92 Level 2 (Senior Graduate) $1,213.38 $1,243.71 $1,274.81 Level 3 $1,276.21 $1,308.12 $1,340.82 Level 4 $1,343.05 $1,376.62 $1,411.04 Level 5 $1,476.25 $1,513.15 $1,550.98 Level 6 $1,616.13 $1,656.53 $1,697.94 Level 7 $1,646.30 $1,687.46 $1,729.64 Grade 1 $1,681.89 $1,723.94 $1,767.04 Grade 2 $1,751.06 $1,794.84 $1,839.71 Grade 3 $1,845.61 $1,891.75 $1,939.05 Lactation Breast Care Specialist $1,681.89 $1,723.94 $1,767.04 Clinical Nurse Educator $1,681.89 $1,723.94 $1,767.04 Grade 1 Year 1 $1,865.70 $1,912.34 $1,960.15 Grade 1 Year 2 $1,918.20 $1,966.16 $2,015.31 Grade 1 Year 3 $1,965.30 $2,014.43 $2,064.79 Grade 2 Year 1 $1,965.30 $2,014.43 $2,064.79 Grade 2 Year 2 $2,068.07 $2,119.77 $2,172.77 Grade 1 $2,068.07 $2,119.77 $2,172.77 Grade 2 $2,112.24 $2,165.04 $2,219.17 Grade 3 $2,255.65 $2,312.04 $2,369.84 Level 1 $2,027.33 $2,078.01 $2,129.96 Level 2 $2,123.63 $2,176.73 $2,231.14 Level 3 $2,180.48 $2,234.99 $2,290.86 First Year $2,117.63 $2,170.58 $2,224.84 Second Year $2,161.33 $2,215.37 $2,270.75 Third Year $2,233.80 $2,289.64 $2,346.88 Assistant Director of Nursing $2,180.48 $2,234.99 $2,290.86 100 beds < 200 beds $2,180.48 $2,234.99 $2,290.86 200 beds < 250 beds $2,337.86 $2,396.31 $2,456.22 200 beds < 250 beds $2,568.89 $2,633.12 $2,698.94 250 beds < 350 beds $2,776.78 $2,846.20 $2,917.35 Grade 1 $ 32.77 $ 33.58 $ 34.42 Grade 2 $ 32.77 $ 33.58 $ 34.42 Grade 3 $ 65.53 $ 67.17 $ 68.85 Grade 1 $ 32.77 $ 33.58 $ 34.42 Grade 2 $ 32.77 $ 33.58 $ 34.42 Grade 3 $ 32.77 $ 33.58 $ 34.42 Grade 1 $ 32.77 $ 33.58 $ 34.42 Grade 2 $ 32.77 $ 33.58 $ 34.42 Grade 3 $ 65.53 $ 67.17 $ 68.85 Grade 2 $ 65.53 $...
Proportion. Except in cases of emergency not more than four Enrolled Nurses and/or Assistants in Nursing to each Registered Nurse shall be employed in the hospital and for this purpose a Director of Clinical Services shall count. Provided that the proportions specified by this clause may be altered in respect of any particular hospital by agreement between the hospital concerned and the Association.
25.1 Shift work loadings
25.1.1 Employees working afternoon or night shift shall be paid the following percentages in addition to the ordinary rate for such shift. Provided that employees who work less than 38 hours per week shall only be entitled to the additional rates where their shifts commence prior to 6.00 am or finish subsequent to 6.00 pm.
(a) Afternoon shift commencing at 10.00 am and before 1.00 pm - 10%;
(b) Afternoon shift commencing at 1.00 pm and before 4.00 pm - 12.5%;
(c) Night shift commencing at 4.00 pm and before 4.00 am - 15%;
(d) Night shift commencing at 4.00 am and before 6.00 am - 10%.
25.1.2 For the purposes of this clause day, afternoon and night shifts shall be defined as follows:
Proportion. For the purposes of clause 7.5, the Contribution Amount of each Contributing Shareholder must be determined by applying the following formula: A = B x C/D where: A = the Contribution Amount (rounded up or down to the nearest whole number at the discretion of the Board if A is not a whole number); B = the Shortfall Shares (expressed as a whole number rounded up or down at the discretion of the Board) or the Shortfall Loan (expressed as a dollar amount), as the case may be; C = the number of Shares held by that Contributing Shareholder at that time; and D = the total number of Shares held by all Contributing Shareholders at that time.
Proportion. Give the rent for less than a month, it will be completed. 10. missed the check. Write the amount that the lessor will win for any rejected checks. Step 5 Check the guarantee option 11.