Protection of Utilities Sample Clauses
Protection of Utilities. The Contractor shall carry out the Works so that there is the minimum of interruption to the supply of water, telephone, electricity and other services through existing mains and services. Work involving interference with existing works of any kind shall only be carried out with the permission of and during such times and in such a manner as are agreed in writing by the Engineer or competent Authority.
Protection of Utilities. THE SECOND PARAGRAPH IS CHANGED TO: Protect and support existing Department electrical and ITS facilities and ensure that there is no interruption of service. Use hand tools only while working within two feet of the fiber optic network. At least 30 days before beginning the work, submit a plan to the RE for approval showing the method of support and protection. When access to Traffic Operation Centers, communication hubs, ITS cabinets or any other ITS facilities is required to perform work, submit a request for access to ITS facilities. Ensure that the request for access is made at least five working days before any work is scheduled, using the online form available at: THE FOLLOWING IS ADDED: Jersey Central Power & Light Xxxxxx Xxxx 20 000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx (000) 000-0000 P.O. Box 1911 Morristown, New Jersey 07962-1911 Verizon-New Jersey, Inc. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx 20 000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx (000) 000-0000 Paterson, NJ 07051 New Jersey Natural Gas 0000 Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx (000) 000-0000 10 P.O. Box 1464 Wall, New Jersey 07719 Township of Parsippany-Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx X. Xxxx 10 Water Utility (000) 000-0000 Parsippany-Xxxx Hills Township 0000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Parsippany, NJ 07054 Township Of Parsippany-Xxxx Hills Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 10 Sanitary Sewer Utility (000) 000-0000 Parsippany-Xxxx Hills Township 0000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Parsippany, NJ 07054 Jersey Central Power & Light Install new poles at Frontage Road Station 4+25, 32’ Left and Station 4+95, 28’ Left. Relocate facilities between pole nos. 3800 to 41366. Remove existing pole nos. 3618 and 3801. Reset utility manhole casting at Littleton Road Station 22+47. Verizon-New Jersey, Inc. Relocate facilities between pole nos. 3800 10 to 41366. THE FOLLOWING IS ADDED AFTER THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: For steel and iron products incorporated into the Project, provide a certification from the manufacturer stating the country where the steel or iron product was melted and manufactured including application of coatings which protect or enhance the value of the material. Ensure that 4 copies of the manufacturer’s certification are provided with each delivery of steel and iron products. Retain 1 copy and submit 3 copies to the RE. Ensure that the certification includes, materials description, quantity of material represented by the certification, country of manufacture, and notarized signature of a person having legal authority to bind the supplier. If a Certification of Compliance as specified in 106.07 contains a statement reg...
Protection of Utilities. 38 Developer shall comply with the requirements of the Utility Companies relative to protection of 39 their individual Utilities from the effects of blasting operations. Developer shall also comply with 40 the following requirements when blasting operations are within 1,000 feet of transmission line 41 areas:
42 A. Electric detonators must not be used within 500 feet of any transmission line, unless the 43 safety of their use is demonstrated and documented in the Blasting Plan, including 44 measurements of stray and induced currents.
1 B. Developer shall provide written notification to Utility Companies a minimum of 10 2 Business Days prior to blasting within 1,000 feet of any transmission line.
3 C. Once blasting operations have begun, Developer shall proceed as continuously as 4 practicable with blasting operations in that area.
5 D. Developer shall prevent fly rock when any portion of any blast is within 300 feet of the 6 outside phase of the closest transmission line. Fly rock prevention measures include 7 covering the entire shot with mats or soil.
