Water Utility Sample Clauses

Water Utility. You will be responsible for the entirety of the water xxxx for your property. This is considered additional rent and can be collected on in rent court. By signing below, you acknowledge and agree to the terms in Section 14.
Water Utility. Water utility managers and staff to be accountable to the corresponding WB under a performance agreement or contract for the operation and maintenance of the city water supply and sanitation system.
Water Utility. Any water treatment and distribution certificates achieved by employees in water classifications which are above the requirements of the job will be paid at $50.00 per month per certificate. $50 for the first certificate, $100 per month for the second certificate, $150 per month for the third certificate, etc. These certificate pays do not stack. For example, if an employee receives $150 for the third certificate, he/shethey will not receive pay for the first and second certificates. This includes D1-D5 and T1-T5. The parties agree that to the extent permitted by law, the compensation for water treatment and distribution certificates is special compensation and shall be reported as such pursuant to Title 2 CCR, Section 571(a)(2) and Section 571.1(b)(2) Educational Incentive Pay.
Water Utility. The renter shall pay all water utility usage & daily charges (including penalties) during the term of this tenancy that are not included in the property rates.
Water Utility. The following procedures will be used to determine the selection of personnel for overtime work assignments. The selection of personnel will vary somewhat due to varying circumstances. This policy shall apply to all bargaining unit titles. JOB ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Job assignments for members of the Tri-Council at the Distribution Division of the Water Utility will be made using the following criteria: a. Short term (less than the full winter or summer cycle) assignments will be made at managements’ discretion. b. Full term (the entire normal winter or summer cycle) assignments will be made on the basis in a given title when openings occur on a particular crew. If there will be an opening for a full cycle on a crew, management will ask those employees working the same title as that opening if they are interested in the position. This will be recorded, and the most senior employee working in that title interested in the job will be given the position, provided the employee is qualified. Should management have valid reasons not to appoint this candidate to the position, those reasons shall be given to the candidate in writing. If no one is interested in a position, the assignment will be made to the least senior Employee regularly working that title. c. Definitions for this section: 1. Seniority used shall be Class Seniority per 11.1B.
Water Utility. Backflow Prevention Device Tester License - $50.00/mo. Offered through the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and USC Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Prevention. Eligible position(s): Water System Worker I, Water System Worker II, Water Treatment Plant Operator, and Senior Water Worker. The parties agree that to the extent permitted by law, the compensation for the Backflow Prevention Tester License above is special compensation and shall be reported as such pursuant to Title 2 CCR, Section 571(a)(2) and Section 571.1(b)(2) Educational Incentive Pay. Any water treatment and distribution certificates achieved by employees in water classifications which are above the requirements of the job will be paid $50.00 per month for the first certificate, $100 per month for the second certificate, $150 per month for the third certificate, etc. These certificate pays do not stack. For example, if an employee receives $150 for the third certificate, they will not receive pay for the first and second certificates. This includes D1-D5 and T1-T5. The certificates for which there will be no pay are as follows: • Water System Worker I: D-1 • Water System Worker II: D-1 and D-2 • Water Treatment Plant Operator: D-1, D-2, T-1, T-2, and T-3 • Senior Water System Worker: T-1, T-2, and T-3 • Water System Inspector: D-1 and D-2 The parties agree that to the extent permitted by law, the compensation for water treatment and distribution certificates is special compensation and shall be reported as such pursuant to Title 2 CCR, Section 571(a)(2) and Section 571.1(b)(2) Educational Incentive Pay.
Water Utility. The following procedures will be used to determine the selection of personnel for overtime work assignments. This policy shall apply to all bargaining unit titles. DEFINITIONS: Daily Overtime List: OVERTIME LIST ELIGIBILITY: 1. There shall be two overtime lists with the night shift and day shifts having separate overtime lists. 2. A person holding more than one title shall use his/her normal working title for the overtime list. 3. If a person is off a day for vacation, floating holiday or compensatory time, he/she will, be eligible to be called for overtime work that starts after the conclusion of their regular work day. If an employee is off a day for sick leave, he/she will not be called for overtime work until the following day. If an employee is off sick on the last day of the regular work week, he/she may be called for overtime work on his/her two regular days off if he/she has called in to return to work. If that employee, is then off sick on the first day of his/her work week, he/she will need a doctor’s certificate to be paid for that day. Any employee that does not work when forced because they are sick must provide a medical certification before returning to work.
Water Utility. The parties recognize that portions of the water utility within Subdivision that City will obtain if annexation occurs are aging, damaged and/or in need of an upgrade in order to be able to meet City standards. The CETEC Report attached to this Agreement as Exhibit 2 identifies possible water loss, areas that are aging, damaged, and/or defective within the water utility and recommends various alternatives and improvements; the parties have reviewed the CETEC report and agree with its recommendations. Within two years of adoption of the Annexation Resolution, City agrees to complete the improvements to the water system as recommended in the CETEC report with Exhibit 3 revised Figure 10 (3-17-14), other than those improvements discussed in Paragraph 4, which are the duty of the Association, and Paragraph 5A, B, D, E, F, G, and H, which City will complete under the time line in those paragraphs. These improvements are described in Exhibit 2 Section V. “Alternatives Considered” subsection B.2. “City of Rapid City”, shown in Exhibit 3 revised Figure 10 (3-17- 14) of the CETEC report, and further described in Exhibit 2 Section VIIProposed ProjectRecommended Alternativesubsection 2. “Connect to Regional Water System – City of Rapid City (page 50) and generally include the following: - 8” Water Main Connection, Tanager Drive to Muirfield Drive adjacent to Sheridan Lake Road. - 8” Water Main Loop Raven Circle to Tanager. - Abandon existing water xxxxx if Association has no other use for the xxxxx.
Water Utility 

