Technical Risks. It is uncertain whether a ChiNext company is able to convert its technical innovations into physical products or services. When the industry is experiencing rapid technological development and replacement, its product may be obsolete and may not survive in the market.
Technical Risks. 9.3.1. The Client accepts risks of financial losses due to a failure of information, communication, electrical and other systems from the Client side.
9.3.2. During trading by means of the client terminal the Client accepts the risks of financial losses, which might occur due to:
a) A failure in the hardware, software, and bad quality of connection from the Client side;
b) A malfunctioning of the Client equipment;
c) Wrong settings of the client terminal;
d) Not a timely update of the client terminal version;
e) A lack of the Client knowledge about the instructions, described in the support installed in the Terminal.
Technical Risks. There is higher degree of uncertainty whether a STAR company is able to convert its technical innovations into physical products or services. When the industry is experiencing rapid technological development and replacement, its product may be obsolete and may not survive in the market. You should seek independent professional advice if you are uncertain of or have not understood any aspect of this Annex, the nature and risks involved in trading of ChiNext Shares and/or STAR Shares.
Technical Risks. The Client accepts the risks of financial losses incurred because of failures of information, communication, electronic and other systems. The Client accepts the risks of financial losses, which can happen because of the malfunction of hardware and software facilities and poor communication at the Client’s side. The Client bears responsibility for their financial losses incurred because of ignorance of the instructions presented in the Client’s Terminal Instruction Manual.
Technical Risks. Application of New Technologies: The use of new technologies or tools in the system may lead to unforeseen problems. Technical Integration: Technical integration between modules may encounter compatibility issues. Mitigation Strategies: Conduct technical research and small-scale trials in advance to ensure the feasibility of new technologies. Develop a technical integration plan to ensure seamless connection between modules.
Technical Risks. The Client accepts the risks of financial losses incurred because of failures of information, communication, electronic and other systems. The Client accepts the risks of financial losses, which can happen because of the malfunction of hardware and software facilities and poor communication on the Client’s side. The Client bears responsibility for the financial losses incurred because of ignorance of the instructions presented in the Client’s Terminal Instruction Manual. Client bears sole responsibility for the safety of confidential information received from the Company and accepts the risks of financial losses incurred as the result of unauthorized access of the third parties to the trading account
Technical Risks a) If the Client undertakes transactions on an electronic system, he will be exposed to risks associated with the system including the failure of hardware and software (Internet / Servers). The result of any system failure may be that his order is either not executed according to his instructions or it is not executed at all. OPAL BROKERS does not accept any liability in the case of such a failure.
b) The Client shall be responsible for the risks of financial losses caused by failure of information, communication, electronic or other systems.
c) OPAL BROKERS has no responsibility if authorized third persons have access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication and personal data, access data when the above are transmitted between OPAL BROKERS or any other party, using the internet or other network communication facilities, telephone, or any other electronic means.
d) The Client acknowledges that the unencrypted information transmitted by e-mail is not protected from any unauthorized access.
e) At times of excessive deal flow the Client may have some difficulties to be connected over the phone or the Trading Platform, especially in fast Market (for example, when key macroeconomic indicators are released).
f) The Client acknowledges that the internet may be subject to events which may affect his access to OPAL BROKERS Website and/or Trading System, including but not limited to interruptions or transmission blackouts, software and hardware failure and internet disconnection. OPAL BROKERS is not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from such events which are beyond its control or for any other losses, costs, liabilities, or expenses (including, without limitation, loss of profit) which may result from the Client’s inability to access the Company’s Website and/or Trading System or delay or failure in sending Orders or Transactions.
g) OPAL BROKERS is not an Internet Service Provider and cannot be responsible for not fulfilling any obligations with its Clients because of internet connection failures or public electricity network failures or hacker attacks.
h) The Client is warned that when trading in an electronic platform he assumes risk of financial loss which may be a consequence of amongst other things: • Failure of Client’s devices, software and poor quality of connection; • The Company’s or Client’s hardware or software failure, malfunction or misuse; • Improper work of Client’s equipment; • Wrong setting of Client’...
