Educational Sessions Sample Clauses

Educational Sessions a. Upon request of the Union, each Xxxxxxx shall be entitled to a leave of absence without pay of three (3) days per year for the purpose of attending educational seminars sponsored by the Union. The number of Stewards granted a leave of absence at any one time, is subject to staffing and scheduling requirements. b. For an employee who is required to take courses by the Employer that improves the knowledge or skills on the job, the Employer agrees to pay one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of tuition and textbooks upon successful completion of the course, and the time required to be away from work. c. The Employer will offer, free of charge, CPR and UCP pharmacy recertification to any employee who currently holds a CPR or UCP pharmacy certificate. The time and location of such recertification shall be at the discretion of the Employer. Employees who don’t attend, the Employer provided recertification(s) will be responsible for obtaining them at their own expense.
Educational Sessions a. Upon request of the Union, each Xxxxxxx shall be entitled to an unpaid leave of absence of five (5) days per year for the purpose of attending educational seminars sponsored by the Union, if such a seminar falls on an employee's regular scheduled working day. b. Unpaid leaves of absence may be granted to employees to attend professional and educational meetings, seminars, courses or other events which may be judged beneficial to the employee's professional development, especially as it relates to his/her responsibilities with the Employer. c. The Administrator shall grant a request for an unpaid leave of absence of up to one (1) year to upgrade employment qualifications, provided that she receives at least one (1) month’s notice in writing, unless impossible, and provided that such a leave may be arranged without undue inconvenience to the normal operations of the facility. Applicants, when applying, must indicate the date of departure and specific date of return. d. When employees are required by the Employer to take courses, examinations, or to upgrade or acquire new employment qualifications, the Employer will pay the full cost associated with such courses and the employee shall be entitled to a leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority and benefits to attend the required courses, examinations, or other requirement to upgrade her employment qualifications. e. The Employer shall pay for each employee's First Aide Course and its renewal upon expiry. The Employer shall pay for each employee's CPR and Basic Rescuer course and its renewal upon expiry. Holding such certificates shall not be a condition of commencement or continuation of employment. Time spent taking such courses will not be paid for. f. The Employer will pay the tuition for any employee to be enrolled in one course per year for training related to the work of the bargaining unit (e.g. courses offered by Niagara College, such as those related to diabetes, nutrition, or behaviour management). Management will have the sole discretion to approve whether the courses are sufficiently related or not to fall under this provision, but this discretion will be exercised reasonably. The employee must remain working at Chippawa Place for one (1) year after successful completion of the course, or the tuition payment will be deducted off the employee’s last paycheque. g. The Employer will provide in-services relating to diet, nutrition, and safety practices, such as lifting and fire prevent...
Educational Sessions. Therapy sessions are 50 minutes in length. When delivering process-based, multi-sensory instruction, students attend sessions a minimum of 3 days per week. We offer “Regular” and “
Educational Sessions. The number of participants shall not exceed thirty- five (35) per session. Any breaks provided to participants during these sessions shall be in addition to the minimum required hours. Educational sessions will be informational in content and didactic in method of presentation. The educational curriculum will be reviewed and approved by the COUNTY.
Educational Sessions. Target Audiences: Youth, WRA Period of implementation: Year2-Year5 Potential partners: HWUP will train educators representing staff and volunteers working for/with HWUP stakeholders, such as MOH, MOSP, and NGOs. The model of collaboration between the USAID supported TfH project and PSPs in the former 15 partner oblasts will be used for expansion of similar cooperation into the HWUP priority oblasts.
Educational Sessions. This year’s educational sessions will include panels on conducting effective public meetings, the American Rescue Plan Act, cannabis, redistricting, opioid crisis dollars, media relations, and county funding streams.
Educational Sessions i. Overview Each site will host six educational sessions over a period of 6 months. The sessions can be physically located at the grantee’s site or at any other appropriate facility in the community that is accessible to the target audience. These sessions shall address the serious consequences of obesity [high blood pressure, type II diabetes, coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, and some types of cancer] and the benefits associated with risk modification. Sessions may include lectures, demonstrations, video presentations, activities, etc. Each session must also incorporate some form of moderate physical activity (such as walking, yoga, or aerobics). Additionally, each session shall include a small group discussion component that will focus on encouraging participants to incorporate weight control strategies and physical activity into their daily lives. Participants shall be divided into small groups according to criteria chosen by the grantee. During the group discussion component, participants should discuss self-monitoring efforts and establish risk modification goals. The grantee will consult and incorporate qualified health and nutrition professionals in the development and implementation of the curriculum and small group discussions. ii. Educational Session #1: Screening and Program Introduction During the first educational session, screening shall be conducted for each participant (all measurements must be kept confidential) to establish baseline measurements. (Note: Fasting blood tests must be used to screen for cholesterol and diabetes.) The grantee may solicit local health care organizations, drug stores, and/or other private sources to donate or loan screening equipment, giving proper acknowledgment for their assistance. Additionally, health professionals who volunteer to present at sessions can be asked to bring equipment with them and help conduct the screenings. Alternatively, grantees may use a small amount (no more than $10,000.00) of grant funds to purchase screening equipment and supplies. The importance of weight control, good nutrition, recommended portion sizes, and physical activity will be introduced and emphasized as the primary goal of the program. Daily weight and physical activity self- monitoring materials (diaries, logs, etc.) will be distributed and explained. The site leader should also discuss the reward system for reaching risk modification goals. Mor...