Related to Water Utility

  • New utilities (i) The Contractor shall allow, subject to the permission from the Authority and such conditions as the Authority may specify, access to, and use of the Site for laying telephone lines, water pipes, electricity lines/ cables or other public utilities. Where such access or use causes any financial loss to the Contractor, it may require the user of the Site to pay compensation or damages as per Applicable Laws. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that use of the Site under this Clause 9.3 shall not in any manner relieve the Contractor of its obligation to construct and maintain the Project Highway in accordance with this Agreement and any damage caused by such use shall be restored forthwith at the cost of the Authority. (ii) The Authority may, by notice, require the Contractor to connect any adjoining road to the Project Highway, and the connecting portion thereof falling within the Site shall be constructed by the Contractor at the Authority’s cost in accordance with Article 10. (iii) The Authority may by notice require the Contractor to connect, through a paved road, any adjoining service station, hotel, motel or any other public facility or amenity to the Project Highway, whereupon the connecting portion thereof that falls within the Site shall be constructed by the Contractor on payment of the cost. The cost to be paid by the Authority to the Contractor shall be determined by the Authority’s Engineer. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event such road is to be constructed for the benefit of any entity, the Authority may require such entity to make an advance deposit with the Contractor or the Authority, as the case may be, of an amount equal to the estimated cost as determined by the Authority’s Engineer and such advance shall be adjusted against the cost of construction as determined by the Authority’s Engineer hereunder. (iv) In the event construction of any Works is affected by a new utility or works undertaken in accordance with this Clause 9.3, the Contractor shall be entitled to a reasonable Time Extension as determined by the Authority’s Engineer.

  • Underground Utilities Any required ground digging or subsurface work shall be done in accordance with Chapter 556, Florida Statutes. It shall be the responsibility of CONTRACTOR to have all underground utilities located before any work begins (Sunshine State One Call 0-000-000-0000). The repairs of any damaged underground utilities as a result of the work being performed by CONTRACTOR shall be the responsibility of CONTRACTOR. The proper utility company shall be contacted immediately to expedite the repairs, if damage has occurred. CONTRACTOR will notify the COUNTY and provide a written explanation of the incident within two (2) days of the damage to any underground utilities.

  • COMMON UTILITIES Expenses for serving/supply of common facilities and utilities and all charges incidental thereto.

