Contractor Key Personnel The Contractor shall assign a Corporate OASIS SB Program Manager (COPM) and Corporate OASIS SB Contract Manager (COCM) as Contractor Key Personnel to represent the Contractor as primary points-of-contact to resolve issues, perform administrative duties, and other functions that may arise relating to OASIS SB and task orders solicited and awarded under OASIS SB. Additional Key Personnel requirements may be designated by the OCO at the task order level. There is no minimum qualification requirements established for Contractor Key Personnel. Additionally, Contractor Key Personnel do not have to be full-time positions; however, the Contractor Key Personnel are expected to be fully proficient in the performance of their duties. The Contractor shall ensure that the OASIS SB CO has current point-of-contact information for both the COPM and COCM. In the event of a change to Contractor Key Personnel, the Contractor shall notify the OASIS SB CO and provide all Point of Contact information for the new Key Personnel within 5 calendar days of the change. All costs associated with Contractor Key Personnel duties shall be handled in accordance with the Contractor’s standard accounting practices; however, no costs for Contractor Key Personnel may be billed to the OASIS Program Office. Failure of Contractor Key Personnel to effectively and efficiently perform their duties will be construed as conduct detrimental to contract performance and may result in activation of Dormant Status and/or Off-Ramping (See Sections H.16. and H.17.).
Shiftworkers 37.1 Shiftworker for the purposes of this clause is defined as an Employee who performs Shiftwork and who starts or finishes a shift outside of the ordinary hours set out at clause 36.2 above. 37.2 A Shiftworker shall be paid at the rate of double time for all hours worked. 37.3 An Employee who has to work Shiftwork shall be given at least 48 hours of notice of the requirements to work shiftwork. 37.4 For clarity, Shiftwork, means work comprising recurring periods in which different groups of workers do the same jobs in rotation; the different groups of workers do not necessarily need to be employed by the same employer for the purpose of this definition.
SAFETY & HEALTH A. Employees covered by this Agreement who are uniformly and periodically required by the Company to take physical examinations because of the duties they perform shall be scheduled and paid for the time spent taking such examinations in accordance with the Company's established procedures for employees under this Agreement. The Company will schedule the exam in a way that is not unduly burdensome to the employee or the Company. The provisions of this Paragraph shall not apply to employees required to take physical examinations after absence due to illness or any physical examinations other than those specified above. B. The Company hereby agrees to maintain safe, sanitary and healthful working conditions in all shops and facilities and to maintain on all shifts emergency first aid equipment at a first aid station to take care of its employees in case of accident or illness, and that sufficient employees will be given initial and recurrent first aid / CPR training. It is understood that this does not require the Company to maintain a nurse or doctor on the property, but in an emergency the Company will utilize the appropriate emergency services. C. The Company agrees to furnish good drinking water and sanitary fountains; the floors of the toilets and washrooms will be kept in good repair and in a clean, dry, sanitary condition. Employees will cooperate in maintaining the foregoing conditions Shops and washrooms will be lighted and heated in the best manner possible consistent with the source of heat and light available. Individual lockers will be provided for all employees where space and lockers are available. Every effort will be made as early as possible to provide space and lockers for all employees. D. The Company, Union, and employees will cooperate toward the prevention of accidents and the furtherance of an aggressive safety program. A joint Company- E. The Company shall furnish all necessary safety devices for employees working on hazardous or unsanitary work, and employees will be required to use or wear such devices in performing such work. F. The Company will furnish appropriate aprons, gloves and shoes to all employees required to work with acids and chemicals that are injurious to clothing while such employees are engaged in such activities, and employees will be required to wear such equipment. G. Employees taken sick or injured while at work, shall be given medical attention as promptly as reasonably practicable. Employees will not be refused permission to return to work because they have not signed releases of liability pending the disposition or settlement of any claims which they may have for compensation arising out of such sickness or injury. H. In cases of occupational injury or illness employees may elect to be treated by their personal physician, and decline treatment from others, provided they have their physician registered with United's medical department prior to the occurrence of illness or injury. The Company's physician will retain the right to monitor the employee's course of treatment. I. United will maintain a Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan which satisfies the requirements of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen regulations. Corporate Safety agrees to consider any proposed changes to the Plan that may be suggested by the Union in an effort to improve the safety of employees in their work environment and to solicit comments from the Union whenever routine revisions are made to the Plan. The Company agrees to make available, at no cost to covered employees, complete post- exposure evaluation including necessary blood work and medications. J. The Flight Safety Committee shall function as described in Letter of Agreement #21. K. In the event the IBT and the Company jointly petition the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) for, and are granted, formal party or observer status in connection with an investigation involving a Company incident or accident, the Company and the IBT will L. Any MSAP program will be covered in a stand alone MOU between the Company, the Union and the FAA. While there is a valid MOU the Company will sponsor 1 full-time, IBT representative to participate on the ERC scheduled Mon-Fri, on traditional business hours. This position will in all respects be treated in a similar manner regarding necessary transportation as other IBT staff positions. The Company agrees to supply access to office space appropriate for the confidentiality needs of the position and access to office supplies. M. In the event the Company requires employees covered by this Agreement to wear protective footwear as personal protective equipment, the Company will provide an allowance to such employees for the actual cost of protective footwear that complies with Company standards. Such allowance shall be up to a maximum of $52.80 per year per employee on a rolling calendar basis.
Supplier Diversity Seller shall comply with Xxxxx’s Supplier Diversity Program in accordance with Appendix V.
