Time Off for Meeting. Any representative of the Union or the Bargaining Team, who is in the employ of the Employer, shall have the right to attend bargaining meetings with the Employer held within working hours without loss of remuneration.
Time Off for Meeting. Any representative of the Union on the Labour/Management Committee, who is in the employ of the College, shall have the privilege of attending Committee meetings without loss of remuneration.
Time Off for Meeting. Any representative of a Union Committee, but not more than three (3) employees, who are in the employ of the Employer, shall have the right to attend meetings held within working hours without loss of remuneration.
Time Off for Meeting. Any representative of the bargaining committee shall have the right to attend negotiating meetings held within working hours without loss of remuneration.
Time Off for Meeting. It is agreed that any member of the Union Bargaining Committee, who is in the employ of the Employer, shall have the right to attend negotiating meetings held with representatives of the Employer. Remuneration at his regular hourly rate for time lost from work while attending such meetings shall be restricted to meetings up to but not including conciliation, and shall be limited to the length of the meeting and shall not exceed the amount the employee would normally have earned for such regular working day.
Time Off for Meeting. Any representative of the Union on the Committee who is in the employ of the Library, shall have the privilege of attending Committee meetings held within working hours without loss of remuneration.
Time Off for Meeting. Any representative of the Union on any of the following committees, or such other committees as the employer may establish or as may be established by mutual agreement, from time to time who is in the employ of the Employer, shall have the privilege of attending Committee meetings held within working hours without loss of remuneration, and after giving reasonable notice to the Director of Corporate Administration or Chief Administrative Officer.
(i) Grievance Committee (ii) Joint Bargaining Committee
Time Off for Meeting. The Union Bargaining Committee representatives shall be granted time off without loss in regular salary/wages when meeting with official representatives of the Employer for the purposes of bargaining. Time off, in order to prepare for bargaining, shall be granted to the Bargaining Committee representatives and cost related to preparation time shall be billed to the Union.
Time Off for Meeting. The Chapter may appoint or otherwise select up to two (2) members to constitute a Grievance Committee. The Board will recognize members of this Committee upon notification under article 5.03, for the purposes set out in the Grievance and Arbitration procedures of this agreement. Committee members attending mutually arranged discipline meetings and/or grievance meetings shall suffer no loss in pay or benefits for time spent in such meetings with the employer.
Time Off for Meeting. Employees shall be paid for time lost from work as follows:
1. The Company will pay for all time lost from work during meetings with Management in the first three (3) steps of the Grievance Procedure.
2. During negotiations for renewal of the Collective Agreement, the Company will pay for up to forty (40) hours for each of the four (4) employees on the Union Committee, for time lost from work while meeting with Management.
3. The Company will not pay for time lost from work for Arbitration, Mediation or Conciliation proceedings.