REASSIGNMENT PROCESS. The University reserves the right to temporarily or permanently reassign students to another residence hall space at any time during the term of occupancy.
REASSIGNMENT PROCESS. The administrator will inform bargaining unit employees at the site by a written and e-mail posting including an application deadline, which shall be at least two (2) work days after the posting. Bargaining unit employees who file a Voluntary Transfer and Reassignment Form (Appendix G-1) will be considered according to the factors set forth in paragraph A.5 of this Article. Subsequent vacancies created by application of this paragraph shall be posted and filled in the same manner until the end of the annual Reassignment process.
REASSIGNMENT PROCESS. At any point during the Academic Year, residents of rooms that are not occupied at capacity may be required to relocate to a space in another room or residence hall, and/or accept that another student may be assigned to the vacancy that exists in their room. The College reserves the right to temporarily or permanently reassign students at any time during the term of occupancy.
REASSIGNMENT PROCESS. Reassignments shall be based upon a three (3) step process as follows: An opportunity for unit members with eleven (11) or less years of experience to request a reassignment to a reassignment opening. (Step 1) An opportunity for unit members with twelve (12) or more years of experience to request a reassignment to a reassignment opening, or a second request by a unit member with eleven (11) or less years of experience to request a reassignment to a reassignment opening. (Step 2) Unit members who desire a reassignment shall submit, no later than March 1, a reassignment request form to their site administrator. The request shall list from one (1) to three (3) preferences of the unit member and those preferences shall remain throughout the reassignment process.
REASSIGNMENT PROCESS. The College reserves the right to temporarily or permanently reassign students to another residence hall space at any time during the term of occupancy. ROOM CHANGES: A student may not move from his/her assigned space to another without the prior authorization of the Residence Life office. A request to make such a change must be initiated through the appropriate Residence Director and approved by the Director of Housing. Students who move without authorization may be subject to a fine up to $200.00 and/or cancellation of their space assignment. REFUNDS: Room charges are refundable to students who officially withdraw from the College under the same formula and conditions as those applicable to tuition subject to policies published in the Messiah College Catalog.
REASSIGNMENT PROCESS. Prior to making tentative assignments, the site principal will announce site vacancies and their requirements to the site staff. These vacancies shall be sent via e-mail and posted in the site office. Each vacancy announcement shall remain posted for a period of at least three (3) business days, during which time bargaining unit member may apply. Such posting(s) shall include pertinent information about the vacancy (including specific skills and other requirements) and the deadline for submitting requests for consideration.
REASSIGNMENT PROCESS. An employee who desires a reassignment shall submit a completed Reassignment Request Form (Appendix K) to the building principal by April 1. Employees may request additional reassignments after April 1 and the building principal may grant such request at his/her discretion when the reassignment does not create substantial added staffing concerns. In determination of reassignments, the building will determine qualifications of each in-building applicant desiring said position. Qualifications shall be determined using the following criteria and the employee meeting the greatest number of criteria shall be offered the assignment. a. Certificated endorsement for the grade level, subject area, or program. b. Previous proficient in all criterion areas/successful experience in the grade level or subject area. c. Additional related educational background or training. Upon request of the employee, the building principal will arrange a meeting to discuss reasons for non-selection.
REASSIGNMENT PROCESS. A. Absent exigent circumstances, Xxxxxxx will remain in their current research group while seeking reassignment within the organization or are being reassigned by the Agency. However, the Agency retains the right to make alternative arrangements, including temporary reassignment with stipend. B. The Agency will notify the Union of all reassignments as soon as practicable. C. The Agency maintains its management rights and does not guarantee reassignment.


  • Reassignment The Superintendent cannot be reassigned from the position of Superintendent to another position without the Superintendent’s express written consent.

  • Assignment; Subcontracting (a) Except as expressly provided in Section 12(b) below, this Agreement shall not be assignable or delegable, whether by merger, operation of law or otherwise, by any Fund without the written consent of BNY Mellon, or by BNY Mellon without the written consent of the affected Fund, in each case which consent may not be unreasonably withheld. This Agreement shall extend to and shall be binding upon the Parties hereto, and their permitted successors and assigns. (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing: (i) BNY Mellon may assign or transfer this Agreement to any BNY Mellon Affiliate or transfer this Agreement in connection with a sale of a majority or more of its assets, equity interests or voting control, provided that BNY Mellon gives the relevant Funds ninety (90) days' prior written notice of such assignment or transfer and such assignment or transfer does not impair the provision of services under this Agreement in any material respect, and the assignee or transferee agrees in writing to be bound by all terms of this Agreement in place of BNY Mellon; (ii) BNY Mellon may subcontract with, hire, engage or otherwise outsource to any BNY Mellon Affiliate with respect to the performance of any one or more of the functions, services, duties or obligations of BNY Mellon under this Agreement but any such subcontracting, hiring, engaging or outsourcing shall not relieve BNY Mellon of any of its liabilities or obligations hereunder and BNY Mellon shall remain responsible for all activities, including all acts and omissions, of such BNY Mellon Affiliates to the same extent as if such activities were performed by BNY Mellon; (iii) BNY Mellon may subcontract with, hire, engage or otherwise outsource to an unaffiliated third party with respect to the performance of any one or more of the functions, services, duties or obligations of BNY Mellon under this Agreement but any such subcontracting, hiring, engaging or outsourcing shall (A) require the prior written consent of the relevant Funds and (B) not relieve BNY Mellon of any of its liabilities hereunder; and (iv) BNY Mellon, in the course of providing certain additional services requested by a Fund (“Vendor Eligible Services”) as further described in Schedule I attached hereto, may in its sole discretion, enter into an agreement or agreements with a financial printer or electronic services provider (“Vendor”) to provide BNY Mellon with the ability to generate certain reports or provide certain functionality; provided, however, that BNY Mellon shall ensure prior to any assignment, transfer, subcontracting, hiring, engaging or other outsourcing, as applicable, under subsections (i) through (iv) that the applicable BNY Mellon Affiliate, unaffiliated third party or Vendor is subject to written confidentiality, security and data protection obligations at least as restrictive as those set forth in this Agreement. BNY Mellon shall not be obligated to perform any of the Vendor Eligible Services unless an agreement between BNY Mellon and the Vendor for the provision of such services is then-currently in effect. Upon request, BNY Mellon will disclose the identity of the Vendor and the status of the contractual relationship, and a Fund is free to attempt to contract directly with the Vendor for the provision of the Vendor Eligible Services. (c) As compensation for the Vendor Eligible Services rendered by BNY Mellon pursuant to this Agreement, the applicable Fund will pay to BNY Mellon such fees as may be agreed to in writing by the Fund and BNY Mellon. In turn, BNY Mellon will be responsible for paying the Vendor’s fees. For the avoidance of doubt, BNY Mellon anticipates that the fees it charges hereunder will be more than the fees charged to it by the Vendor, and BNY Mellon will retain the difference between the amount paid to BNY Mellon hereunder and the fees BNY Mellon pays to the Vendor as compensation for the additional services provided by BNY Mellon in the course of making the Vendor Eligible Services available to the Fund.