Earning Vacation Sample Clauses
Earning Vacation. Vacation, as established by Section 1 of this Article, earned during 1 contract year (July 1 through June 30) period can be taken in the year it is accrued and/or through August 30 of the following contract year.
Earning Vacation. A new hire and an employee moving from short to long schedule appointed to an office support personnel position, Time Schedule 522, prior to June 30 and who was not on Time Schedule 522 prior to the appointment, shall be authorized ten days of vacation entitlement – to be taken during the calendar year of the appointment. These days may not be “carried over.”
1. A newly-hired employee may not take vacation during his/her probationary period. In the event of a separation of employment during the probationary period, the newly-hired employee shall not be entitled to any payment for vacation days.
2. Where a newly-hired employee has completed his/her probationary period but separates from employment before the completion of the calendar year of appointment, the District shall determine whether the employee is entitled to any payment for vacation days. For each month of service after a newly-hired employee’s appointment date, the employee shall be credited with one day of vacation to a maximum of ten days.
3. If the newly-hired employee has taken more vacation days than the number credited, that employee must pay back the difference between the number of days taken and credited. The District may recover the amount through payroll deduction or otherwise.
4. If the newly-hired employee has taken fewer vacation days than the number credited, the District must pay that employee the difference between the number of days taken and credited.
5. A newly-hired employee appointed before August 31 who completed his/her probationary period and is not separated from employment, may carry over up to three (3) vacation days into the first full calendar year of employment.
6. “The Calendar Year of Appointment” is the year in which an employee is appointed as a new hire or is transferred from a short schedule to a long schedule assignment.
7. “The first full calendar year of employment” is the calendar year following the Calendar Year of Appointment.
8. A calendar year is the period from January 1 – December 31.
Earning Vacation. Employees must be performing assigned duties or on authorized paid leave in order to accrue vacation. Employees performing assigned duties or on authorized leave with less than eighty (80) hours in a pay period shall accrue vacation leave on a prorated basis of the number of hours worked. Vacation leave accruals may only be used once they appear on the employee’s current earnings statement no earlier than the official pay date of the pay period received.
Earning Vacation. Members of the Administrator’s Unit who are appointed to a classification in the unit shall earn vacation at the rate of .09232 hour for each hour of paid service (twenty-four [24] days per year). Members of the Administrator’s Unit who are appointed to a classification in the unit after the beginning of the current fiscal year shall have their vacation pro-rated.
Earning Vacation. 1. During the first year of employment, the employee shall earn vacation from the date of employment to December 31, at the rate of one (1) day per month for each completed month of service, to a maximum of ten (10) work days. Vacation is taken in the period of January 1 to December 31, subsequent to the calendar year in which it was earned.
2. Vacation is earned from January 1 to December 31 each year. Each employee shall have January 1 as his/her anniversary date for computation of vacation entitlement until his/her final year of service.
3. Employees hired prior to January 1, 1978, shall have an anniversary date, for vacation entitlement purposes, of January 1 of the year of hire.
4. Employees hired on or after January 1, 1978, shall have an anniversary date, for vacation entitlement purposes, as follows:
(a) An employee having a hire date of January 1 through June 30 shall have an anniversary date for vacation entitlement purposes of January 1 of the year of hire.
(b) An employee having a hire date of July 1 through December 31 shall have an anniversary date for vacation entitlement purposes of January 1 following the year of hire.
5. A Time Schedule 380 employee in the Buildings Services department, who is promoted to Time Schedule 522, shall be credited with one (1) day vacation for each month during which he/she worked a majority of the scheduled work days in Time Schedule 380, to a maximum of ten (10) vacation days.
Earning Vacation. 1. During the first year of employment, the employee shall earn vacation from the date of employment to December 31, at the rate of one day per month for each completed month of service, to a maximum of ten (10) days
2. Vacation is earned from January 1 to December 31 each year. Each employee shall have January 1 as his/her anniversary date for his/her computation of vacation entitlement purposes–until his/her final year of service.
3. Employees hired prior to January 1, 1978, shall have, as an anniversary date, for vacation entitlement purposes, January 1 of the year of hire.
4. Personnel previously employed by a political subdivision of the State of Ohio are entitled to have their prior service with any of those employers counted as service toward vacation.
5. Employees hired on or after January 1, 1978, shall have an anniversary date, for vacation entitlement purposes, as follows:
a) An employee having a hire date of January 1 through June 30 shall have an anniversary date for vacation entitlement purposes of January 1 of the year of hire.
b) An employee having a hire date of July 1 through December 31 shall have an anniversary date for vacation entitlement purposes of January 1 following the year of hire.
Earning Vacation. Employees off work on an approved leave of absence without pay (job injury as described above excepted) and employees suspended or laid off for a period of over ninety (90) calendar days shall not earn annual vacation or experience pay credit during that period of no work. Upon return to work, the employee shall commence earning vacation credit.
Earning Vacation. Vacation time shall be earned as follows: During the first five (5) years, 80 hours per year of continuous service; after five ( 5) years, 120 hours per year of continuous service; after ten (10) years, 144 hours per year of continuous service; after fifteen (15) years, 160 hours per year of continuous service.
Earning Vacation. Length of Service - Each full month of service from Hours Earned / Month 35 hour work week (7.78 hour day) Hours Earned / Month 37.33 hour work week (8 hour day) Equivalent / year
Earning Vacation. An employee shall earn vacation time during any month that he/she is in paid status for a minimum of one-half of the scheduled working days. An employee in paid status for less than one-half of the scheduled days shall earn vacation credit on a pro- rated basis.