Compulsory Leave Sample Clauses
Compulsory Leave a. If the University President believes an employee is unable to perform assigned duties due to illness or injury, the President shall inform the employee in writing of the basis for the President's belief and may require the employee to obtain a medical examination by a doctor chosen and paid for by the University or by a doctor chosen and paid for by the employee who is acceptable to the University. Refusal of an employee to submit to a medical examination may result in suspension of the employee or other disciplinary action. The doctor shall submit an opinion to the President as to whether the employee
(1) has a physical or mental condition which constitutes a health or other hazard to the employee, fellow employees, or others with whom the employee may come in contact or
(2) has a physical or mental condition which prevents the employee from performing the duties required by the position of employment. A copy of the doctor's opinion shall be given to the employee. At the employee's discretion and expense, a second medical opinion may be obtained for consideration by the President. If two medical opinions are obtained which are in conflict, the two doctors or the relevant professional association or society shall be requested to identify a third doctor to supply an additional medical opinion for consideration by the President. The expense of the third doctor's opinion shall be shared equally by the employee and the University.
b. If, after reviewing the medical opinions and other materials relevant to the employee's illness or injury, the President concludes that the employee (1) presents a health or other hazard to the employee, fellow employees, or others with whom the employee may come in contact or (2) is unable to perform the duties required by the position of employment, the President shall place the employee on compulsory leave. The President shall notify the employee in writing of the duration of the compulsory leave period. Any earned leave credits shall be used during the compulsory leave period. That portion of the compulsory leave, if any, which is not covered by earned leave credit shall be without pay.
c. After expiration of one-half of the compulsory leave period, the employee may, upon prior notice to the University, and at the employee's expense, seek a medical opinion from a doctor acceptable to the University as to the ability of the employee to return to work. If after reviewing the opinion and other materials relevant to the employe...
Compulsory Leave. If in the opinion of the Fire Chief, or designee, employees are unable to perform the duties of their position for physical or psychological reasons, an examination may be required by a physician or other competent authority designated by the Human Resources Director or designee. If the examination report shows the employee to be in an unfit condition to perform the duties required of the position, the Fire Chief, or designee, shall have the right to compel such employee to take sufficient leave of absence with or without pay, to transfer to another position without reduction in compensation, and/or follow a prescribed treatment regimen until medically qualified to return to unrestricted duty. An employee may challenge the medical or psychological findings of County Fire by providing not less than two (2) professional opinions from outside physicians or mental health professionals at the employee’s expense. Employees who become disqualified to perform the duties of their position (e.g., fail to maintain required licenses) shall be immediately removed from duty without pay or may use accrued paid leave for which they are eligible and may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Compulsory Leave. Release time, if Personal Leave is exhausted (except for jury duty), shall be granted for required appearances in court or other tribunal where the bargaining unit member is subpoenaed or is a party to a SERB hearing or arbitration. When the Association is the grievant or complainant at a SERB hearing or arbitration, the Association President (or designee) is considered the party. Any subpoena other than Board business will be covered up to three (3) days leave with pay each year. The bargaining unit member shall attach to the leave form (Appendix C), the subpoena given by the court or other tribunal for required attendance. Witness fees and jury duty pay must be forwarded to the Board within ten (10) days of receipt by the bargaining unit member.
Compulsory Leave. A person required to respond to a subpoena issued in a matter involving discipline of a student or a court proceeding involving a student or a court proceeding involving professional services related to employment, during a vacation period, shall be compensated at $100 total for up to four (4) hours, and $25 per hour (in quarter hour increments) for greater than four (4) hours, to a maximum of $200 per day, upon submission of verification to the Assistant Superintendent - Human Resources and Operations. A person required to respond to a subpoena or warrant or court proceeding involving discipline of a student or a court proceeding involving a student or a court proceeding involving professional services related to employment, resulting in involuntary absence during a school period will receive full compensation upon submission of verification to the Assistant Superintendent - Human Resources and Operations. Any compensation received by the person, other than the above for compulsory leave pay, including but not limited to witness fees, etc., must be paid to the Board of Education. Time served under compulsory leave will not be charged to sick or personal leave.
Compulsory Leave. If, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, an employee is unable to work for physical or psychological reasons, the Fire Chief may require the employee to take a medical examination at the District expense. If the medical report shows the employee to be in an unfit condition to perform the duties require of the position, the Fire Chief shall have the right to compel such employee to take sufficient leave of absence with or without pay until medically qualified to return to unrestricted duty. Medical findings of the District may be challenged by not less than two (2) professional opinions from outside physicians at the employee’s personal expense.
Compulsory Leave. In all cases where classified staff personnel are subpoenaed or summoned to appear in any court or cases in which they are not parties, such personnel shall be paid the difference between the witness fee and the regular salary for the period of absence.
Compulsory Leave.
A. In all cases where an employee is subpoenaed or summoned to appear as a witness for a Grand Jury hearing or to appear as a witness in any court in cases in which the employee or a member of the employee's immediate family is not a party, the employee shall be paid the difference between the fee the employee is entitled to receive and the regular compensation the employee would have earned for the period of absence. After absence pursuant to such subpoena, the employee shall return the payment received for such attendance to the office of the Treasurer and at the next regular pay receive full payment of his/her regular pay from the BOARD for the day(s) absent for this purpose.
B. If an employee on unpaid status is summoned to court on a work-related issue, the employee will be paid his/her hourly rate of pay.
Compulsory Leave. 1.03.1 A member required to respond to a subpoena issued in a matter involving the discipline of a student, or a court proceeding involving a student, or a court proceeding involving professional services during a vacation period or non-regularly scheduled work day shall be compensated at
1.03.2 A person required to respond to a subpoena or warrant or court proceeding involving discipline of a student, or a court proceeding involving a student, or a court proceeding involving professional services, resulting in involuntary absence during a school period will receive full compensation upon submission of the subpoena for verification to the Assistant Superintendent of HR and Operations.
1.03.3 Any compensation other than the above or mileage received for compulsory leave must be paid to the Board of Education. Time served under compulsory leave will not be charged to sick or personal leave. (See Appendix for form.)
Compulsory Leave. If, in the opinion of the Appointing Authority/Fire Marshal, employees are unable to perform the duties of their position for physical or psychological reasons, an examination may be required by a physician or other competent authority designated by the Human Resources Director or designee. If the examination report shows the employee to be in an unfit condition to perform the duties required of the position, the Appointing Authority/Fire Marshal shall have the right to compel such employee to take sufficient leave of absence with or without pay, to transfer to another position without reduction in compensation, and/or follow a prescribed treatment regimen until medically qualified to return to duty. Employees who become disqualified to perform the duties of their position (e.g., fail to maintain required licenses) shall be immediately removed from duty without pay or may use accrued paid leave for which they are eligible and may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Compulsory Leave. 1. Released time shall be granted for subpoenaed appearances by the Court or arbitration hearing. Witness fees and any other compensation received, if any, shall be forwarded to the Board within thirty (30) days of receipt by the employee in order to get regular pay for time released. Where such appearance involves the Association, the parties agree to work to schedule required appearances that will not negatively impact on the delivery of educational services at the Waterloo Local School District.
2. Absences must be processed through the Absence Management System as accessed through the Employee Kiosk System.