Representation and Recognition Sample Clauses

Representation and Recognition. 1. The Union, having been duly certified by the National Labor Relations Board, is hereby recognized by the Company as the sole bargaining representative for all employees in the job classifications listed in Exhibit A. 2. The occupational titles of the employees covered herein are listed in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. The Company recognizes authorized representatives of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 19 as representatives of the Union. The Union shall inform the Company, in writing, of names of authorized representatives.
Representation and Recognition. San Francisco Official Court Reporters Association/International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers, Local 21 is the exclusive bargaining representative for classification 500C employees.
Representation and Recognition. The City recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all regular full time fire fighters and full time medics employed by the City's Fire Department, but excluding Assistant Fire Chiefs and the Fire Chief. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "fire fighter" shall refer to the regular full time fire fighters exclusively; the term "medic" shall refer to the full time ambulance attendants exclusively; and the term "employee" shall refer to both inclusively.
Representation and Recognition. 1. The Union, having been recognized by the Company as the bargaining agency for certain employees in a bargaining unit of ComEd (sometimes referred to as “System Services Group“) is hereby recognized by the Company as the exclusive bargaining representative for all employees in such unit. 2. The occupational titles of the employees covered by this Labor Agreement are listed in Exhibit A attached and made a part hereof. Wherever occupational titles in the Labor Agreement indicate either masculine or feminine form, the titles are intended to include all employees without regard to sex. 3. The Company agrees that to the extent that the work to be performed by the employees covered by this Labor Agreement is work of the type that has been ordinarily and customarily performed by ComEd’s regular employees covered by the April 1, 2001 and subsequent Collective Bargaining Agreements [hereafter referred to as “CBA”] between Commonwealth Edison and Local 15, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, such work may be assigned by the Company or ComEd to employees covered by this Labor Agreement or to employees covered by the CBA, or both, with each assignment to be performed under the wages, fringe benefits, and terms and conditions of this Labor Agreement or the CBA.
Representation and Recognition. Section 1. Pursuant to Article 14 of the New York State Civil Service Law, the College hereby recognizes the CSEA as the sole and exclusive representative for the Physical Plant Department, for the employees hereinafter defined as Maintenance Mechanic, Custodian, Stores Clerk, Xxxxxxxxx, Electrician, Plumber, Painter, Water Treatment Plant Operator, Building Maintenance Helper, Cleaner, Laborer, Custodial Worker, Groundskeeper, and Stationery Engineer, exclusive of temporary or part-time (as defined in Civil Service law), managerial and confidential positions, for the purpose of collective negotiations with respect to wages, hours, working conditions, grievances and administration of other terms and conditions arising under this agreement and hereby grants the Union unchallenged representation status for the term of this agreement. Section 2. In the event new titles are created by the College in the Physical Plant Department during the term of this agreement, the Union will be informed in writing fifteen (15) days prior to the establishment of such new titles. In the event the College and the Union cannot agree as to whether the new titles are to be included in the bargaining unit, the Union has the right to submit the question to representatives of the Public Employment Relations Board.
Representation and Recognition. The Union having been certified as a result of an election conducted by the State of New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commission as the representative for the purposes of collective negotiations is hereby recognized by the Authority as the exclusive representative of all employees in the negotiating unit. The negotiating unit shall consist of all full and part-time white and blue collar employees of the Authority except all managerial executives, supervisors, confidential employees and police within the meaning of the Public Employment Relations Act.
Representation and Recognition. The College hereby recognizes the New York State Law Enforcement Officers Union, Council 82, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, as the sole and exclusive representative for all permanent, provisional and probationary full-time and part-time employees employed in the civil service classification of College Security Guard, Campus Safety Officer, and Senior Campus Safety Officer. All college students registered for six or more credit hours who do not hold a civil service appointment in the title of College Security Guard/ Campus Safety Officer/Sr. Campus Safety Officer and all other titles are excluded from the bargaining unit.
Representation and Recognition. 1.1. The Union, having proved to the satisfaction of the Company that it represents a majority of the regular employees of the Company in the bargaining unit set forth below, is hereby recognized by the Company, except as provided below, as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative of such employees. The bargaining unit covered by this agreement is: (a) Except as provided elsewhere in this agreement, all regular, full and part-time employees falling within the classifications listed in the Wage Rate Schedule attached, as certified as an appropriate bargaining unit by the National Labor Relations Board or recognized by the Company. (b) Accordingly, the Company agrees to meet and treat with the Union on all matters concerning hours of labor, rates of pay, working conditions, grievances, and other conditions of employment for the employees referred to above. (c) The Company and the Union agree that the application of the various provisions of this agreement shall in no way serve to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or otherwise affect his status as an employee because of such individual's race, color, creed, ancestry, religion, national origin, sex, age, place of birth, marital status, or liability for service in the armed forces of the United States. (d) Any reference in this agreement to the masculine gender shall also be deemed to include the feminine gender. 1.2. For the purpose of this agreement, executives, administrators, professional or sales persons as defined by the Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, cadets, as defined below, all supervisory employees and non-regular part-time employees shall be excluded from the terms of this agreement. 1.3. It is understood and agreed that cadets employed by the Company at its discretion, not to exceed in number two (2) percent of the employees covered hereby, for the purpose of training and instruction in technical and allied lines of work, may be assigned to duty for the purpose of instruction within the classifications covered hereby, provided, however, that such assignments shall not displace or replace any employee covered (nor affect any right or benefit guaranteed to such employee) by the terms of this agreement. In this connection, the Company will give preferred consideration to any employee covered hereby, who is qualified for cadet training, when selecting individuals for assignment to such training. The...
Representation and Recognition. (The employer) and (UNISON/the joint unions) recognise the key role of union workplace reps in the successful realisation of lifelong learning. The union will appoint union learning representatives in accordance with its rules. These will be notified to the employer by the union. The employer will normally allow time off for training within six months of notification of appointment by the union. Union learning representatives will be afforded time off to perform their duties in accordance with the relevant ACAS code of practice. UNISON will provide appropriate training for union learning representatives.
Representation and Recognition. The basis of this Agreement is the relationship established, pursuant to the Public Employees Fair Employment Act (Article 14 of the Civil Service Law) when, on 19 September 2002 the Xxxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx Central School District Board of Education, recognized the Xxxxxxxxxx- Xxxxxxxx Support Staff Association as the exclusive representative for the purpose of collective negotiations and the settlement of grievances for all employees in the defined bargaining unit.