Stipend Committee Sample Clauses
Stipend Committee. The Stipend Committee shall include six (6) representatives from the Association who represent the, elementary, middle, and high school, as appointed by the President of the Association, and six (6) administrators appointed by the Superintendent or his/her designee. The chairperson of the committee shall be the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources who shall be one of the six (6) chosen administrators.
Stipend Committee. A stipend committee of ten
Stipend Committee. A Stipend Committee shall be formed to discuss and determine the distribution of stipends and release time for services provided outside and during the normal instructional day. The Stipend Committee shall develop a process for soliciting from the Faculty ideas and requests for stipend-eligible work and a methodology by which stipend requests will be evaluated and awarded. A draft schedule of stipend-eligible work for the following school year shall be posted at the School no later than the last day of instruction in any given school year. The Committee’s final recommendations for the distribution of stipends for a school year shall be presented to the Board for approval no later than September 30th of each school year.
Stipend Committee. A stipend committee of ten (10) persons will be appointed no later than October 1st of each year. The committee will consist of five (5) members appointed by the Association President and five (5) appointed by the Board of Education. In addition, the Association and the Board may appoint two (2) additional members each at their discretion to the committee should they deem additional input would be appropriate
1 Junior high representative; 1 Elementary representative; and 1 General Representative (e.g. Association Officer and a Central Administrator). The committee:
a) shall have a budget equal to one-half of the stipend base for each year.
b) make recommendations to the Association and Board for adjustments in stipends which are within their budget parameters;
c) shall periodically review evaluative criteria for placement of stipends on the schedule;
d) may make recommendations that include requests for new stipends within the Committee's negotiated budget, and
e) may initiate a project to gather job descriptions of the various stipend positions.
f) develop posting guidelines and selection criteria with first preference to bargaining unit members.
g) develop an evaluation process and make recommendations to the IPC.
h) shall develop criteria by which new stipends are proposed and reviewed. The above guidelines do not preclude the Board from creating or funding new positions on its own, provided the Committee has the responsibility for determining placement of positions on the schedule and that the cost of such positions are not deducted from the committee's negotiated budget.
Stipend Committee. A Stipend Committee maybe convened at the request of the Superintendent and/or the Association for the purpose of adjusting, adding, or deleting stipend positions. The Committee will consist of members appointed by the Association President and members appointed by the Superintendent in equal numbers. The Superintendent, or his/her designee, will chair this meeting. Recommendations of this committee will be in effect until the next formal negotiations.
Stipend Committee. The Committee and the Association will create a Stipend Committee to establish a uniform system for adding stipends to the Unit A contract. The committee will consist of three (3) members appointed by the Superintendent and three (3) members appointed by the Association President. The purpose of the committee is to listen to proposals for additional clubs and activities and to recommend to the School Committee the tier, stipend and number of advisors during the life of this contract.
Stipend Committee a. A Stipend Committee will be formed to review current stipends and proposals for new stipends for sports/activities/clubs and make recommendations to the AFT President and Superintendent or designee for final approval. The Stipend Committee cannot override the AFT President’s and Superintendent’s decision to reject a stipend recommendation. This committee will consist of representatives from the AFT who represent the elementary, middle, and high schools, as appointed by the AFT President, and administrators appointed by the Superintendent. The committee will identify a chairperson to organize the structure and agenda of the meetings.
Stipend Committee. A stipend committee of nine (9) persons will be appointed no later than October 1st. The committee will consist of four (4) members appointed by the Association President and four (4) appointed by the Board of Education/Superintendent (or designee). Committee members will be appointed as follows:
Stipend Committee. (1) The stipend committee shall be governed by a four-person committee comprised of an Association executive, the Superintendent, a designee of the Superintendent, and a teacher appointed by the Association.
Stipend Committee. A Stipend Committee will be convened. The membership shall consist of three representatives appointed by the Association President and three representatives appointed by the Superintendent. The Committee will review all stipends and develop a schedule that incorporates the new stipends into a structure that has an overall cost as the FY15 Actual Stipends +2.5%. Changes to the structure will be incorporated through a side letter with HWREA. The Superintendent, or his/her designee, will chair this meeting. Recommendations of this committee will be in effect until the next formal negotiations.