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Bus Routes Sample Clauses

Bus Routes. A regular home-to-school, school-to-home, or a regularly scheduled mid-day 47 route.
Bus Routes. 1. All bus routes will be established by the Board. The route, number of students, and/or mileage designated for each route may be periodically adjusted as necessary. 2. Prior to the start of each school year, drivers will meet with the administration and will bid on bus routes according to job classification seniority, with the most senior driver selecting first. The bus routes being bid will include the roads to be traveled, the approximate number of students, length in miles and the schools for that route. When an employee bids on a route, such route will be the employee’s regular assignment for one (1) year until the routes are bid again. Adjustments to routes based upon student enrollment changes will not result in re-bidding a route until the next year. 3. Any mid-day runs over and above the regular routes will be bid according to the rotating Driver contract seniority system. A driver must be at Step 3 before he or she will be eligible for a mid-day route. Mid-day runs will be limited to one per driver and paid at a one (1) hour minimum at the driver’s hourly rate. Drivers who accept or decline a mid-day run will then rotate to the bottom of the continuing contract seniority list the next year until all drivers have the opportunity to accept or decline a yearly mid-day run. Any newly established shuttle routes will also be bid (i.e., including but not limited to pre-school, latchkey, etc.). Shuttles are defined as daily runs. When a mid-day driver is off for an extended period of time, the mid- day run will be rotated every two (2) weeks by seniority rotation. 4. Summer routes are defined as routes that are beyond the regular Perry Local District school year calendar for educational purposes. Each year summer routes will be offered first to the most senior driver then continue down the seniority list until all summer routes are filled. When summer route driver reports off, drivers on the summer sign up list will be offered the opportunity to drive the open routes first by asking the driver at the pin then continue thru the summer sign up list rotation until the opening is filled. 5. Pre-Trip and Post-Trip for regular routes will be paid as 15 minutes in the a.m. and 15 minutes in the p.m. Regular drivers may be permitted to substitute on mid-day runs by placing their names on the mid- day substitute list and be called in order of seniority rotation. Principals will be invited to the in-service along with the Union President. Bus routes, including mi...
Bus Routes. A meeting shall be held at least one (1) week prior to the start of the school year, at which time Bus Assistant/Special Education Bus Aide routes shall be posted setting forth the anticipated times. Letters will be mailed at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting to Bus Assistants/Special Education Bus Aides informing them of the meeting date unless the meeting date was included on the previous year’s reasonable assurance letter. a. All routes shall be awarded on the basis of seniority. b. An a.m. and p.m. corresponding route are defined as one (1) route. c. Bus Assistants/Special Education Bus Aides shall be paid a minimum of one (1) hour for any run awarded or assigned.
Bus Routes. In compiling the bus stops, routes and schedules, consideration is made for fairness, efficiency and safety of the students. Students are required to be at their designated bus stop five minutes prior to their scheduled pick up time. Bus schedules are available at each campus. Students are only allowed to exit the bus at their assigned stops. If a student is going home with another student or needs to get off at a different bus stop other than his or her assigned stop, a note signed by the parent/guardian needs to be written to the school administration and approved by an administrator. The note will then be attached to a bus pass authorizing the student to get off at a different bus stop.
