Association Membership and Dues Deduction. 6.01 All academic staff members covered by this collective agreement shall become members of the Association as a condition of employment.
6.02 Notwithstanding the generality of the above, all academic staff members covered by this collective agreement shall be required to pay association dues. The Employer shall, therefore, as a condition of employment, deduct each month the amount of the association dues as set by the Association from time to time from the pay of all academic staff members covered by this collective agreement.
6.03 All instruction offered by any contractor, adjunct instructor, etc., in either regular programming or other programming offered under SAIT auspices on or off the SAIT campus is subject to the payment of Association dues.
(a) The Employer shall remit association dues deducted from the pay of all academic staff members to the Association by the first working day after the fifteenth calendar day in the following month. Where an accounting adjustment is necessary to correct an over or under payment of dues, it shall be effected in the succeeding month. The deductions remitted shall be accompanied by particulars identifying each academic staff member in a printed form showing academic staff member number, department number, starting date, association dues, category, amount deducted, name and last known address. Further, the Employer shall provide to the Association, on a monthly basis, a list containing the name and last known address of current recipients of Long Term Disability Insurance.
(b) The Employer shall remit Association dues, by employees under 6.03, in the same manner provided under 6.04
(a) except that a single payment may be made to cover the whole contract. Each contract must be identified in the report either by individual name or by registered company.
Association Membership and Dues Deduction. 27 1. The Hospital will deduct Association membership dues from the salary 28 of each nurse who voluntarily agrees to such deductions and who 29 submits an appropriately written authorization for the Hospital setting 30 forth standard amounts and times of deduction. Deductions shall be 1 made each pay period and remitted to the Association together with the 2 names of those who authorized deductions.
4 2. All employees who are hired on or after July 1, 1976, must become 5 members of the Association within thirty-one (31) days after beginning 6 their employment. These employees and all present employees who are 7 members of the Association must maintain such membership as a 8 condition of employment for the duration of this Aagreement.
10 3. In order to safeguard the rights of non-association of nurses based on 11 bona fide religious tenets or teachings of a church or religious 12 organization of which a nurse is a member, that nurse may exercise the 13 choice of joining the Association or to paypaying an amount of money 14 equivalent to regular Association dues, to a non-religious charity 15 mutually agreed upon by the nurse and the representative of the 16 Association. Payments are to be made on a regular monthly basis or in 17 advance and receipts sent to a designated Association representative.
19 4. Nurses who are required hereunder to maintain membership and fail to 20 do so, and nurses who are required hereunder to join the Association or 21 pay to a charity and fail to do so, shall be terminated upon notice of such 22 fact in writing from the Association to the Hospital.
24 5. It is understood and agreed that the Association will indemnify and save 25 the Hospital harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits or 26 other forms of liability that may arise out of, or by reason of action taken 27 or not taken by the Hospital in connection with, this Section E. Errors in 28 deduction of Association dues shall be corrected no later than the first 29 pay period following notification of such errors.
1 6. The Hospital will provide a thirty (30) minute meeting period monthly in- 2 person or virtually (if necessary) for a bargaining unit nurse or other
Association Membership and Dues Deduction. All academic staff members covered by this collective agreement shall become members of the Association as a condition of employment.
Association Membership and Dues Deduction. 2.1 The District shall honor the terms of any agreement between CSEA and the District's employee with regard to that employee's membership in CSEA, including but not limited to automatic renewal yearly unless the employee withdraws from the union during a specified window period. The District need not keep track of this period which shall be tracked by CSEA within its membership database.
2.2 CSEA shall have the sole and exclusive right to receive the payroll deduction for regular membership dues.
2.3 The employer shall deduct, in accordance with the CSEA dues schedule, dues from the wages of all employees who are members of CSEA. CSEA shall notify the District on a regular basis of new members.
2.4 The District's managers, supervisors, and confidential employees shall be neutral regarding employees' decisions to belong to an employee organization or participate in its activities. Managers, supervisors, and confidential employees shall refer any questions to the CSEA Chapter Leadership or the Labor Relations Representative.
2.5 The employer shall not be obligated to put into effect any new or changed deductions until the pay period commencing thirty (30) days or more after such submission.
2.6 CSEA shall defend and indemnify the District for any claims from its compliance with this article for any claims made by the employee for deductions made in reliance on information provided by the employee organization to the employer to cancel or change membership dues authorization. The employer shall be required to promptly notify CSEA of any claims made by employees relating to dues authorization.