Related to Educational Sessions

  • Educational Services Any service or supply for education, training or retraining services or testing including: special education, remedial education; cognitive remediation; wilderness/outdoor treatment, therapy or adventure programs (whether or not the program is part of a Residential Treatment facility or otherwise licensed institution); job training or job hardening programs; educational services and schooling or any such related or similar program including therapeutic programs within a school setting.

  • Operational Support Systems (OSS The terms, conditions and rates for OSS are as set forth in Section 2.13 of this Attachment.

  • Operational Support Systems <<customer_name>> shall pay charges for Operational Support Systems (OSS) as set forth in this Agreement in Attachment 1 and/or in Attachments 2, 3 and 5, as applicable.

  • Procurement Planning Prior to the issuance of any invitations to bid for contracts, the proposed procurement plan for the Project shall be furnished to the Association for its review and approval, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Appendix 1 to the Guidelines. Procurement of all goods and works shall be undertaken in accordance with such procurement plan as shall have been approved by the Association, and with the provisions of said paragraph 1.

  • Training Programs All employees shall successfully complete all necessary training prior to being assigned work (e.g., all employees will complete health and safety training prior to being assigned to task). Nothing in this Article or provision shall constitute a waiver of either party’s bargaining obligations or defenses. The Employer still has an obligation to notify and bargain changes in terms and conditions of employment with the exclusive representative.

  • Training and Education SECTION 1 – Law Enforcement Supervisors’ Training

  • Educational Program A. DSST PUBLIC SCHOOLS shall implement and maintain the following characteristics of its educational program in addition to those identified in the Network Contract at DSST XXXX MIDDLE SCHOOL (“the School” within Exhibit A-3). These characteristics are subject to modification with the District’s written approval:

  • Training Program It is agreed that there shall be an Apprenticeship Training Program, the provisions of which are set forth in Exhibit "D", which is attached hereto and forms part of this Agreement.

