STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. 17.1 The Developer agrees that prior to the Town executing this Agreement the Developer shall prepare and provide a Storm Water Management Report which shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Public Works, the Region of Niagara Planning & Development Department, the Ministry of the Environment, the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority and the Region of Niagara Public Works Department, indicating the following: a) the manner in which storm water will be conveyed across the Lands in both major and minor storms, using storm water management techniques that are in accordance with the Provincial guidelines contained in “Storm Water Management Practices Planning & Design Manual - June 1994” (Ministry of Environment) and the latest revision thereof or such more stringent standards as may be applicable; b) an assessment of downstream and upstream constraints and how these constraints can be addressed (at a minimum the storm water management system must provide Level 1 protection for downstream fisheries and resources); and, c) an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for the development of the Lands whereby erosion and sediment and their effects will be minimized on site during and after construction in accordance with the “Ontario Guidelines on Erosion and Sediment Control for Urban Construction Sites” May 1987 and the latest revision thereof or such more stringent standards as may be applicable. 17.2 The Developer shall prepare and provide a Subdivision Grading Plan in accordance with Section 28 hereof indicating the existing and proposed grades as well as the means whereby major system flows will be conveyed across the Lands. The 100-year flood level shall be plotted on the Plan to ensure that all structural development will be located above this elevation. 17.3 The Developer agrees to carry out or to have carried out all storm water management techniques and Works necessary and/or required to convey storm water runoff from the Lands in accordance with the approved Subdivision Grading Plan and Storm Water Management Plan to the complete satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Region of Niagara Planning & Development Department.
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. The Owner shall construct the stormwater management facility for the Plan of Subdivision on Block(s) of Plan 57M- and shall convey Blocks each for construction and placement of a stormwater management pond and sediment drying areas, and Blocks for access and drainage to the stormwater management ponds of Plan 57M- to the City.
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. The Owner shall construct the stormwater management facility(ies) for the Plan of Subdivision on Block(s) ___ of Plan 57M- ____ and shall convey Blocks_______each for construction and placement of a stormwater management pond and sediment drying areas, and Blocks _____________for access and drainage to the stormwater management ponds of Plan 57M-____ to the City.
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. The subdivider shall construct stormwater drainage facilities, which may include curbs and gutters, catch basins and inlets, storm sewers, road ditches, open channels, and storage facilities as may be required. All such facilities are to be of adequate size and grade to hydraulically accommodate potential volumes of flow. The type of facilities required and the design criteria shall be determined by the Village Engineer. Storm drainage facilities shall be so designed as to prevent and control soil erosion and sedimentation and present no hazard to life or property. The size, type, and installation of all stormwater management facilities proposed to be constructed shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Village Engineer. The subdivider shall assume the costs entailed in constructing stormwater conveyances and storage facilities necessary to serve the proposed development and to carry the existing stormwater flows through the proposed development. If larger conveyance and storage facilities are required to accommodate flows originating from outside of the proposed development, or to avoid flooding attendant to increased flows downstream of the proposed development caused not by the development but by preexisting development upstream, the cost of such facilities shall be prorated in proportion to the contributing rates of flows, and the excess cost shall be borne by the Village or assessed against the tributary drainage areas concerned.
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. (1) The Owner shall comply with all requirements of Section 5. of the Subdivision (Preliminary Grading) Agreement together with following any directions that may be provided by the Township, Credit Valley Conservation, and/or the County of Dufferin. (2) The Owner shall be required to carry out including maintaining all sediment and erosion control measures, including a barrier fence, as identified and approved in Section 4. and as required under Section 5. of the Subdivision (Preliminary Grading) Agreement to the satisfaction of Credit Valley Conservation and the Township (3) The Owner shall carry out the stormwater management facilities/pond maintenance schedule until final acceptance by the Township, and consistent with Section 5. of the Subdivision (PreliminaryGrading) Agreement.
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. Tenant shall develop all required stormwater drainage and detention facilities sized, and with appropriate specifications, to manage stormwater discharges as depicted on the Phase Development Plan attached hereto as Exhibit B consisting of approximately acres [fill in for each Phase] and in compliance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200-33B. Tenant shall commission and provide the City and the Port (without warranty or liability therefor) an operations and maintenance manual for the facilities that include provisions for mitigation of wildlife hazards to Airport flight operations. Upon completion of such facilities, the applicable Stormwater Tracts as identified in the Short Plat shall be (and be deemed) removed from the Premises, shall no longer be subject to payment of Base Rent thereon, and either party may record notice of the amended legal description resulting from such removal. In addition, upon acceptance of such facilities by the City, the facilities shall be deeded to the City (through or on behalf of the Port if permitted and required to secure statutory bonding requirement exemption and subject to approval of a surplusing resolution by the Port Commission as required by statute) as provided by the Development Agreement. The Port shall cooperate with Tenant to facilitate the design, permitting and construction of such facilities, including, without limitation, executing applications or other instruments, necessary or appropriate, in Tenant’s reasonable discretion, in connection therewith. The Port shall not be liable for any costs associated with design or construction of the storm water management facilities required in this Section. [A prorated share of the costs of the construction of the stormwater drainage and detention facilities will be part of the Cost Sharing Agreement executed concurrently herewith between the Port and Tenant under the Option Agreement (the “Cost Sharing Agreement”) which shall require the owner of future Phase 2 or 3, as benefited thereby, to reimburse Tenant for such prorated share of the costs.] [Delete in the Phase 2 Ground Lease form.]
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. The Developer shall install adequate 320 ditches, drainageways, and stormwater management facilities (collectively, 321 “Stormwater Management Facilities”) for the Development based on 322 generally-accepted industry standards and as required by law. The Developer’s 323 Engineer shall provide to the Village Engineer necessary background data, 324 including stormwater calculations, along with a proposed plan for Stormwater 325 Management Facilities certified by the Developer’s Engineer. The Village 326 Engineer may rely on the background data and stormwater calculations provided 327 when reviewing the proposed plans. The Village Engineer’s written “notice of no 328 objection” is one of the requirements that Developer must satisfy prior to 329 commencing work on the Stormwater Management Facilities. It remains the 330 Developer’s obligation to not only obtain all approvals and permits from CARPC 331 and Dane County Land & Water Resources Department (including stormwater and 332 erosion control permits) required by law, but also to complete the work needed to 333 make sure that the Stormwater Management Facilities infiltrate in the field as 334 designed, and that the Stormwater Management Facilities in the field are consistent 336 337 338 339 2.3. 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 2.4. 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 with the stormwater management plan approved by CARPC and the stormwater and erosion control permits issued by Dane County Land & Water Resources Department.
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. Any structure, natural or man-made, that, due to its condition, design, or construction, conveys, stores, or otherwise affects stormwater runoff quality, rate, or quantity, which typically include, but are not limited to, detention and infiltration basins, open channels, storm sewers, pipes, and infiltration structures.
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. (1) Stormwater management facilities may include both structural and non-structural elements incorporating quantity and/or quality control. (2) A variety of different types of stormwater management facilities exist and can be used to satisfy the minimum quantity and/or quality control requirements. All proposed stormwater control measures shall be in accordance with the Storm Drainage Design Standards. (3) Stormwater management facilities shall restrict the peak post-development runoff rate to the peak pre-development rate for the design storm. The design storm shall be ten (10), twenty-five (25), or fifty (50) years, depending on the size of the drainage basin. Overflow structures and emergency spillways shall be designed to accommodate the 100-year rainfall.
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. The stormwater management facility for the Plan of Subdivision 57M-