Association Membership and Dues Deduction. 8.1 Each employee subject to this Agreement who on January 17, 1991 is a member of the Association in good standing as a condition of employment maintain membership in the Association in good standing during the period of this Agreement. (Old 3.1)
8.2 All employees subject to this Agreement who are not members of the Association on the effective date of this Agreement, and all employees subject to this Agreement who are hired at a time subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement shall as a condition of employment become members in good standing of the Association or within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Agreement or within thirty (30) days of the hire date, whichever is applicable. Such employee shall then maintain membership in the Association in good standing during the period of this Agreement. Employees who do not become members of the Association within thirty (30) days of the execution date of this Agreement shall not be covered by the terms of this Article. (Old 3.2)
8.3 The parties recognize that an employee should have the option of declining to participate as a member in the Association yet contribute financially to the activities of the Association in representing such employee as a member of the collective bargaining unit. Therefore, as an alternative to and in lieu of the membership requirements of the previous sections of this Article, an employee who declines membership in the Association may pay a service charge to the Association each month as a contribution towards the administration of the Agreement in an amount equal to the regular monthly dues less assessments. This service charge shall be collected by the Association in the same manner as monthly dues. (Old 3.3)
8.4 Any employee who refuses to become a member of the Association in good standing or pay the service charge in accordance with the previous sections shall at the option of the Association be immediately discharged from employment by the District. (Old 3.4)
8.5 The District will notify the Association of all new hires within ten (10) working days of the hire date. At the time of hire, the District will inform the new hire of the terms and conditions of this Article. (Old 3.5)
8.6 Nothing contained in this Agreement shall require Association membership of employees who object to such membership based on bona fide religious tenets or teachings of a church or religious body of which such employee is a member. Such employee shall pay an amount equivalent to...
Association Membership and Dues Deduction. All bargaining unit employees of the District are eligible to become members of the Association. Any communication about membership and the dues authorization form is the exclusive responsibility of the Association. RIBUTE The District agrees to deduct from the paycheck of each employee, who has so authorized, the regular monthly dues uniformly required of members of the Association Association dues in accordance with the terms of the employee’s authorization. The amount deducted shall be transmitted monthly to the Association on behalf of the employees involved. An employee may revoke authorization of dues in accordance with the authorization form and by certified letter to the Association.Authorization by the employee shall be on a form provided for by the Association and may be revoked by the employee on request. Notification of the aforesaid revocation shall be effective upon receipt by the District. The District shall notify the Association of any revocations of payroll deduction. The Association shall notify the District of any revocations of payroll deduction. The performance of this function, dues checkoff, is recognized as a service to the Association by the District. Those individuals paying Agency fees, during the life of this Agreement, will be afforded payroll deduction the same as Association members.
Association Membership and Dues Deduction. All bargaining unit employees of the District are eligible to become members of the Association. Any communication about membership and the dues authorization form is the exclusive responsibility of the Association. The District agrees to deduct from the paycheck of each employee, who has so authorized, Association dues in accordance with the terms of the employee’s authorization. The amount deducted shall be transmitted monthly to the Association on behalf of the employees involved. An employee may revoke authorization of dues in accordance with the authorization form and by certified letter to the Association. The Association shall notify the District of any revocations of payroll deduction. The performance of this function, dues checkoff, is recognized as a service to the Association by the District.
Association Membership and Dues Deduction. Each employee covered by this 34 Agreement, who is a member of the Association in good standing on the date this Agreement is signed 35 by both parties shall, as a condition of employment during the period of this Agreement, either (1) 36 maintain membership in the Association in good standing or (2) make a financial contribution to the 37 Association pursuant to Section 5.3.1 below. Each employee covered by this Agreement who is hired 38 after August 1, 1994 shall, within thirty (30) days of the employee's date of hire and as a condition of 39 employment during the period of this Agreement, either (1) join the Association or (2) make a financial 40 contribution to the Association pursuant to Section 5.3.1 below.
Association Membership and Dues Deduction. SECTION 2.1: Both parties recognize and agree that membership in the Association is at the discretion of each individual employee. Employees in the classifications comprising the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement have the right to join, not to join, maintain, or drop their membership in the Association as they see fit. Neither party to this Agreement shall exert any pressure on any employee as regards such matters.
SECTION 2.2: The Employer agrees to deduct regular Association dues from each paycheck of any bargaining unit employee voluntarily signing a written authorization for dues deduction. The bargaining unit employee shall submit the authorization to the Employer or designee. The Employer shall forward a check for the amount of all dues deducted to the Association together with an itemized list of the employees for who dues deductions were made. Association funds shall be paid to the Association by the Employer once each month.
SECTION 2.3: The Association shall provide the Employer with written notice of no less than thirty (30) calendar days of any change in the amount of dues deduction.
SECTION 2.4: It is agreed that the Employer assumes no obligation, financial or otherwise, arising out of the provisions of this Article, and the Association hereby agrees that it will indemnify and hold the Employer harmless from any claims, actions, or proceedings by an employee arising from deductions made by the Employer hereunder. Once the funds are remitted to the Association, their disposition thereafter shall be the sole and exclusive obligation and responsibility of the Association.
Association Membership and Dues Deduction