Regular Vacation Sample Clauses

Regular Vacation. Paid annual vacations for all Permanent Employees shall be as follows: (a) When a change in status between Permanent Full-time and Part-time occurs, vacation entitlement will be adjusted accordingly. No employees will lose any entitlement already earned as a result of a change of status. (i) In the first calendar year of service or part thereof, vacation will be granted on the basis of ten (10) days pro-rated. (ii) During the second (2nd) full calendar year of service up to and including the seventh (7th) calendar year of service - fifteen (15) working days. (iii) During the eighth (8th) calendar year of service up to and including the fifteenth (15th) calendar year of service – twenty (20) working days. (iv) During the sixteenth (16th) calendar year of service up to and including the twenty-third (23rd) calendar year of service – twenty-five (25) working days. (v) During the twenty-fourth (24th) calendar year of service and all subsequent years of service - thirty (30) working days.
Regular Vacation. During the first calendar year of employment, an employee will begin to earn regular vacation as of the first day of employment up to a maximum of eighty (80) hours. Vacation may not be used by the employee until they successfully complete their probationary period. Thereafter, the employee will be allowed a regular vacation of eighty (80) hours in each calendar year.
Regular Vacation. The Company and Union recognize the necessity for all personnel to get away from their regular work environments on annual vacation. Therefore employees who meet the following service year requirements at January 1 annually are entitled to vacation as follows:
Regular Vacation. An employee with less than one vacation service year calculated to January 1 shall receive 1 day of vacation for each complete .08 of a vacation service year acquired by him during the previous calendar year up to a maximum of ten days with vacation pay of four per cent of the total wages paid to such employee during the previous calendar year.
Regular Vacation. (a) Paid Annual Vacation for all Permanent Full-time Employees shall be as follows (see also Article 13.06). When a change in status between Permanent Full-time and Part-time occurs, vacation entitlement will be adjusted accordingly. No Employees will lose any entitlement already earned as a result of a change of status: (i) Employees leaving the service in less than twelve (12) months from the date of appointment shall be granted Vacation pay in accordance with the Employment Standards Act.
Regular Vacation. The employee will not accrue vacation during any period of the leave or layoff, so that the employee’s entitlement will be pro-rated for any portion of the year in which he is so absent.
Regular Vacation. Paid annual vacation for all Permanent Employees shall be as follows (see also 12.05): (a) When a change in status between Permanent Full-time and Part-time occurs, vacation entitlement will be adjusted accordingly. No Employees will lose any entitlement already earned as a result of a change of status. (i) In the first calendar year of service or part thereof, vacation will be granted on the basis of fifteen (15) days pro-rated. (ii) During the second (2nd) calendar year of service up to and including the seventh (7th) calendar year of service - fifteen (15) working days. (iii) During the eighth (8th) calendar year of service up to and including the fifteenth (15th) calendar year of service – twenty (20) working days. (iv) During the sixteenth (16th) calendar year of service up to and including the twenty-third (23rd) calendar year of service – twenty-five (25) working days. (v) During the twenty-fourth (24th) calendar year of service and all subsequent years of service - thirty (30) working days. (c) Vacation Adjustment Due to Sick Leave Annual Vacation credits in the following year shall be pro-rated and reduced as follows: (i) Up to seventy-nine (79) cumulative working days of absence on Sick Leave between the first and the last pay period of the year (January 1 – December 31) will not result in any reduction of Vacation entitlement. (ii) Cumulative absences of eighty (80) working days or more on Sick Leave between the first and the last pay period of the year will result in the pro-rating of Vacation credits according to the following formula:
Regular Vacation. (A) Full-time employees will be eligible to accrue annual leave which may be used for vacations, time off to attend business, and for personal reasons. Accrual of annual leave is computed from the anniversary date of employment. Annual leave accrues at the following rate: (1) 0 - 5 years (0 - 71 month) = 7 hours per month/84 hours per year; (2) 6 - 10 years (72 - 131 months) = 8 hours per month/96 hours per year; (3) 11+ years (132+ months) = 10 hours per month/120 hours per year;
Regular Vacation. Entitlements will be pro-rated in the year the accrual ceases (after being off work for twelve (12) months), and also in the year the accrual restarts.
Regular Vacation. Vacation time shall be earned at the rate of one-half (1/2) day of vacation per month, starting with the employees first full month of employment. Vacation earned will be used in the following calendar year. In the case of the first year employee, vacation must be scheduled after the employee's first anniversary date. On the employee's fifth anniversary date, he shall begin earning vacation time at the rate of one (1) day of vacation time per month. Vacation time earned will be used in the following calendar year. Up to twenty four (24) hours of vacation time per calendar year may be taken in increments of not less than one (1) hour at the convenience of the employee regardless of shift minimums. These twenty four (24) hours “on-demand” shall not be taken on holidays as defined by this agreement (section 5:3). The employee will attempt to give as much notice as possible with a minimum of one (1) hour notice when taking vacation time “on-demand”. Vacation time “on-demand” shall not be used during the Fourth of July Festival. No more than one (1) person shall be allowed to utilize vacation time “on- demand” at the same time.