RESPONSIBLE UNION - COMPANY RELATIONSHIP. 4.2.1 The Company and the Union recognize that it is in the best interests of both parties, the employees, and the public that all dealings between them continue to be characterized by mutual responsibility and respect. To insure that this relationship continues and improves, the Company and the Union and their respective representatives at all levels will apply the terms of this contract fairly in accord with its intent and meaning and consistent with the Union's status as exclusive bargaining representative of all employees in the unit. Each party shall bring to the attention of all employees in the unit, including new hires, their purpose to conduct themselves in a spirit of responsibility and respect and of the measures they have agreed upon to insure adherence to this purpose.
RESPONSIBLE UNION - COMPANY RELATIONSHIP. The Company and the Union recognize that it is in the best interests of both parties, the employees, and the public that all relationships between them continue to be characterized by mutual responsibility and respect. To ensure that this relationship continues and improves, the Company and the Union, and their respective representatives at all levels, will apply the terms of this contract fairly in accord with its intent and meaning.
RESPONSIBLE UNION - COMPANY RELATIONSHIP. SECTION 1. The Company and the Union recognize that it is in the best interests of both parties, the employees, and the public that all dealings between them continue to be characterized by mutual responsibility and respect. To insure that this relationship continues and improves, the Company and the Union and their respective representatives at all levels will apply the terms of this Agreement fairly in accord with its intent and meaning and consistent with the Union's status as exclusive bargaining representative of all employees in the unit. Each party shall bring to the attention of all employees in the unit, including new hires, their purpose to conduct themselves in a spirit of responsibility and respect and of the measures they have agreed upon to insure adherence to this purpose.
SECTION 2. Should either party claim a violation of Section 1 of this Article, its authorized representative will provide written notice of the complaint to the authorized representative of the other party. The written notice shall identify the actions, persons, dates and other details of the complaint with sufficient particularity to allow for a fair and thorough investigation of the complaint. The receiving party shall respond in writing to the complaint. The parties may by mutual agreement also meet to discuss the matter.
SECTION 3. It is agreed that appropriate action shall be taken by each party to resolve complaints presented pursuant to Section 2 of this Article in a prompt and conclusive manner; however, no provision of this Article shall be subject to the grievance procedure and the procedure outlined in Section 2 shall be the exclusive means to resolve any questions regarding the interpretation or application of this Article.
RESPONSIBLE UNION - COMPANY RELATIONSHIP. 10.1 The Company and the Union recognize that it is in the best interests of both parties, the employees, and the public that all relationships between them continue to be characterized by mutual responsibility and respect. To insure that this relationship continues and improves, the Company and the Union, and their respective representatives at all levels, will apply the terms of this contract fairly in accord with its intent and meaning.
10.2 With sincere effort by both parties to resolve any disputes or misunderstandings, or at least to clearly understand the position of the other, both the Union and the Company can look forward to a mutually beneficial association, with increasing responsiveness from both parties to the needs of the employees.
10.3 The Company will advise all new employees who are covered by this Agreement that there is a collective bargaining agreement in existence and will notify the Union of any new employees hired who are covered by this collective bargaining agreement. Union stewards may be present during new hire orientation.
RESPONSIBLE UNION - COMPANY RELATIONSHIP. 7.1 The Company and the Union recognize that it is in the best interest of both parties, the employees, and the public, that in the interest of efficiency, productivity, and amiable labor relations, all dealings between them continue to be characterized by mutual responsibility and respect. To insure that this relationship continues and improves, the Company and the Union will apply the terms of the Agreement in accordance with the bargained for intent and meaning and consistent with the Union's status as exclusive bargaining representative of all employees in the unit.
7.2 The parties also recognize that their mutual long-term success in the face of increased competition in the communications industry will be dependent on the provision of high quality products and services, as well as increased sensitivity at all levels to competitive activity and to customer needs, expectations and perceptions. Both parties agree in principle that these challenges require increased individual and collective emphasis on involvement, teamwork, innovation, pride and commitment to quality. The parties will endeavor to support and promote the acceptance of these principles by all employees at all levels.
7.3 It is mutually recognized that the preceding paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 are but a statement of broad principle and as such are exempt from the provisions of Article 9.
7.4 The Company will not interfere with the Union. The Company agrees not to coerce or interfere with any employee with the object of restraining membership in the Union nor to discriminate in any way against employees because of membership in the Union.
7.5 The Company, its officers and supervisors shall not interfere with the rights of employees to become and remain members of the Union and shall not in any manner, directly or indirectly, discriminate against, interfere with, coerce, restrain, discharge, demote, transfer, or discipline any employee by reason of his or her membership or non-membership in the Union.
7.6 The Union, its officer, stewards and members shall not in any matter, directly or indirectly, discriminate against, interfere with, coerce or restrain any employee by reason of his or her membership or non-membership in the Union.