  • Stormwater Notwithstanding any other provisions or terms of this Agreement, Company acknowledges that certain properties within the Premises or on Authority-owned land are subject to stormwater rules and regulations. Company agrees to observe and abide by such stormwater rules and regulations as may be applicable to the Premises, and, if applicable, Company hereby expressly covenants, warrants, and represents to Authority, in connection with Company’s operations on the Premises, the following: A. Company is required to submit a Notice of Intent to use the State of Florida Multi-Sector Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge Associated with Industrial Activity. Authority and Company both acknowledge that close cooperation is necessary to ensure compliance with any stormwater discharge permit terms and conditions, as well as to ensure safety and to minimize the cost of compliance. Company acknowledges further that it may be necessary to undertake actions to minimize the exposure of stormwater to “significant materials” (as such term may be defined by applicable stormwater rules and regulations) generated, stored, handled, or otherwise used by Company by implementing and maintaining “best management practices” (BMPs) (as such term may be defined in applicable stormwater rules and regulations). Company will establish a BMP plan for the Premises and submit a copy to Authority. B. Company will be knowledgeable of any stormwater discharge permit requirements applicable to Company and with which Company will be obligated to comply. The submittal of a Notice of Intent will be made by Company to the FDEP, and a copy will be submitted to Authority. Company is required to comply with the following requirements including, but not limited to, certification of non-stormwater discharges; collection of stormwater samples; preparation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan or similar plans; implementation of BMPs; and maintenance and submittal of necessary records. In complying with such requirements, Company will observe applicable deadlines set by the regulatory agency that has jurisdiction over the permit. Company agrees to undertake, at its sole expense, those stormwater permit requirements for which it has received written notice from the regulatory agency and that apply to the Premises, and Company agrees that it will hold harmless and indemnify Authority for any violations or non-compliance with any such permit requirements.

  • Electric If Customer has selected an Electricity Fixed Rate on the Application, Customer’s Price will be based on the Fixed Rate(s) which includes Local and State taxes, Gross Receipts Tax (GRT), PJM Adjustment (defined below) charges and adjustments and Utility applied charges and/or fees related to generation, plus the Administration Charge, which includes, Electricity Balancing Amount and third party utility and billing charges.

  • Utility Any service provided by an outside source or manufactured in-house that facilitates building operations (e.g., gas, water, electricity, fire suppression water, fire alarm systems).

  • Utility Services Company agrees to pay the full cost and expense associated with its use of all utilities, including but not limited to water, sanitary sewer, electric, storm drainage, and telecommunication services.

  • Local Utility Services XOOM is an independent retail marketer of natural gas and is not affiliated with your local utility. Your local utility will continue to deliver your natural gas, read your meter, send your bill, and make necessary repairs. Your local utility will also respond to emergencies and provide other basic utility services as required. XOOM is not an agent of your local utility and your utility will not be liable for any of XOOM’s acts, omissions, or representations.

  • Wastewater investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of infrastructure that supports wastewater and storm water collection, treatment, and management systems. Note: Investments in health infrastructure (e.g., hospitals, long-term care facilities, convalescent centres, and senior centres) are not eligible. Eligible Expenditures will be limited to the following: 1. Infrastructure investments – expenditures associated with acquiring, planning, designing, constructing, or renovating a tangible capital asset and any related debt financing charges specifically identified with that asset. 2. Capacity-building costs – for projects eligible under the capacity-building category only, expenditures associated with the development and implementation of: • Capital investment plans, integrated community sustainability plans, integrated regional plans, housing needs assessments, or asset management plans; • Studies, strategies, systems, software, third-party assessments, plans, or training related to asset management; • Studies, strategies, systems, or plans related to housing or land use; • Studies, strategies, or plans related to the long-term management of infrastructure; and • Other initiatives that strengthen the Recipient’s ability to improve local and regional planning. 3. Joint communications and signage costs – expenditures directly associated with joint federal communication activities and with federal project signage.

  • Utilities The Landlord shall provide the following utilities and services to the Tenant: _