The Parents Obligations Sample Clauses

The Parents Obligations. (a) We require your co-operation. In order to fulfil our obligations under this contract and to maintain a constructive and good working relationship with you, we, the Head and School staff need your co-operation, including in particular by you fulfilling your own obligations under this contract. (b) It is a condition of your child joining the School that you complete the application process honestly and without wilful and material omission or inaccuracy. The Head reserves the right to withdraw Flexi Boarding without prior notice in the event of a material omission or inaccuracy. Should the Head exercise this right you will not be entitled to any refund or remission of charges or supplemental chargers paid or due and the deposit will be forfeited. However, in such circumstances charges in lieu of notice will not be payable. (c) You must notify us of your child’s health/medical conditions. It is a condition of your child’s joining the School that you complete and submit to the School a medical questionnaire in respect of your child. You must inform the School of any health or medical condition, disability or allergy that your child has or subsequently develops, whether long-term or short-term, including any infections. You must also provide us, whether upon further request by the School or otherwise, any reports or other materials relevant to the same. (d) Circumstances where we may require you to keep your child away from School. If the School so requires due to a health risk either presented by your child to others or presented to your child by others or by reason of a virus, pandemic, epidemic or other health risk, you undertake to keep your child at home and not permit him/her to return to the School until such time as the health risk has passed. (e) Other than in exceptional circumstances, and subject to the Head’s agreement, your child must register with the School’s doctor. (f) You must notify us of any special arrangements needed for your child. You must inform the School of any situations where special arrangements may be needed in relation to your child, including in relation to his or her welfare. (g) You must notify us of any court orders that relate to, or that may impact upon, the provision of Flexi Boarding facilities to your child; and provide us with copies of them. You must inform the School if, at any time prior to or during your child's time at the School, a court order is put in place or an undertaking is given to a court in respect of ...
The Parents Obligations. (a) We require your co-operation (b) Examples of the co-operation and assistance we require (i) maintaining a constructive relationship with School staff (including in instances where the School is exercising its rights and performing its obligations under this contract); (ii) encouraging your child in his or her studies, and giving appropriate support at home; (iii) keeping the School up-to-date and informed of matters which affect or may affect your child (including circumstances which arise at any time that affect or may affect your ability to pay the fees and supplemental charges for your child); (iv) ensuring that all details or other information notified or otherwise disclosed to the School about you and or your child are accurate, truthful and not misleading and that relevant details and information (or changes to it) are not withheld; (v) providing cooperation and assistance to the School so that your child can participate in, and benefit from, the School's provision of education (including where the School may wish or need to provide such education remotely); and (vi) attending meetings and keeping in touch with the School where your child's interests so require. (c) You must notify us of your child's health/medical conditions or special educational needs It is a condition of your child's joining the School that you complete and submit to the School a medical questionnaire in respect of your child. You must inform the School of any health or medical condition, special educational need(s), disability or allergy that your child has or subsequently develops, whether long-term or short-term, including any infections. You must also provide us, whether upon further request by the School or otherwise, any reports or other materials relevant to any of the same. (d) Circumstances where we may require you to keep your child away from School (e) You must notify us of any special arrangements needed for your child (f) You must notify us of any court orders that relate to, or that may impact upon, the provision of education to your child; and provide us with copies of them
The Parents Obligations. (a) In order to fulfil our obligations, we need your co-operation, including, in particular by: fulfilling your own obligations under these terms and conditions; encouraging your child in their studies, and giving appropriate support at home; keeping the School informed of matters which affect your child; maintaining a courteous and constructive relationship with School and its staff (including in writing and online e.g. in email contact); providing cooperation and assistance to the School to ensure (so far as reasonable and in appropriate and/or necessary circumstances) that your child can participate and benefit from the School’s provision of education to your child in accordance with the terms of this agreement, including where the School wishes to provide such education remotely; and attending meetings, and otherwise keeping in touch with the School where your child’s interests so require. (i) The ethos of the School is to xxxxxx good relationships between pupils and members of staff, pupils and parents. Bullying, harassment, defamation, victimisation and discrimination (which can happen in person as well as online) will not be tolerated. The School and its staff will act fairly in relation to the pupil and the parents and we expect the same of the pupil and the parents in relation to the School or its staff. (b) It is a condition of your child’s joining the School that you complete and submit to the School a medical questionnaire in respect of your child. Pupils may be required to have a medical examination on entering the School or at any time for the purpose of producing a medical report. (c) You undertake to inform the School of any health or medical condition, disability or allergy that your child has or subsequently develops, whether long-term or short-term, including any infections. If the School so requires due to a health risk presented by your child to others, or presented to your child by others, or by reason of a national virus, pandemic, epidemic or other health risk, you undertake to keep your child at home and not permit them to return to the School until such time as the health risk has been averted. In such circumstances, or in the event of premises closure by an authorised and recognised authority, we shall endeavour to continue providing education to your child remotely during such period (including, for example, by sending you/your child work assignments electronically or by post). (d) You undertake to inform the School of any speci...
The Parents Obligations. (a) We require your co-operation. In order to fulfil our obligations under this contract and to maintain a constructive and good faith relationship with you, we, the Head and School staff need your co-operation, including in particular by you fulfilling your own obligations under this contract.