7.7 The Company agrees to introduce all new employees who are covered by this Agreement to a Union Xxxxxxx responsible for the employee’s department. The introduction may be in person or via phone. Any meeting between the Union Xxxxxxx and the Employee shall not take m...
RESPONSIBLE UNION - COMPANY RELATIONSHIP. 30.1 The Company and the Union recognize that it is in the best interest of both parties, the employees, and the public that all relationships between them continue to be characterized by mutual responsibility and respect. To insure that this relationship continues and improves, the Company and the Union, and their respective representatives at all levels, will apply the terms of the Agreement fairly in accord with its intent and meaning.
30.2 With sincere effort by both parties to resolve any disputes or misunderstandings, or at least to clearly understand the position of the other, both the Union and the Company can look forward to a mutually beneficial association, with increasing responsiveness from both parties to the needs of the employees.
30.3 The Company will advise all new employees, who are covered by this Agreement, that there is a collective bargaining agreement in existence and will furnish each such employee with a copy of the Agreement.
RESPONSIBLE UNION - COMPANY RELATIONSHIP. The Company and the Union recognize that it is in the best interests of both parties, the employees, and the public that all dealings between them continue to be characterized by mutual responsibility and respect. To insure that this relationship continues and improves, the Company and the Union and their respective representatives at all levels will apply the terms of this contract fairly in accord with its intent and meaning and consistent with the Union’s status as exclusive bargaining representative of all employees in the unit. Each party shall bring to the attention of all employees in the unit, including new hires, their purposes to conduct themselves in a spirit of responsibility and respect and of the measures they have agreed upon to insure adherence to this purpose. When the Company is changing a policy, procedure, or practice which it realizes will impact in a significant way on employees, it will discuss the matter with the Union before initiating the change. It is recognized, however, that agreement from/with the Union is not a prerequisite to such changes.
RESPONSIBLE UNION - COMPANY RELATIONSHIP. 1. The Company and the Union recognize that it is in the best interests of both parties, the employees, and the public that all relationships between them continue to be characterized by mutual responsibility and respect. To insure that this relationship continues and improves, the Company and the Union, and their respective representatives at all levels, will apply the terms of this contract fairly in accord with its intent and meaning.
2. With sincere effort by both parties to resolve any disputes or misunderstandings, or at least to clearly understand the position of the other, both the Union and the Company can look forward to a mutually beneficial association, with increasing responsiveness from both parties to the needs of the employees.
3. In the event that a representative of the Union feels that meetings and/or discussions with Management are not characterized by a sincere effort by both parties to resolve any disputes or misunderstandings, or at least to clearly understand the position of each other, the appropriate Union Local President will summarize the nature of the dispute in writing and submit the written summary to the second level manager within thirty (30) days of the alleged dispute. The second level manager, upon receipt of said written summary, will respond within five (5) days to arrange an informal meeting with the Union Local President. Within five
RESPONSIBLE UNION - COMPANY RELATIONSHIP. The Company and Union recognize that it is in the best interests of both parties, the Employees, and the public that all business relations between them continue to be characterized by mutual responsibility and respect. To insure that this relationship continues and improves, the Company and the Union and their respective representatives at all levels will apply the terms of this Contract fairly in accord with its intent and meaning. Each party shall bring to the attention of all Employees in the unit, including new hires, their purpose to conduct themselves in a spirit of responsibility and respect and of the measures they have agreed upon to insure adherence to this purpose.
RESPONSIBLE UNION - COMPANY RELATIONSHIP. A. Each party shall bring to the attention of all employees in the unit the need to conduct themselves in a responsible and respectful manner.
B. The long-term success of the Company and the Union are interrelated and dependent upon our meeting the needs of our customers. The Union, through its membership, has a vital role in the overall success of the Company's operations. Consequently, each party shall participate in the open exchange of information to the fullest extent possible. The Company must continually improve efficiency in order to ensure its ability to be competitive in the marketplace and to prosper. The Union must play an essential role in sharing in the achievement of these goals.
C. Adherence to the highest ethical standard in all work done is the cornerstone of this relationship. The parties agree not only to support this principle but to practice it in their interactions. The Company and the Union endorse the concept of employee participation, emphasizing the empowerment of our employees. Empowerment means employees comfortably accepting the responsibility for problem-solving and making informed decisions that will better serve both our external and internal customers. The parties agree on a joint problem-solving approach which emphasizes working together to resolve problems.
D. Organizational and technological innovations are necessary and inevitable. It is believed that every employee has both the ability and responsibility to contribute to the goals of the organization - and in return, the Company will treat every employee with dignity and respect.
E. Both parties have the responsibility to assure this improving relationship exists, is endorsed and communicated throughout all levels of the Company and the Union.