  • STAFF ORIENTATION 4101 The Employer shall provide an appropriate orientation program for nurses newly employed. The orientation program shall include such essential information as policies, nursing procedures, the location of supplies and equipment, fire, safety and disaster plans. Where necessary, orientation shall be provided for nurses moving to a new area of practice. 4102 The Employer shall provide a program of inservice education for nurses pertinent to patient care. 4103 The Employer shall provide, access to reference materials as is required in relation to maintaining current knowledge of general nursing care. Licensed Practical Nurse 2015 Hourly 25.198 26.022 26.836 27.825 28.732 29.745 30.804 31.420 Monthly 4,231.164 4,369.528 4,506.212 4,672.281 4,824.582 4,994.681 5,172.505 5,275.942 Annual 50,773.970 52,434.330 54,074.540 56,067.375 57,894.980 59,936.175 62,070.060 63,311.300 Nurse II 2015 Hourly 32.917 34.066 35.218 36.419 37.593 38.811 39.587 Monthly 5,527.313 5,720.249 5,913.689 6,115.357 6,312.491 6,517.014 6,647.317 Annual 66,327.755 68,642.990 70,964.270 73,384.285 75,749.895 78,204.165 79,767.805 Nurse II (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 33.575 34.747 35.923 37.148 38.345 39.587 Monthly 5,637.802 5,834.600 6,032.070 6,237.768 6,438.765 6,647.317 Annual 67,653.625 70,015.205 72,384.845 74,853.220 77,265.175 79,767.805 Nurse III 2015 Hourly 34.168 35.321 36.523 37.697 38.787 39.975 41.201 42.025 Monthly 5,737.377 5,930.985 6,132.820 6,329.955 6,512.984 6,712.469 6,918.335 7,056.698 Annual 68,848.520 71,171.815 73,593.845 75,959.455 78,155.805 80,549.625 83,020.015 84,680.375 Nurse III (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 34.851 36.027 37.254 38.451 39.563 40.775 42.025 Monthly 5,852.064 6,049.534 6,255.568 6,456.564 6,643.287 6,846.802 7,056.698 Annual 70,224.765 72,594.405 75,066.810 77,478.765 79,719.445 82,161.625 84,680.375 Nurse IV 2015 Hourly 35.340 36.649 37.959 39.387 41.024 42.612 44.273 45.158 Monthly 5,934.175 6,153.978 6,373.949 6,613.734 6,888.613 7,155.265 7,434.175 7,582.781 Annual 71,210.100 73,847.735 76,487.385 79,364.805 82,663.360 85,863.180 89,210.095 90,993.370 Nurse IV (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 36.047 37.382 38.718 40.175 41.844 43.464 45.158 Monthly 6,052.892 6,277.061 6,501.398 6,746.052 7,026.305 7,298.330 7,582.781 Annual 72,634.705 75,324.730 78,016.770 80,952.625 84,315.660 87,579.960 90,993.370 Nurse V 2015 Hourly 37.305 38.733 40.369 41.957 43.690 45.388 47.157 48.100 Monthly 6,264.131 6,503.916 6,778.628 7,045.280 7,336.279 7,621.402 7,918.446 8,076.792 Annual 75,169.575 78,046.995 81,343.535 84,543.355 88,035.350 91,456.820 95,021.355 96,921.500 Nurse V (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 38.051 39.508 41.177 42.797 44.564 46.296 48.100 Monthly 6,389.397 6,634.052 6,914.305 7,186.330 7,483.038 7,773.870 8,076.792 Annual 76,672.765 79,608.620 82,971.655 86,235.955 89,796.460 93,286.440 96,921.500 Nurse Practitioner 2015 Hourly 42.515 45.635 47.511 49.385 51.408 52.437 Monthly 7,138.977 7,662.877 7,977.889 8,292.565 8,632.260 8,805.046 Annual 85,667.725 91,954.525 95,734.665 99,510.775 103,587.120 105,660.555 Nurse Practitioner (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 43.365 46.548 48.461 50.373 52.437 Monthly 7,281.706 7,816.185 8,137.410 8,458.466 8,805.046 Annual 87,380.475 93,794.220 97,648.915 101,501.595 105,660.555 Weekend Worker - Licensed Practical Nurse 2015 Hourly 28.977 29.925 30.861 31.999 33.042 34.206 35.425 36.133 Monthly 4,865.721 5,024.906 5,182.076 5,373.165 5,548.303 5,743.758 5,948.448 6,067.333 Annual 58,388.655 60,298.875 62,184.915 