Protection of Utilities. THE FIRST PARAGRAPH IS CHANGED TO: If required by the Utility, provide the required advance notice before beginning the work within the vicinity of the utility. Protect and support existing utilities if work is proposed within 3 feet of the utilities, or to meet other conditions required by the Utility, and submit a plan to the Utility for approval that includes the method of support or protection to provide for uninterrupted service. Use hand tools only while working within 2 feet of the utility. At least 20 days before beginning the work, provide a copy of the plan and the Utility’s approval to the RE. Protect and support utilities according to the approved plan. Facility Daily Access Request Form is available at:xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/transportation/eng/elec/ITS/access.shtm. THE SECTION HEADING IS CHANGED TO: THE FOLLOWING IS ADDED TO THE END OF THE SUBSECTION: For telecommunication and video surveillance services or equipment a certification is required to confirm that the telecommunication and video surveillance services or equipment are not from companies as listed in 2 CFR 200.216. Ensure that the certification includes the statement that all telecommunication and video surveillance services or equipment proposed in this project are not produced by companies as listed in 2 CFR 200.216. THE SUBSECTION HEADING IS CHANGED TO: THE FOLLOWING IS ADDED TO THE END OF THE SUBSECTION: Comply with 2 CFR 200.216 Prohibition on Certain Telecommunication and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment. Do not provide Telecommunications equipment produced by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation (or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities). Do not provide video surveillance and telecommunications equipment produced by Hytera Communications Corporation, Hanghzou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, or Dahua Technology Company (or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities). Do not provide Telecommunications or video surveillance services provided by such entities or using such equipment. Do not provide Telecommunications or video surveillance equipment or services produced or provided by an entity that the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the director of the National Intelligence or the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity owned or controlled by, or otherwise connected to, the government of a covered foreign country. Do not provide any equipment assembled by others that has an integral componen...
Protection of Utilities. (a) The Contractor shall have, available onsite at all times, a minimum of one copy of the following:
(i) The City of Nanaimo Manual of Standards and Specifications (MoESS) latest edition;
(ii) Approved “Issued for Construction” drawings
(iii) Copies of all relevant permits
(iv) Locate information as defined below in 7.2(c)
(b) In performing the Work the Contractor shall protect the Work and the City’s property and other person’s property from damage. The Contractor shall, at the Contractor’s own expense, make good any such damage which arises as the result of the Contractor’s operations.
(c) Prior to commencing any Work, the Contractor shall complete a BC One Call and Dig Xxxx, and contact the City of Nanaimo and all third-party utilities to obtain the following:
(i) up-to-date information on the location of their underground mains and services within the Site area;
(ii) all special procedures required when Working near underground mains and services;
(iii) instructions for emergency action to be taken in the event of damage to these mains and services; and,
(iv) the contact name and phone number of a utility inspector, if required.
(d) Before commencing any excavation at the Place of the Work the Contractor shall:
(i) expose and determine conclusively the location in the field all underground utilities and structures indicated on the construction documents that can be reasonably determined as being at the Place of the Work;
(ii) consults with all utility corporations that provide electricity, communication, gas or other utility services in the area of the Place of the Work, to similarly expose and conclusively determine the location of all underground utilities for which they have records; and
(iii) similarly expose and conclusively determine the location of any other utilities or underground structures that are reasonably apparent in an inspection of the Place of the Work.
(e) It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to locate all existing mains and services, including but not limited to: water, gas, electricity, telephone, sewers, drains, catchbasin leads, and culverts to preserve and protect them from damage during the Work, and to arrange for their relocation if required.
(f) Measurements and locations of utilities and structures shown on the Construction Drawings are compiled from the most reliable data available, but are not guaranteed to be accurate or complete. All such measurements and locations and any plans or descriptions, verbal or o...
Protection of Utilities. The PDBT shall not interrupt the service function or disturb the support of any utility, such as the base and thrust blocks, without authority from the owner or order from the CITY. All valves, switches, vaults, and meters shall be maintained readily accessible for emergency shutoff. Where protection is required to ensure support of utilities located by the CITY in accordance with the Contract Documents, the PDBT shall, unless otherwise provided, furnish and place the necessary protection at its expense. The PDBT shall immediately notify the Engineer and the utility owner if any utility is disturbed or damaged. The PDBT shall bear the costs of repair or replacement of any utility damaged. When placing concrete around or contiguous to any non-metallic utility installation, the PDBT at its expense, shall:
(a) Furnish and install a two inch (2”) cushion expansion joint material or other similar resilient material ; or
(b) Provide a sleeve or other opening which will result in a two inch (2”) minimum clear annular space between the concrete and the utility; or
(c) Provide other acceptable means to prevent embedment in or bonding to the concrete. Where concrete is used for backfill or for structures which would result in embedment, or partial embedment, of a metallic utility installation; or where the coating, bedding or other cathodic protection system is exposed or damaged by the PDBT’s operations or as may be required by the Work, the PDBT shall notify the Engineer and arrange to secure the advice of the affected utility owner regarding the procedures required to maintain or restore the integrity of the system.
