TRANSFER OF PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. Section 14.1 Any new hiree who was employed by any school district in the State of Washington to perform work similar to that in which he/she was previously engaged may be given longevity credits in the District in accordance with this Article.
Section 14.2 The employee is responsible to provide the District proof of past experience before longevity credit may be applied.
Section 14.3 The longevity credit so transferred shall be applicable to all benefits herein except the seniority provisions of Article XI.
TRANSFER OF PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. Section 17.1 - Newly hired or rehired secretarial-clerical employees are usually placed on the first (1st) experiential step of the salary schedule, according to the appropriate functional job title.
TRANSFER OF PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. 6 Any new hire who had previously been employed by any School District in the State of Washington, 7 and is hired to perform work similar to that, in which he was previously engaged, shall be given 8 longevity credits in this District in accordance with State law.
TRANSFER OF PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. 6 When any employee leaves a school district within the State and commences employment with this 7 District, the employee shall retain the same leave benefits and other benefits that the employee had in 8 the previous position, to the extent such leave benefits and other benefits would otherwise be available 9 to such employee had the employee been employed by this District throughout the employee’s tenure.
TRANSFER OF PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. Section 17.1 When an employee leaves a school district, education service district, or the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s office within the State and commences employment with this District, he/she shall not retain any seniority rights other than longevity. Longevity can be used to determine placement on the salary schedule provided that the experience is in a like position per RCW 28A.400.300.
Section 17.1.1 If this District has a different system for computing seniority, leave benefits, and other benefits, then the employee shall be granted the same seniority, leave benefits, and other benefits as an employee in the District who has similar occupational status and total years of service.
Section 17.1.2 Employees who leave and then return to the same or similar position within twelve (12) months will retain their seniority.
TRANSFER OF PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. 6 When an employee leaves one K-12 school district within the State and within six (6) calendar months 7 (not including July and August) commences regular employment with another K-12 school district 8 within the State, the employee shall retain the same longevity, leave benefits, and other benefits that 9 the employee had in his/her previous position; PROVIDED, that the position is similar in occupational 10 status (similar titled position). Employees who transfer between districts shall not retain any seniority 11 rights other than longevity from the previous district when leaving one K-12 school district and 12 beginning employment with another. If the Evergreen Public Schools has a different system for 13 computing leave benefits, and other benefits, then the employee shall be granted the same longevity, 14 leave benefits, and other benefits as a person in the Evergreen Public Schools who has similar 15 occupational status (similar titled position) and total years of service. 17 Written documentation from the transferring district, which shall include the position title(s) and 18 specific length of service, must be submitted to the Human Resource Department at the time of 19 employment.
TRANSFER OF PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. Section 17.1. When an employee leaves one school district within the State and commences employment with the District, the employee shall be granted Schedule A placement, vacation and sick leave benefits as any other employee in the who has similar occupational status and total years of service.
Section 17.2. It is agreed that seniority rights are not transferable other school districts or employers. Seniority in the District begins with the "hire date" as defined in Section 10.1, and is not transferable between job classifications.
Section 17.3. To move a step on the salary schedule, an employee must have one year of in-district service or two years out of district service in a directly related field.
Section 17.4. New hires shall be hired at the probationary rate of pay, however the District may place new hires on the salary schedule consistent with 17.3. Placement on the salary schedule shall not waive the employee's probationary status under Section 10.2.
TRANSFER OF PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. 46 Employees who are verified to have worked in any Washington State public school district may be 47 entitled to longevity credit per RCW 28A.400.300. 1 4 5 6 7 Section 18.1. 8 The term of this Agreement shall be September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2021.
TRANSFER OF PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. 22.1 Any new hire who was employed by any school district in the State of Washington to perform work similar to that in which he/she was previously engaged may be given previous experience credits in the District in accordance with this Section. Newly hired employees shall be granted previous experience credit for placement on the salary schedule for non-school or out-of-state school experience similar to the assignment for which the employee is hired. Said previous experience will be applied on completion of the employee’s probationary period effective to the employee’s date of hire. The District will review the above previous experience with the ATIP President prior to implementation.
22.2 The employee is responsible to provide the District proof of past work experience before experience credit may be applied to placement on the salary schedule.
TRANSFER OF PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. 1. Any newly hired employee who has previous secretarial experience in any School District in the State of Washington, shall be given his/her longevity credits in the District.
2. The longevity credit to be transferred shall be applicable to all benefits herein including Schedule Appendix A, except the seniority provisions.