64,477.985 66,579.630 68,925.090 71,381.375 72,807.995 Weekend Worker - Nurse II 2015 Hourly 37.855 39.176 40.501 41.882 43.232 44.633 45.526 Monthly 6,356.485 6,578.303 6,800.793 7,032.686 7,259.373 7,494.625 7,644.574 Annual 76,277.825 78,939.640 81,609.515 84,392.230 87,112.480 89,935.495 91,734.890 Weekend Worker - Nurse II (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 38.612 39.959 41.311 42.720 44.097 45.526 Monthly 6,483.598 6,709.782 6,936.805 7,173.400 7,404.621 7,644.574 Annual 77,803.180 80,517.385 83,241.665 86,080.800 88,855.455 91,734.890 Weekend Worker - Nurse III 2015 Hourly 39.293 40.619 42.002 43.352 44.605 45.971 47.381 48.329 Monthly 6,597.950 6,820.607 7,052.836 7,279.523 7,489.923 7,719.297 7,956.060 8,115.245 Annual 79,175.395 81,847.285 84,634.030 87,354.280 89,879.075 92,631.565 95,472.715 97,382.935 Weekend Worker - Nurse III (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 40.079 41.431 42.842 44.219 45.497 46.891 48.329 Monthly 6,729.932 6,956.955 7,193.886 7,425.107 7,639.705 7,873.780 8,115.245 Annual 80,759.185 83,483.465 86,326.630 89,101.285 91,676.455 94,485.365 97,382.935 Weekend Worker - Nurse IV 2015 Hourly 40.641 42.146 43.653 45.295 47.177 49.003 50.914 51.932 Monthly 6,824.301 7,077.016 7,330.066 7,605.785 7,921.805 8,228.420 8,549.309 8,720.248 Annual 81,891.615 84,924.190 87,960.795 91,269.425 95,061.655 98,741.045 102,591.710 104,642.980 Weekend Worker - Nurse IV (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 41.454 42.989 44.526 46.201 48.121 49.983 51.932 Monthly 6,960.818 7,218.570 7,476.658 7,757.918 8,080.318 8,392.979 8,720.248 Annual 83,529.810 86,622.835 89,719.890 93,095.015 96,963.815 100,715.745 104,642.980 Weekend Worker - Nurse V 2015 Hourly 42.900 44.543 46.425 48.251 50.244 52.196 54.230 55.315 Monthly 7,203.625 7,479.512 7,795.531 8,102.147 8,436.805 8,764.578 9,106.121 9,288.310 Annual 86,443.500 89,754.145 93,546.375 97,225.765 101,241.660 105,174.940 109,273.450 111,459.725 Weekend Worker - Nurse V (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 43.758 45.434 47.353 49.216 51.249 53.240 55.315 Monthly 7,347.698 7,629.126 7,951.358 8,264.187 8,605.561 8,939.883 9,288.310 Annual 88,172.370 91,549.510 95,416.295 99,170.240 103,266.735 107,278.600 111,459.725 1 Eligibility for the 20 Year increment is determined in accordance w ith Article 2105.

  • Training a. The employer, in consultation with the local, shall be responsible for developing and implementing an ongoing harassment and sexual harassment awareness program for all employees. Where a program currently exists and meets the criteria listed in this agreement, such a program shall be deemed to satisfy the provisions of this article. This awareness program shall initially be for all employees and shall be scheduled at least once annually for all new employees to attend. b. The awareness program shall include but not be limited to: i. the definitions of harassment and sexual harassment as outlined in this Agreement; ii. understanding situations that are not harassment or sexual harassment, including the exercise of an employer's managerial and/or supervisory rights and responsibilities; iii. developing an awareness of behaviour that is illegal and/or inappropriate; iv. outlining strategies to prevent harassment and sexual harassment; v. a review of the resolution of harassment and sexual harassment as outlined in this Agreement; vi. understanding malicious complaints and the consequences of such; vii. outlining any Board policy for dealing with harassment and sexual harassment; viii. outlining laws dealing with harassment and sexual harassment which apply to employees in B.C.