Technical Risks. The project will combine different types of activities: gathering and reviewing state of the art information and data, laboratory tests, theoretical and numerical modelling, analytical deskwork. The following risks have been considered: • Lack of information for the WP 2: data for development and validation of mechanical models are known to exist already from previous research projects. Information about current practice in recycling can be obtained from the different research institutes, professional associations and governmental agencies associated with the project and access to this information will be facilitated by the reference end-users group. • There is no technical risk to WP 12. However, the detailed guidelines to be developed under this WP will inevitably be a compromise that balances the conflicting economic, environmental and social requirements of a particular structure. This will almost certainly contain an element of subjective judgement. • Besides cathodic protection, the application of inhibitors is the most promising technique for the corrosion protection of concrete highway structures. The results of the proposed investigations might, however, indicate that these inhibitors do not effectively protect steel in concrete against corrosion in all circumstances. In that case some inappropriate procedures for anti-corrosion protection of steel in concrete can be eliminated and the basis for eventual further research of corrosion inhibitors for concrete will be formed. In the case of positive results, the application of corrosion inhibitors will surely be the most cost-beneficial technique for the rehabilitation of concrete structures with minimal traffic delay and diversion costs. • The main technical risk associated with HPFRCC is their long-term behaviour given the limited time scale of the proposed research and development. However, the numerical simulation tools should help capture the long-term behaviour of these materials and hybrid structures in a realistic way. • In the survey on highway infrastructures not all EEA and CE countries can be involved into the project. However, efforts will be made to ensure that the selected partners will provide relevant data for a comprehensive survey on highway structures in these countries. • Lack of expertise: the experts enlisted for the project are key researchers in Europe in their field. Most of them have taken part in the past in various European projects and are active in the field of standard...
Technical Risks. The Client acknowledges and accepts the risk of mistakes or misinterpretations in the orders sent through the Company due to technical failures or errors of electronic means;
Technical Risks. 4.1.1 Common technical risks for HVAC systems The following technical risks are common for the various HVAC system types reviewed and benefited from being modelled as an off-axis scenario in the DfP simulation. • Heat recovery VRF system. Zonal thermal diversity tends to favour heat recovery VRF systems. With smaller VRF buildings delivered as a shell-and- core base building design, stress test poor design by the tenant by removing the diversified internal zone loads. • Water-to-air heat pumps. Unless enforced via tenant leases or a CAT-A HVAC design, any condenser water valves for the compressor units are likely to be open for long durations, leading to the pumping system acting as a constant flow instead of variable flow system. This risk is mitigated if continuously modulating condenser water valves linked to compressor load is specified. • Air-to-air heat pumps. Where a single heat pump serves both interior and perimeter zones with terminal reheats, the high efficiencies of heat pumps in heating mode is not capitalised6 and reheat energy will be high. Where this result is not observed in the simulation results, revisit how the air transfer between HVAC thermal zones is modelled by the simulation software engine or consider adding internal partition walls to ensure this is modelled correctly by the software. From a mechanical design perspective, this system should be designed with separate perimeter and interior zone heat pumps. • Centralised cooling and heating plant. o Standard designs seem wedded to the use of plate heat exchangers at each tenancy for hydraulic separation. This practice is advantageous to enable tenant fit-outs without affecting the broader hydronic network and pseudomonas risk-management. However, this is at the expense of pressure losses7 across the heat exchanger and more notably, restricts execution of temperature resets8 that increases chiller and 6 This is because the heat pumps will always operate to satisfy the warmest zones, leaving any colder zones to be reheated using terminal reheats. 7 Typically between 10kPa to 40kPa per heat exchanger. 8 Relaxed temperatures (higher for chilled water, CHW; and lower for hot water, LTHW) decrease thermal efficiency of heat exchangers which could be specified to be anywhere between 80 and 95% efficient. heating plant efficiency during building partial loading. As a result, the system regresses to operating as a constant temperature system, which can perpetuate the ‘low deltaT9’ syndrome....