Scheduling Principles. The following are guiding principles for work scheduling to be used by NWS managers and supervisors. It is understood by the parties that these are principles which only apply to the actual scheduling of work by Management, and they do not apply in any swaps between employees.
Scheduling Principles. All schedules shall be based upon cycles of eight (8) consecutive weeks, averaging thirty-nine (39) straight time hours of work each week.
Scheduling Principles. (a) For the purpose of scheduling, each calendar year will be divided into three segments, January to and including April; May to and including August; and September to and including December. All employees will be required to complete a Scheduling Availability Form documenting their availability for scheduling for each segment.
(b) Employees hired during any of the above segments, shall complete the form and their availability will remain as per their form for the balance of the segment in which they were hired.
(c) The availability registered on the Scheduling Availability Form, shall for each employee be binding throughout the period of four months, and shall remain in force until replaced by another Scheduling Availability Form.
(d) Employees may request changes within the three binding segments by application to the Employer and the Union. Any changes must be mutually agreed to and will not be unreasonably withheld. Mutually agreed changes during the binding availability segments are not subject to the grievance procedure.
(e) Any employee who fails to file a new Scheduling Availability form for the next segment shall be assumed to have registered the preferences they selected for the previous four-month period. Three weeks in advance of the new scheduling segment, the Employer will provide employees with a new Scheduling Availability Form to register their availability for the next segment period. The new Form will be due one week in advance of issuing the schedule for the first week of the next segment.
(f) Employees, other than casual employees, will be expected to provide a minimum of two (2) days of availability, per scheduling segment. Those employees who do not provide a minimum of two (2) days of availability, with the exception of leave, vacation, force majeure or as otherwise protected under this agreement, will be subject to termination of employment. The Employer agrees that any employee who submits availability of less than two (2) days will be provided the opportunity to extend availability in compliance with the two (2) day minimum before termination is of effect. The Employer may permit employee to provide less than two (2) days of availability at their sole discretion.
(g) The Employer will make all reasonable efforts to grant an employee’s desired two
Scheduling Principles. All schedules shall be based upon cycles of 35 hours per week, with 4 shifts (3 shifts at 9 hours and 1 shift at 8 hours).
Scheduling Principles. When the energy associated with the Capacity-Backed Transaction is scheduled, it must be Backed by Operating Capacity. “Backed by Operating Capacity” means that the Source Balancing Authority will support a Capacity-Backed Transaction except as provided in the Curtailment Principles in this MOU. The Source Balancing Authority associated with the Capacity-Backed Transaction cannot include a Capacity-Backed Transaction for Operating Reserve,10 and cannot curtail such export except as allowed under the Curtailment Principles provided in this MOU.
Scheduling Principles. 8.10.1 Pages shall not have their regular schedules modified without mutual agreement between the Page and KCLS unless needed for sufficient coverage for business needs or for accommodation of a disability of another Page.
8.10.2 If KCLS determines that the vacant schedule will be filled, it shall notify the pages in the same community library or department. The most Senior Page with the same or lesser hour set and who has had no discipline or negative evaluations will be given the schedule. If the vacancy is not filled through the above process, KCLS may post the position outside the community library or department, including externally for a competitive selection.
Scheduling Principles. Pages who have been employed by KCLS for more than five years (in any capacity) shall have the benefit of the following scheduling principles:
1. Such Pages shall not have their regular schedules modified involuntarily in order to accommodate another Page.
2. If such a Page requests a schedule adjustment, KCLS will, at a minimum, contact all other Pages in the library or department to determine whether a schedule adjustment can be made. 8.
Scheduling Principles. Unless both Buyer and Seller agree in writing to the contrary, each Annual Program must comply with the following principles (the "Scheduling Principles"):
(a) The total quantity of LNG scheduled for delivery in each Annual Program for any Scheduling Year shall equal the lesser of (i) the Scheduling Quantity for such Scheduling Year, or (ii) the Total Requested Quantity for such Scheduling Year.
(b) Each Annual Program shall provide for Arrival Windows for all Scheduling Parties that shall comply with all of the following requirements for each Scheduling Year:
(i) Assuming that (A) each and every cargo scheduled for delivery in a Firm Arrival Window in such Scheduling Year will be delivered during the first twenty-four (24) hour period of such Firm Arrival Window, and (B) no other cargoes will be delivered during such Scheduling Year, and taking into consideration the date of the last Firm Arrival Window in the previous Scheduling Year (as such last Firm Arrival Window is scheduled in the Ninety-Day Schedule in effect when Seller is required to provide the information set forth in Section 3.1(b)) and the Tank Inventory Level on the date of such last Firm Arrival Window (assuming that each and every cargo scheduled to be delivered in Firm Arrival Windows during such previous Scheduling Year will be delivered during the first twenty-four (24) hour period of the Arrival Window for such cargo and no other cargoes will be delivered in such previous Scheduling Year), such Annual Program must permit the LNG Terminal to maintain both (1) on each day of the applicable Scheduling Year, a Daily Send-Out Rate that is equal to or greater than the Firm Daily Rate for such day, and (2) a Tank Inventory Level with respect to each Arrival Window that is, as of the beginning of such Arrival Window, (x) equal to or greater than the Minimum Tank Inventory Level, and (y) equal to or less than the Maximum Tank Inventory Level; and
(ii) Assuming that each and every cargo scheduled for delivery during such Scheduling Year will be delivered during the first twenty-four (24) hour period of the Arrival Window for each such cargo, and taking into consideration the date of the last Arrival Window in the previous Scheduling Year (as such last Arrival Window is scheduled in the Ninety-Day Schedule in effect when Seller is required to provide the information set forth in Section 3.1(b)) and the Tank Inventory Level on the date of such last Arrival Window (assuming that each and every car...
Scheduling Principles. Vacation requests from each of the following programs will be considered separately from other Community Care department requests: Integrated Bridge Health Links Care Coordinator Behavioural Support Ontario Coordinator Care Connector Rapid Response Nurses Mental Health and Addictions Nurses Telehomecare Nurses Care Coordinators whole primary role is Educators Nurse Practitioners If there is a conflict in vacation requests, seniority shall be the deciding factor. Once an employee has been granted a requested vacation period, they may not then exercise her seniority rights to change that vacation period. Refer to clause 16.03 (d) and 16.03 (f) for vacation requests. SIGNATURE PAGE: VACATION REQUESTS - RAPID RESPONSE AND MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTIONS, TELEHOMECARE, CARE CONNECTOR, BEHAVIOURAL SUPPORT ONTARIO COORDINATOR, NURSE PRACTITIONERS, INTEGRATED BRIDGE/HEALTH LINKS CARE COORDINATOR AND CARE COORDINATORS WHOSE PRIMARY ROLE IS AS EDUCATORS DATED AT THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO THIS 9th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2024. FOR THE EMPLOYER FOR THE UNION _ Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx
Scheduling Principles. Vacation requests from the Rapid Response Nurses will be considered separately from other Community Care department requests and separately from other sites. Vacation requests from the Mental Health and Addictions Nurses will be considered separately from other Community Care department requests and separately from other sites. If there is a conflict in vacation requests, seniority shall be the deciding factor. Once an employee has been granted a requested vacation period, she may not then exercise her seniority rights to change that vacation period.