Voluntary Demotion or Transfer. A permanent unit member who will suffer a layoff for lack of work or funds despite his/her bumping rights may accept a voluntary demotion to a vacant position in a lower class or transfer to an equal class, provided that the unit member is qualified to perform the duties thereof, and provided further that the Board of Trustees approved the voluntary demotion.
Voluntary Demotion or Transfer. A permanent classified employee who will suffer a layoff for lack of work or funds despite his/her bumping right may accept a voluntary demotion to a vacant position in a lower class or transfer to an equal class if there are openings, provided that the employee is deemed qualified by the site administrator to perform the duties thereof, and provided further that the Governing Board approve the voluntary demotion. (E.C. 45298)
Voluntary Demotion or Transfer. A unit member laid off for lack of work or lack of funds, despite rights to bump, may accept a voluntary reduction in assigned time, or demotion to a vacancy in a lower classification, or transfer to an equal classification, provided the worker has worked in the new classification. Such workers shall be placed on a sixty-three (63) month re-employment list.
Voluntary Demotion or Transfer. A permanent or probationary bargaining unit member who has been laid off for 16 lack of work or lack of funds and after exercising his/her bumping rights may accept 18 the same or fewer hours provided that the bargaining unit member is qualified to perform 19 the duties thereof and provided further that the Governing Board approve such
Voluntary Demotion or Transfer. A permanent or probationary classified employee who will suffer a layoff for lack of work or funds despite the exercising of displacing (bumping) rights in order to avoid layoff may accept a voluntary demotion to a vacant position in a lower class or transfer to an equal class, provided that he/she is qualified to perform the duties thereof and provided further that the appointing authority approves the voluntary demotion. An employee who has accepted demotion in lieu of layoff has the right to be reemployed, in accordance with his/her seniority, in a vacant position in his former class within 39 months after demotion. Intervening reassignments to other classes shall not abrogate that right. If he/she has not been reemployed in his/her former class within 39 months, he/she shall be eligible for appointment to a vacant position in that class without examination for an additional 24 months at the discretion of the appointing authority.
Voluntary Demotion or Transfer. A bargaining unit member laid off for lack of work or lack of funds may forfeit displacement rights and may accept a voluntary reduction in assigned time, or demotion to a vacancy in a lower classification, provided the bargaining unit member has worked in the new classification. Bargaining unit members electing this provision shall retain sixty-three (63) months return rights to the original position.
Voluntary Demotion or Transfer. A worker laid off for lack of work or lack of funds, despite rights to bump, may accept a voluntary demotion to a vacancy in a lower class or a transfer to an equal class provided the worker is qualified for the new class.
Voluntary Demotion or Transfer. Employees who take voluntary demotions or voluntary reductions in assignment to a vacant position in lieu of layoff shall be, at the employee’s option, returned to a position their former class or to positions with increased assigned time as vacancies become available, and with no time limit, except that they shall be ranked in accordance with their seniority on any reemployment list.