Bus Routes. A regular home-to-school, school-to-home, or a regularly scheduled mid-day 47 route.
Bus Routes. 1. All bus routes will be established by the Board. The route, number of students, and/or mileage designated for each route may be periodically adjusted as necessary.
Bus Routes. A meeting shall be held at least one (1) week prior to the start of the school year, at which time Bus Assistant/Special Education Bus Aide routes shall be posted setting forth the anticipated times. Letters will be mailed at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting to Bus Assistants/Special Education Bus Aides informing them of the meeting date unless the meeting date was included on the previous year’s reasonable assurance letter.
Bus Routes. A. The Administration will designate a maximum of four (4) routes as premium routes based on there being students with special needs on the routes. Drivers selecting a premium route will be compensated with an additional Forty Cents ($0.40) per hour.
Bus Routes. In compiling the bus stops, routes and schedules, consideration is made for fairness, efficiency and safety of the students. Students are required to be at their designated bus stop five minutes prior to their scheduled pick up time. Bus schedules are available at each campus. Students are only allowed to exit the bus at their assigned stops. If a student is going home with another student or needs to get off at a different bus stop other than his or her assigned stop, a note signed by the parent/guardian needs to be written to the school administration and approved by an administrator. The note will then be attached to a bus pass authorizing the student to get off at a different bus stop.
Bus Routes. Assignments and Bidding
Bus Routes. At the beginning of the school year, the Director of Transportation shall assign bus routes to Drivers.
Bus Routes. Bus drivers will be paid a minimum of two (2) hours for each route for up to a maximum of three
Bus Routes. A. Handicapped, and vocational routes shall be filled by bid in accordance with seniority, but shall not be included as part of any regular run. However, if, on a regular run, the driver is not working three and one-half (3 1/2) hours of driving time, the driver may be assigned a shuttle run before seniority is to be considered. If the shuttle runs the driver's time over the regular three and one-half (3 1/2) hours, only the extra hours will be paid in addition to the regular run.
Bus Routes. The VENDOR shall confer with the DISTRICT to develop bus routes. The DISTRICT shall approve, modify or reject the bus routes. The VENDOR will assist in updating route information, operating times, ridership audits, and any other additional information deemed necessary by the DISTRICT. The VENDOR shall assist the DISTRICT by supplying any program data or statistics required to complete any State mandated financial or operating reports. Both parties to the PROPOSAL agree to cooperate in revising the routes and trips to improve service, operating efficiencies or economy. No changes in regular routes or sets of routes may be made without prior approval by the DISTRICT or its authorized representative.