Protection of Utilities. THE SECOND PARAGRAPH IS CHANGED TO: Protect and support existing Department electrical and ITS facilities and ensure that there is no interruption of service. Use hand tools only while working within two feet of the fiber optic network. At least 30 days before beginning the work, submit a plan to the RE for approval showing the method of support and protection. When access to Traffic Operation Centers, communication hubs, ITS cabinets or any other ITS facilities is required to perform work, submit a request for access to ITS facilities. Ensure that the request for access is made at least five working days before any work is scheduled, using the online form as specified in the Special Provisions. xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/transportation/eng/elec/ITS/access.shtm THE FOLLOWING IS ADDED AFTER THE FIRST PARAGRAPH: For steel and iron products incorporated into the Project, provide a certification from the manufacturer stating the country where the steel or iron product was melted and manufactured including application of coatings which protect or enhance the value of the material. Ensure that 4 copies of the manufacturer’s certification are provided with each delivery of steel and iron products. Retain 1 copy and submit 3 copies to the RE or authorized representative. Ensure that the certification includes, materials description, quantity of material represented by the certification, country of manufacture, and notarized signature of a person having legal authority to bind the supplier. If a Certification of Compliance as specified in 106.07 contains a statement regarding the country of manufacture, a separate certification is not necessary. No substitution is permitted.
Protection of Utilities. Contractor shall protect from damage public and private utilities encountered during the performance of any Work under this Agreement. Prior to beginning any Work, Contractor shall give proper notification to the agencies that have utilities in place, and shall cooperate with these agencies in the protection and relocation of underground utilities, facilities and structures.
Protection of Utilities a) The Contractor shall inform himself of the locations of all utilities in the vicinity of the site of the Work and shall take suitable care to protect and prevent damage to such utilities from his operations under this Contract.
b) When performing Work adjacent to existing sewers, drains, water and gas lines, electric or telephone or telegraph conduits or cables, poles lines or poles, or other utility equipment or structures, which are located outside of the neat lines of the excavations to be made or of the structures to be constructed under this Contract and which are to remain in operation, the Contractor shall maintain such utility equipment and structures in place at his own expense and shall cooperate with the County department, utility company or other party owning or operating such utility equipment or structures in the maintenance thereof.
c) The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall repair all damage to any such utility equipment or structures caused by his acts, whether negligent or otherwise, or his omission to act, whether negligent or otherwise and shall leave such utility equipment or structures in as good condition as they were in prior to the commencement of his operations under this Contract, however, it is hereby agreed that any such utility equipment or structures damaged as a result of any act, or omission to act, of the Contractor may, at the option of the County department, utility company, or other party owning or operating such utility equipment or structures damaged, be repaired by such County department, utility company, or other party and in such event the cost of such repairs shall be borne by the Contractor.
Protection of Utilities. Where there are electric or telephone poles, hydrants, water or gas mains or other pipes, conduits or other construction either public or private in or on the street, the Contractor shall conduct the work in such a manner as will not cause any damage to such property or any undue interruption or delay in the operation of same. The Contractor shall make all reasonable efforts to locate and protect all underground structures and shall comply with NM State Excavation Law pursuant to Chapter 62 article 14 XXXX 0000 (Excavation Law) and NMAC Public Regulation Commission Rules and Regulations, Title 18, Chapter 60: Part 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 as well as Title 17 Chapter 11 Part 26 – 811 Services. Contractor shall further provide written certification that NM 811 was contacted and that contractor complied with all instructions provided as a result of that contact.