Shop Rules Sample Clauses

Shop Rules. All written shop rules shall be posted by the University in a conspicuous place where they can be read by the employees. Shop rules shall not conflict with this Agreement.
Shop Rules. The Company will publish shop rules and penalties which will be posted on bulletin boards and a copy shall be furnished to the Shop Committee. The Company will utilize progressive discipline based on the severity of the violation and the employee’s prior disciplinary record in dealing with rule violations.
Shop Rules. S E C T IO N I. Em ployer m ay a d o p t rules and re g u la tio n s a ffe cting the conditions of em ploym ent w hich are not inconsistent with the term s of this A g re e m e n t. Such rules and regulations must be mutually agreed to by the Union and the Em ployer and be posted in a prom inent place in the shop. Em ployees shall have the right to fasten their tool boxes to the bench, or other perm anent fixture. S E C T IO N 2. The follow ing G en eral Sh o p Rules becom e a p a r i of this contract: ( I ) N o em ployee can refuse to perform any w o rk on the basis of the fa cto ry flat rate manual.
Shop Rules. Employer may adopt rules and regulations affecting the conditions of employment which are not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. Such rules and regulations must be mutually agreed to by the Union and the Employer and be posted in a prominent place in the shop. Employees shall have the right to fasten their tool boxes to the bench or other permanent fixture.
Shop Rules. The Company shall have the right to establish shop rules and policies from time to time that are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement. Such rules and policies will be prominently posted in the plant. Management will notify the Union at least forty- eight (48) hours before implementing changes in these rules or policies.
Shop Rules. There are two (2) categories of severity; #1 Major (up to and including discharge) and #2 Minor (subject to the steps of the discipline procedure).
Shop Rules. Section 1. Employer may adopt rules and regulations affecting the conditions of employment which are not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. Such rules and regulations must be mutually agreed to by the Union and the Employer and be posted in a prominent place in the shop. Employees shall have the right to fasten their tool boxes to the bench or other permanent fixture. Section 2. The following General Shop Rules become a part of this contract: (1) No employee can refuse to perform any work on the basis of the factory flat rate manual. (2) No employee will drink alcoholic liquors on the premises or report to work under the in­ flu e n ce of liquor. (3) Smoking is prohibited in all areas where volatile substances such as gasoline, paint, transmission fluid or thinner are exposed, in order that there may be no violation of insurance regulations. (4) Uniforms are for work and are not to be worn away from the shop, except during lunch period or by permission of the Employer. (5) Vacation periods must be strictly adhered to as to dates and durations. (6) All employees must report to work and be ready to go to work in work clothing at the time specified by the management and remain on the job during their scheduled work hours in work clothing, except for a lunch period specified or where permission is given to leave the prem­ ises. A- S7 (7) In order to promote equal services to all, employees shall discourage and refuse to accept gratuities offered by customers. (8) All employees shall make every effort to police work stalls and keep locker rooms and dockers provided clean and presentable at all times. (9) Where the use of time clocks is required, all employees will personally punch their own V ’time in" and "time out." (10) No employee shall perform work on his personal automobile in the shop, unless prior approval has been obtained from his department supervisor. (11) Time off from regular working hours must be requested from and approved by the em­ ployee's department supervisor. (12) The Employer and all employees shall comply with the rules and regulations required fu n d e r the National Occupational Safety and Health Act and shall be liable for any penalties as­ sessed for their individual non-compliance. (13) All employees shall refrain from engaging in horseplay while on the Employer's prem­ ises during business hours.
Shop Rules. (a) The Company reserves the right to formulate and publish from time to time rules and regulations regarding the use and operation of machines, equipment and plant facilities and terms and conditions upon which special clothing is issued to employees.
Shop Rules. 12.01 The existing rules of the Company shall be made available to and be observed by all employees and these rules will be reasonable and not be in conflict with the terms of this Agreement. Modifications thereof or additions thereto may be made from time to time by the management. The application of shop rules and such modifications or additions which appear to be in conflict with the terms of this Agreement, may be made a cause of grievance and handled in accordance with the Grievance procedure, Article XXIII and XXIV. In cases where previous infractions are used as a basis for more severe disciplinary action, only actions occurring in the preceding twelve (12) month period will be considered. All disciplinary action slips will be canceled one year from the date of issuance and kept on file for 5 years. Files will be purged every January.

