Sovereignty Sample Clauses
Sovereignty. None of the foregoing provisions may be deemed or construed to imply a waiver of the Government’s rights as a sovereign.
Sovereignty. Sovereignty in Jerusalem shall be in accordance with attached Map 2. This shall not prejudice nor be prejudiced by the arrangements set forth below.
Sovereignty. If any provision of this agreement is determined by a governmental authority to be unenforceable, the unenforceability of that provision shall not make any other provision of this agreement unenforceable. The unendurable provision shall be modified only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable if possible.
Sovereignty. 1. This Agreement shall be without prejudice to the complete and exclusive sovereignty of the Contracting States over the airspace above their territory.
2. Nothing in this Agreement shall prejudice or affect the rights and obligations of the Contracting States either under the Convention on International Civil Aviation or under other international agreements to which either of them is a party.
Sovereignty. This Agreement shall be without prejudice to the Parties sovereignty over the airspace above their respective territories.
Sovereignty. Nothing in this Agreement is a waiver of either party’s sovereign or governmental immunities.
Sovereignty. If any provision of this agreement is determined by a governmental authority to be unenforceable, the unenforceability of the provision shall not make any other provision of the agreement unenforceable. The unenforceable provision shall be modified only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable if possible. Owner/Manager failure to exercise any provision of this agreement shall not waive the Owner/Manager’s right to do so. CUSTOM CONDITIONS Specific Landscaping Considerations (if any): Insert Custom Conditions (if any) Insert Custom Conditions (if any) ADDENDUMS Addendum A: Rules & Regulations Addendum F: Move-in Accounting Optional: Hot Tub Addendum Addendum B: Crime & Drug Free Exhibit 1: Unit Condition Report Optional: Co-Signer Addendum Addendum C: Cleaning Checklist Optional: Pet Addendum Optional: Cable Addendum Addendum D: Security Deposit Optional: Lead Paint Addendum Optional: Oil Furnace Addendum Addendum E: Optional Auto-Pay Optional: Fair Parking Addendum Optional: Satellite Addendum Optional: Utilities Addendum (Addendums and other Exhibits immediately follow) GENERAL Cooperation: These rules and regulations are designed to help you and management maintain a quality living environment. New rules and regulations or amendments to these rules may be adopted by Owner/Manager upon giving (thirty) 30 days notice in writing. These rules and any changes or amendments have a legitimate purpose and are not intended to be arbitrary or work as a substantial modification of Resident’s rights. They will not be unequally enforced. Resident(s) is responsible for the conduct of guests and the adherence to these rules and regulations at all times. The Owner/Manager is not responsible for fire, theft, damage, or loss to personal property etc. in the rental unit or any portion of the building surrounding grounds. Residents are advised to obtain their own insurance for personal property and liability. Office hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday. A cashier’s check or money order is required in lieu of cash. Screens: Owner/Manager is not obligated to provide window and/or door screens. If there are any presently installed, Owner/Manager has no obligation to maintain or replace them. Tenants must keep contact information up to date. This includes any home, work or cell phone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses. If any of this information changes, tenant must call Kalles Properties, Inc. to update information. Tenants are not to su...
Sovereignty. In the event any part of this Agreement is or shall be in contradiction to the applicable law or shall become invalid because of legal reasons, the remaining part of the Agreement shall stay in force and the invalid part shall be legally replaced under consideration of the intentions of the parties at the time of conclusion of this Agreement. Company’s Seal (Only for Corporate Client) The parties hereto have read and understood the contents hereof including the Risk Disclosure Statement and Future and Option Fact Sheet and have hereunder affixed their signature in the presence of witness on. The Client acknowledged that the Company shall provide a duplicated copy to Client upon their request. Signed X Client ( ) Signed Company
Sovereignty. This MOA does not constitute a waiver or alternation of any sovereign rights and immunities.
Sovereignty. 1. The Participants recognize that cooperation outlined in this MOU is subject to the Participants' national laws, regulations, policies, icebreaking needs, and a requirements and intend to consult with and inform the other Participants of any national requirements that conflic;t with or obstruct Participant's ability to carry out the activities outlined in this MOU.
2. Subject to obligations in any applicable future international agreements, as well as their domestic laws, the Participants intend for this MOU to enable Canada, the Republic of Finland, and the United States to design, build, operate, maintain, sustain, and dispose of their own sovereign polar and arctic icebreakers, as well as other capabilities, and for each Participant to make independent decisions on how their capabilities are employed, including all operational decision-making.
3. This MOU respects the autonomy of each Participant to define and pursue its own domestic priorities. All collaborative efforts will be structured to support the delivery of these sovereign outcomes while addressing current and emerging strategic challenges, strengthening the shipbuilding industries in each country, and generating economic benefits across al1 three countries.
4. The Participants intend to identify and communicate national priorities and work collaboratively to integrate these into the collective efforts, ensuring national and ICE Pact goals are achieved.
5. The Participants recognize that all Canadian, Finnish, and U.S. access to and use of facilities and areas in accordance with . this MOU will be on an as-requested basis, as mutually determined by the Participants and at the invitation ofthe Participants, with full respect for the sovereignty of the Participants' countries and in . accordance with applicable agreements and arrangements among the Participants.