Grade 2 Sample Clauses
Grade 2. The class size shall not exceed twenty-six (26) except it is agreed that should the class size specified reach twenty-eight (28), that the matter would become a matter of concern, and plan determined to correct the situation. At such time as the class size reaches twenty-nine (29), the corrective plan will immediately be put into effect.
Grade 2. 045)
J. All Fine Arts teacher shall be provided regularly scheduled classes in which to implement the prescribed curriculum in each of the areas listed above. The indicated stipend is compensation for supervision of their curricular/extra-curricular extra duty activities beyond the normal working day.
Grade 2. In addition to the skill indicators of a Grade 1 employee, an employee at this level and Grade: • has completed a Certificate IV in Aged Care Work with medication module, or upgrade course, that certifies them to administer medications; • is required by the Employer to administer medications; and • has successfully completed a competency assessment, including medication administration.
Grade 2. Definition An untrained ancillary Employee who is employed to undertake cooking or gardening duties. Responsibilities • Works under routine supervision either individually or in a team environment; • Is responsible for assuring the quality of the Employee's own work routine Subject to supervision; Is required to exercise discretion during the course of his/her own work. • Responsible for menu development and required to undertake Foodsafe training Salary • An Employee at this Level is entitled to incremental progression to pay level 1.4.
Grade 2. For the purposes of this Agreement a Grade 2 employee shall mean an employee, who in addition to performing the duties of a Grade 1 employee.
10.2.1 Has performed 3 months service as a Grade 1 employee and has satisfactorily acquired the skills relevant to the Company at this level;
10.2.2 May be required to use, for training purposes, materials handling equipment which requires licensing/certification, and
10.2.3 May be required to assist in the development of Grade 1 employee.
Grade 2. Grade 2 staff will have the knowledge, skills and demonstrated capacity for self-directed application of appropriate techniques and equipment required to perform assigned tasks of some complexity involving the use of applied theoretical knowledge and interpersonal skills. This level corresponds to a competent, skilled, autonomous worker.
Grade 2. Is an employee who at the completion of training is capable of performing work within the scope of this level Such an employee performs work above and beyond the skills of a Building Attendant Grade One and: • works from complex instructions and procedures; • assists in the provision of on-the-job training; • works under general supervision either individually or in a team environment; • is responsible for assuring the quality of the employee's own work, and performs those tasks customarily performed by cleaners. In addition, a Grade 2 employee is required to perform any of the following indicative tasks, or a combination of such tasks, for the greater part of each day or shift: • minor maintenance duties incidental and/or peripheral to cleaning; • ordering and distribution of cleaning stores; • client, tenant and public relations duties; • receiving deliveries; • performing specialist cleaning function for the greater part of each day or shift. Specialist cleaning functions means the operation of any equipment or method of cleaning outlined below: • Carpet cleaning. Operating equipment used in any or all of the following methods: powder system or liquid shampoo systems or hot water injection and extraction systems (commonly called steam cleaning); • Cleaning windows on the exterior of multi storied buildings from swinging scaffolds, bosun's chairs, hydraulic bucket trucks or similar devices; • Operating "ride on" powered sweeping machines or other similar motorised cleaning or sweeping equipment; • Operating steam cleaning and pressure washing equipment on the exterior of buildings.
Grade 2. For entry to grade 2, employees are required to have skills of a high level and may require qualifications and/or experience of a specific nature. A significant change to the duties of a position in grade 1 may warrant reclassification to grade 2. A position in grade 2 has the following job characteristics: • Employees in grade 2 are expected to have achieved a standard to be able to perform specialised or non-routine tasks and require only general guidance or direction. • They require skills in oral and written communication with clients, other employees and members of the public. • They require the ability to gain cooperation and assistance from members of the public and other employees in the performance of well-defined activities. They may also be expected to write reports in their field of expertise. • They are expected to exercise initiative, discretion and judgement in carrying out their assigned duties. • They may be required to supervise and coordinate others in similar or related work. • They are expected to be able to provide employees under their supervision with on-the-job training and guidance. • Employees in levels 4 and 5 are expected to have achieved a level of knowledge sufficient to give advice in relation to specific areas of their responsibility and are expected to make recommendations on a wide range of issues relevant to their function.
Grade 2. An Employee (Property Services) Grade 2 employees are capable of being responsible for the quality of their own work under routine supervision. Employees at this level will be capable of working effectively as individuals or within a team environment under routine supervision, and of exercising limited discretion and performing duties within the scope of their training and skills. In addition to the tasks required of Employee (Property Services) Grade 1 employees, indicative tasks that a Grade 2 employee may perform are: operation and maintenance of motorised mowers (ride on included), use of electric/petrol and motorized hand tools, basic to semi-skilled grounds and gardening duties, cleaning, driving School vehicles as licensed.
Grade 2. A Registered Nurse in the second or subsequent years of experience as a Registered Nurse and not elsewhere classified who is not in charge of a section or unit of a facility and does not manage other staff. A Registered Nurse appointed as a Clinical Nurse Specialist and paid as such. 1. A Registered Nurse appointed as such.