Section 15.4 Sample Clauses
Section 15.4. 6 Any employee required to travel from one site to another in a private vehicle during working hours 7 shall be reimbursed for such travel on a per-mile basis in accordance with Section 12.2.
Section 15.4. 32 Employees required to remain overnight on District business shall be reimbursed for reasonable room 33 and board expenditures. Receipts shall be required.
Section 15.4. 29 Failure of a grievant to meet the timelines set forth above shall constitute forfeiture of the grievance, 30 except that such timelines may be extended by mutual agreement of the District and Association. The 31 Association shall be allowed to have an observer present to make the Association views know at any 32 meeting or hearing called to resolve a formal written grievance when such is presented without 33 Association involvement. 34 35 36 37 A R T I C L E X V I 38 39 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 40
Section 15.4. An employee who works in a position included in this bargaining unit who also holds a position in 46 another District bargaining unit or group or with another employer may not take leave from their 47 Association bargaining unit position to take extra work for their other position. For example, a 48 paraeducator who also works as a bus driver may not take leave without pay in order to drive an 1 extra trip. An exception to this restriction may be made for early release days and training days or 2 for other reasons approved by the Human Resources Director. Notification of approved exceptions 3 will be forwarded to the Association President. 7 A R T I C L E I I 9 RIGHTS OF THE EMPLOYER
Section 15.4. 32 If any provision of this Agreement or the application of any such provision is held invalid, the 33 remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby.
Section 15.4. 2 Any employee required to travel from one site to another in a private vehicle during working hours 3 shall be reimbursed for such travel on a per-mile basis at the current rate established by District policy.
Section 15.4. 19 Neither party shall be compelled to comply with any provision of this Agreement which conflicts with 20 State or Federal statutes or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
Section 15.4. 32 Any employee required to travel from one site to another in a private vehicle during working hours 33 shall be reimbursed for such travel on a per-mile basis at the current rate established by District policy.
Section 15.4. District shall notify all prospective new hires of the terms and conditions of this Article. A list of the 15 new employees will be supplied the Association monthly upon request. Any employee who refuses to 16 become a member of the Association in good standing, or pay the service charge in accordance with this 17 Article, shall, at the option of the Association, be immediately discharged from employment by the 18 District. The State Association shall be responsible to notify the District and the employee of its 19 impending implementation of this Article.
Section 15.4 long-term temporary employee is defined as an individual whose scheduled or actual employment 1 is more than ninety (90) days but not more than one hundred eighty (180) days or a school year and 2 is hired to fill a temporary position. Long-term temporary positions will be posted per Section 10.9.