Use of Intra Sample Clauses
Use of Intra. Departmental Mail The OPBA shall be permitted to utilize the intra-departmental mail system and agrees that the use of the mail system will be reasonable and limited for the purpose of providing information to members pertaining to OPBA business or bargaining unit representation. All mail placed into the mail system by the OPBA shall be the property of the member to whom it is addressed and shall not be subject to the Township’s review. The Township shall not be responsible for such mail.
Use of Intra. Departmental Mails and Departmental E-Mail 10 Section 4.10 Personal Mail 10 Section 4.11 Lodge Business 10 Section 4.12 Grievance Representative 10 Section 4.13 Lodge Delegate 11
Use of Intra. Departmental Mails 7
Use of Intra. Departmental Mails 2 Section 2.5. Time Allowed for Union Functions 2 Section 2.6. OAPFF Officer 2 Section 4.1. Dues Deduction 6 Section 4.2. Other Payroll Deductions 6 Section 4.3. Fair Share Fee 7 Section 4.4. Indemnification 7
Use of Intra. Departmental Mails 2 Section 2.5. Time Allowed for Union Functions 2 ARTICLE 3 – DEFINITIONS 2 ARTICLE 4 - DUES/PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 6 Section 4.1. Dues Deduction 6 Section 4.2. Other Payroll Deductions 6 Section 4.3. Fair Share Fee 7 Section 4.4. Indemnification 7 ARTICLE 5 - NON-DISCRIMINATION 7 Section 5.1. Mutual Pledge 7 Section 5.2. Non-Discrimination 7 Section 5.3. Complaints 8 ARTICLE 6 - MID-TERM BARGAINING 8 ARTICLE 7 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 10 Section 7.1. Statement of Rights 10 Section 7.2. Contracting Out/Civilianization 10 ARTICLE 8 – SAFETY 11 Section 8.1. Injury Reports 11 Section 8.2. Recognition 11 Section 8.3. No Smoking Policy 11
Use of Intra. Department Mails and E-mail 4 Section 3.7. Union Business 5 Section 3.8. IAFF Delegates 5 Section 3.9. IAFF Representative 5 Section 4.1. Joint Pledge 5 Section 4.2. City Pledge 5 Section 4.3. Union Pledge 5 Section 4.4. Gender 5 Section 4.5. Grievances 5
Use of Intra. Department Mail System and City E-Mail. The Lodge shall be permitted reasonable use of the intra-department mail system, i.e. access to members’ mail slots, for the direct distribution of material pertaining to collective bargaining, contract administration, or other similar business germane to the Lodge’s role as exclusive representative. The Lodge shall observe established Departmental procedure for the distribution of all such materials; however, the material, when placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked as a Lodge communication, shall not be subject to review by the City and/or Department. The lodge shall also be provided access to the City’s e-mail system for purposes of communicating with its members in regard to matters for which the Lodge may use the Intra-Department mail system. No assurance of confidentiality shall attach to the Lodge’s use of the City’s e-mail system.
Use of Intra. Department Mail and E-Mail. The Lodge shall be permitted to utilize the intra-Departmental mail and e-mail systems for the purpose of providing information pertaining to Lodge business or Bargaining Unit representation, to members. The Lodge agrees that the use of the mail and e-mail systems shall be reasonable and limited to providing information that is necessary for the normal conduct of Lodge business or Bargaining Unit representation. All mail placed into the mail system by the Lodge shall be the property of the member(s) to whom it is addressed, and such mail shall not be subject to the City's review. No confidentiality shall attach to the Lodge's use of the e-mail system and the City reserves the right to monitor e-mail content and usage.
Use of Intra. Department Mail 14 Section 3.7 Use of Employer’s Property/Equipment 14 Section 3.8 Bargaining Unit Representatives 14141415 Section 3.9 Negotiating Committee 14141415 ARTICLE 4 15 NONDISCRIMINATION 15 Section 4.1 Joint Pledge 15 Section 4.2 Employer Pledge 15 Section 4.3 Union Pledge 15151516 ARTICLE 5 15151516 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 15151516 Section 5.1 Management Rights 15151516 ARTICLE 6 16161617 LABOR/MANAGEMENT MEETINGS 16161617 Section 6.1 Meetings 16161617 ARTICLE 7 16161617 SAFE EQUIPMENT 16161617
Use of Intra. Departmental Mails 1 Section 2.5. Time Allowed for Union Functions 2 Section 2.6. OAPFF Officer 2 ARTICLE 3 – DEFINITIONS 2 ARTICLE 5 - NON-DISCRIMINATION 7 Section 5.1. Non-Discrimination 7 Section 5.2. Complaints 7 ARTICLE 6 - MID-TERM BARGAINING 7 ARTICLE 7 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 9 Section 7.1. Statement of Rights 9 Section 7.2. Contracting Out/Civilianization 9 ARTICLE 8 – SAFETY 10 Section 8.1. Injury Reports 10 Section 8.2. Recognition 10 Section 8.3. No Smoking Policy 10 Section 8.4. Health and Safety Committee 10