Related to Shop Rules

  • HIPAA Rules “HIPAA Rules” shall mean the Privacy, Security, Breach Notification, and Enforcement Rules at 45 CFR Part 160 and Part 164.

  • WORK RULES The State may change or adopt work rules during the term of this Agreement but such changed or adopted work rules shall not be inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Whenever such work rules are to be changed or adopted, they shall be posted on bulletin boards in the appropriate organizational units for seven (7) days before they are to become effective. Simultaneously with such posting a copy of same shall be forwarded to MSEA-SEIU. Upon request by MSEA-SEIU the State will meet and consult with MSEA-SEIU on the proposed changed or new rules.

  • School Rules The School rules which apply are set out in the Parent Handbook, the School website and other documents published from time to time. The Parents are requested to read these documents carefully with the Pupil before they accept the offer of a place.

  • HOUSE RULES RESIDENT shall comply with all house rules as stated on separate addendum, but which are deemed part of this rental agreement, and a violation of any of the house rules is considered a breach of this agreement.

  • Laws, Rules and Regulations You agree to comply with all existing and future operating procedures used by the Bank for processing of transactions. You further agree to comply with, and be bound by, all applicable state or federal laws, rules, regulations, orders, guidelines, operating circulars and pronouncements, affecting checks and drafts, including, but not limited to, all rules and procedural guidelines established by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Electronic Check Clearing House Organization ("ECCHO") and any other clearinghouse or other organization in which Bank is a member or to which rules Bank has agreed to be bound. These procedures, rules, and regulations (collectively the "Rules") and laws are incorporated herein by reference. In the event of conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the Rules, the Rules will control.

  • Safety Rules 5.01 The safety rules of the State having jurisdiction shall be observed by the parties hereto. It is recognized that the Employer has the exclusive responsibility for providing a safe and healthful workplace. To assist the Employer in maintaining an effective and continuing safety program, a permanent Joint Safety Committee shall be established, consisting of two (2) members from the Union and two (2) members from the Employers, who shall meet at regular times to administer educational instructions, investigate serious accidents, and to draft appropriate safety rules. Such rules as adopted by this committee, shall become a part of this Agreement.

  • THE RULES 4.1 Schedule 1 to this Agreement which sets out the Rules for the operation of Climate Change Agreements has effect. 4.2 The Sector Association agrees to comply with the Rules.

  • Export Rules You agree that the Software will not be shipped, transferred or exported into any country or used in any manner prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act or any other export laws, restrictions or regulations (collectively the "Export Laws"). In addition, if the Software is identified as an export controlled item under the Export Laws, you represent and warrant that you are not a citizen of, or located within, an embargoed or otherwise restricted nation (including without limitation Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Cuba and North Korea) and that you are not otherwise prohibited under the Export Laws from receiving the Software. All rights to use the Software are granted on condition that such rights are forfeited if you fail to comply with the terms of this agreement.

  • RULES & REGULATIONS The Exhibitor must comply with the requirements of all Authorities and where applicable with all rules and regulations issued by the owner of the Venue in force at the time of the Exhibition. The Exhibitor undertakes to comply with the obligations and duties contained or referred to in the Contract including (without limitation) those contained or to be contained in the Exhibitors’ Manual. Exemptions from any of these obligations and duties may be granted at the Organisers’ discretion. No exemption given by the Organisers will be effective unless in writing. The Contract comprises these Terms and Conditions, the Exhibition Space Contract and the Exhibitors’ Manual) except as varied in writing signed by the parties.

  • Rules All decisions as to these Official Rules and interpretations thereof are exclusively within the sole discretion of the Houston Rockets and Sponsor and may be changed from time to time without notice. The Houston Rockets and Sponsor reserve the right to cancel or modify the Sweepstakes at any time without notice.