The Parents Obligations. (a) It is a condition of your child’s joining the School that you complete and submit to the School a medical questionnaire in respect of your child. You undertake to inform the School of any health or medical condition, disability or allergy that your child has or subsequently develops, whether long-term or short-term, including any infections. If the School so requires due to a health risk either presented by your child to others or presented to your child by others or by reason of a virus, pandemic, epidemic or other health risk, you undertake to keep your child at home and not permit him/her to return to the School until such time as the health risk has been averted. (b) You undertake to inform the School of any situations where special arrangements may be needed in relation to your child. (c) The School is entitled to treat any instruction, authority, request or prohibition received from any person who has signed the Acceptance Form as having been given on behalf of both or all such persons. (d) The Headteacher must be informed in writing of any reason for your child’s absence from School. Wherever possible the School’s prior consent should be sought for absence from the School. (e) We cannot accept any responsibility for the welfare of your child while off the School premises unless he/she is taking part in a school activity or otherwise under the supervision of a member of the School staff. (f) If you have cause for concern as to a matter of safety, care, discipline or progress of your child you must inform the School without delay. Complaints should be made in accordance with the School’s Complaints Procedure.
The Parents Obligations. 12.1 The School requires the parents’ co-operation
The Parents Obligations. 9.1 We require your co-operation. In order to fulfil our obligations under this contract and to maintain a constructive relationship with you, we, the Head and School staff, need your co-operation, including in particular by you fulfilling your own obligations under this contract. Examples of the co-operation and assistance we require. You must co-operate with the School and School staff in good faith, including by: 9.2.1 maintaining a constructive relationship with School staff, acting reasonably, and ensuring the tone, content, volume and/or nature of your communications with the School are reasonable and appropriate; 9.2.2 encouraging your child in his or her studies, giving appropriate support at home, and ensuring your child attends school; 9.2.3 keeping the School up-to-date and informed about matters which affect or may affect your child (including circumstances which arise at any time that affect or may affect your ability to pay the fees and supplemental charges, any changes to their immigration status, and information relating to your child’s health or special educational needs or medical conditions); 9.2.4 ensuring that all details or other information notified or otherwise disclosed to the School about you and/or your child are accurate, truthful and not misleading and that relevant details and information (which may include information relating to your child’s health or special educational needs or medical conditions), or changes to any of them, are not withheld and are shared in a timely and transparent manner; 9.2.5 providing cooperation and assistance to the School so that your child can participate in, and benefit from, the School’s provision of education; and 9.2.6 attending meetings and keeping in touch with the School where your child’s interests so require.
The Parents Obligations. (a) The School will be entitled (unless notified otherwise) to treat any communicati on f rom any person who has signed the Acceptance Form as having been given on behalf of both such persons unless there is clear evidence to the contrary. Unless other arrangements are agreed between you and the School we shall be entitled to treat any communication from the School to any such person as having been made to both of them. (b) You undertake to disclose to the School any family circumstances, court proceedings or court orders which might affect the Student's welfare or happiness. If so requested, you agree to provide us with copies of any existing orders relating to the protection of or living arrangements for the Student when not boarding. In addition, you undertake to notify the School immediately if any existing order is varied or a new order is made. (c) You undertake to inform the School as soon as possible of any health problem, medical condition or allergy that the Student has or subsequently develops, whether long-term or short-term, including any infections. (d) The School will do all that is reasonable to ensure that your child remains in the care of the School while boarding but we cannot accept any responsibility for the welfare of the Student while away from the School premises or their boarding house unless h e or she is taking part in a school activity or otherwise under the supervision of a member of the School staff or if they leave School premises in breach of School rules. The Sch ool is not legally entitled to prevent a pupil aged 16 years or over from leaving School premises during School hours. (e) Parents residing abroad must nominate an education guardian in the UK who may be contacted, and to whom the Student may be sent, in an emergency, during exeats or during school holidays. The School accepts no responsibility for your child when he / she is in your care or the care of the Student's education guardian. You or the Student's education guardian must make holiday arrangements, including travel to an d from the School, in advance. You are responsible for making suitable arrangements to appoint an education guardian and you shall immediately on appointment provide the School with up to date contact details for the appointed education guardian and shall immediately notify the School of any changes to those details. You shall upon request provide such further information to the School as we reasonably require to satisfy ourselves that the...
The Parents Obligations. (a) The School will be entitled (unless notified otherwise) to treat any communication from any person who has signed the Acceptance Form as having been given on behalf of both such persons. Unless other arrangements are agreed between you and the School we shall be entitled to treat any communication from the School to any such person as having been made to both of them. (b) We cannot accept any responsibility for the welfare of the Student while off the School premises unless he or she is taking part in a school activity or otherwise under the supervision of a member of the School staff. (c) Parents residing abroad must nominate a guardian in the UK who may be contacted, and to whom the Student may be sent, in an emergency, during exeats or during school holidays. (d) You will be responsible for paying for any damage to or loss of School property (including but not limited to library books, text books and School premises) for which the Student is determined by the Governors to be responsible, such payment to be made within 30 days of the date of the School’s request for payment. (e) You will be responsible for the Student’s travelling arrangements to and from the School. (f) You are responsible for keeping the School informed of all up-to-date contact details for yourselves and nominated guardian and any other emergency contact details. (g) The School shall not be held liable in respect of goods or services purchased directly from third parties.
The Parents Obligations. (a) In addition to your other obligations contained elsewhere in these terms and conditions (including in the remainder of this clause 8) you undertake to co-operate with the School and the School staff in good faith, and including in particular by: (i) encouraging your child in his or her studies, and giving appropriate support at home; (ii) keeping the School up to date and informed of matters which affect (or may affect) your child (including circumstances which arise at any time that affect (or may affect) your ability to pay the fees and supplemental charges for your child) and ensuring that all details or other information notified or otherwise disclosed to the School about you and/or your child are accurate, truthful and not misleading and that relevant details and information (or changes to it) are not withheld; (iii) maintaining a courteous and constructive relationship with School staff (including in instances where the School is exercising its rights and performing its obligations under this contract); providing cooperation and assistance to the School so that your child can participate and benefit from the School's provision of education including where the School may wish/need to provide such education remotely; and