Bus Routes. A. Handicapped, and vocational routes shall be filled by bid in accordance with seniority, but shall not be included as part of any regular run. However, if, on a regular run, the driver is not working three and one-half (3 1/2) hours of driving time, the driver may be assigned a shuttle run before seniority is to be considered. If the shuttle runs the driver's time over the regular three and one-half (3 1/2) hours, only the extra hours will be paid in addition to the regular run. B. In the event at some later date (after initial bids are accepted) a new run or a run becomes available because of a driver's termination of employment, it shall be posted for a period of seven (7) work days and bid in accordance with the above bid procedures. C. All extra trips shall be assigned by the Principal or Assistant Principal on a rotated basis from the seniority list. All trips shall be awarded at least five (5) work days in advance whenever possible. D. If a driver does not desire extra trips, s/he shall have the option of withdrawing his name from the rotation list. However, if the driver remains on the list, there shall be no trading of positions on the list, and if the extra run is refused for any reason, the driver's name shall be placed at the back of the list. E. There shall be two (2) rotating lists established for extra runs for each attendance area based upon seniority---one to cover day trips and one to cover night trips. All extra trips made during the regular school hours will be considered day trips. All extra trips made from Friday at 4:00 p.m. through Sunday midnight and mid-week tournaments and games for sports will be considered night trips. A driver may accept an extra run if that extra run conflicts with their regular route. The drivers for a particular attendance area shall be offered the extra run before the extra run is assigned to another individual. If an employee uses sick leave on a day on which they are assigned an extra run, then the supervisor may re-assign the extra run to another person. If an employee is skipped improperly on the extra run lists, the error will be corrected by placing the employee at the top of the list extra trips. F. All bus drivers will be guaranteed three and one-half (3 1/2) hours of driving time, plus one-half (1/2) hour for fueling, cleaning, and pre-servicing the bus. All trips over eight (8) hours in one day will be paid straight time. All hours for trips over forty (40) hours per week will be paid time and o...
Bus RoutesBus drivers will be paid a minimum of two (2) hours for each route for up to a maximum of three
Bus Routes. At the beginning of the school year, the Director of Transportation shall assign bus routes to Drivers.
Bus Routes. A. The Administration will designate a maximum of four (4) routes as premium routes based on there being students with special needs on the routes. Drivers selecting a premium route will be compensated with an additional Forty Cents ($0.40) per hour. B. Annually, the Board may post up to four (4) “Summer Test Driver” positions for the purpose of driving some of the proposed routes for the upcoming school year to verify times and directions, and identify potential problems on the routes. The Administration will select the drivers. The drivers will be paid their regular rate. C. The Transportation Supervisor shall post all regular bus routes according to bus number, capacity, times and routing description, and all “variable route assignments,” no later than seven (7) days prior to the earliest school opening for any school served by the Twinsburg City SchoolsTransportation Department, in the Transportation Supervisor’s Office, for all Bus Drivers to view. A “variable route assignment” represents a regular bus driving assignment that is bid annually and involves the driver being given different assignments that may vary from day-to-day, based on operational needs as determined by the Transportation Supervisor/designee. While the start/end times for variable route drivers may vary from those of regular bus drivers, variable route drivers will not be required to report to work more than fifteen (15) minutes before the earliest start/reporting time for a regular bus driver. D. 1. To facilitate bus drivers’ selection of their routes, annually the District will conduct a mandatory Bid Meeting at least three (3) calendar days prior to the earliest opening for any school served by the Twinsburg City Schools' Transportation Department. Drivers must appear in person at the Bid Meeting or, in the case of an emergency or other valid excuse, have a colleague attend the Bid Meeting with his/her proxy (a driver who sends a person with his/her proxy, must ensure that the person with the driver’s proxy attends the meeting with the driver’s assigned Group). Prior to the Bid Meeting, drivers will be divided into groups of five (5) based upon their seniority (e.g., the five (5) most senior drivers will be in Group 1, the next five (5) most senior drivers in Group 2, etc.). The Groups will meet in thirty (30) minute increments, with the Group with the most senior drivers meeting first. Within his/her Group, the drivers will select their route based upon their seniority; each d...
Bus RoutesNo changes of stops or in direction of routing shall be made by anyone other than the transportation supervisor once the route has been established. A driver may request a change in routing, in writing, to the transportation supervisor, who is to reply to said request within five (5) working days of receipt of such a request. The request is to state the old route, the new route requested, and the reasons for the change. When students move out of or into the district, stops will be added or dropped to accommodate these students.
Bus RoutesThe driver of each route will be guaranteed his/her route hours each day. If the route is cancelled, the driver will perform other duties as assigned by the Transportation Supervisor. In the event that school is cancelled, the Employer retains the right to reassign hours as needed to make up the cancelled time. These hours shall be paid at the Drivers contracted wage rate. The bus route lengths will consist of a minimum of 4 hours per day.