Shift Workers All shift workers (i.e. workers whose shift commences at or after the end of the ordinary day work hours) presenting for work when the temperature is at or over 35°C will remain on site in air conditioned amenities for a minimum two hours, holding themselves available to commence work should the temperature fall below 35°C.
Policy Grievance – Employer Grievance The Employer may institute a grievance alleging a general misinterpretation or violation by the Union or any employee by filing a written grievance with the Bargaining Unit President, with a copy to the Labour Relations Officer within twenty (20) days after the circumstances have occurred. A meeting will be held between the parties within ten (10) days. The Union shall reply within ten (10) days after the meeting, and failing settlement, the matter may be referred to arbitration. (a) Where a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, including any questions as to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that this Agreement has been violated, either of the parties may, after exhausting the grievance procedure established by this Agreement, notify the other party in writing of its decision to submit the difference or allegation to arbitration, and the notice shall contain the name of the first party's appointee to an Arbitration Board. The recipient of the notice shall, within ten (10) days, inform the other party of the name of its appointee to the Arbitration Board. The two appointees so selected shall within ten (10) days of the appointment of the second of them, appoint a third person who shall be the Chairperson. If the recipient of the notice fails to appoint a nominee, or if the two nominees fail to agree upon a Chairperson within the time limit, the appointment shall be made by the Minister of Labour for Ontario upon the request of either party. (b) Within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of notice referred to in Article 8.12(a) above, either party may require a process for a sole arbitrator where the grievance concerns: i) a job posting ii) a short term layoff
Labor Harmony The parties acknowledge that it is of the utmost importance to City, Tenant, and all those occupying or to occupy space in the Domestic and International Terminals that there be no interruption in the progress of the construction work. Accordingly, City and Tenant agree as follows: (a) In any contract or undertaking which Tenant may make with a contractor for work in the Premises, provision shall be made for the dismissal from the job of workmen whose work is unskilled or otherwise objectionable, in the Director’s (and, for this purpose, “the Director” shall include a reference to the Airport’s Architect) reasonable judgment. Tenant shall cause any such workmen to be discharged from the project within twenty-four (24) hours after Director shall give notice to Tenant requiring such discharge. (b) Tenant shall use, and Tenant shall require its contractor and subcontractors to use, their respective best efforts to prevent work stoppages on the Premises, and/or elsewhere on the Airport, to the extent attributable to work being performed on the Premises, irrespective of the reason of any such stoppage. In the event that the conduct or presence of any employee(s) of Tenant or Tenant’s contractor(s) or subcontractor(s) causes a labor dispute or work stoppage, Tenant shall have such employee(s) immediately removed from the Airport upon Director’s request. (c) Tenant shall include, and shall cause its contractor to include, the following clause in all contracts with its general contractors and subcontractors: There shall be no manifestations on the project of any dispute between any labor organization and any Tenant contractor or subcontractor, including but not limited to, any area standards picketing against said contractor or subcontractor. Should there be any manifestation of a labor dispute between any Tenant contractor or subcontractor and any union, which results in a stoppage of work on the part of said contractor or subcontractor’s employees or the employees of any other employer or supplier on the project or at the Airport, which in the sole judgment of the Director will cause, or is likely to cause, unreasonable delay in the progress of construction or operation of any business at the Airport, then upon written notice from Director, Tenant shall declare the contractor or subcontractor in default of its contract, and upon such notice, Tenant shall have the right to take such steps as are necessary to finish the uncompleted portion of the work to be performed by the contractor or subcontractor. (d) Without limiting the generality of indemnities elsewhere in this Lease, Tenant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City and each City Entity for any and all Losses which arise from the actions taken pursuant to this Section 7.9.
Employer Grievance The Employer may institute a grievance by delivering the same in writing to the President of the Local Union and the President shall answer such grievance in writing within five working (5) days. If the answer is not acceptable to the Employer, the Employer may, within ten (10) working days from the day the President gives her answer, give ten (10) working days notice to the President of the Local Union of its intention to refer the dispute to arbitration.
Contractor Employee Conduct The Contractor’s employees shall adhere to the standards of conduct prescribed in the Customer’s personnel policy and procedure guidelines, particularly rules of conduct, security procedures, and any other applicable rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the Customer. The Contractor shall ensure that the Contractor’s employees wear attire suitable for the position, either a standard uniform or business casual dress.
Supplier Personnel The Customer and Supplier agree and acknowledge that in the event of the Supplier ceasing to provide the Services or part of them for any reason, Call Off Schedule 10 (Staff Transfer) shall apply. The Supplier shall not and shall procure that any relevant Sub-Contractor shall not take any step (expressly or implicitly and directly or indirectly by itself or through any other person) without the prior written consent of the Customer to dissuade or discourage any employees engaged in the provision of the Services from transferring their employment to the Customer and/or the Replacement Supplier and/or Replacement Sub-Contractor. During the Termination Assistance Period, the Supplier shall and shall procure that any relevant Sub-Contractor shall: give the Customer and/or the Replacement Supplier and/or Replacement Sub-Contractor reasonable access to the Supplier's personnel and/or their consultation representatives to present the case for transferring their employment to the Customer and/or the Replacement Supplier and/or to discuss or consult on any measures envisaged by the Customer, Replacement Supplier and/or Replacement Sub-Contractor in respect of persons expected to be Transferring Supplier Employees; co-operate with the Customer and the Replacement Supplier to ensure an effective consultation process and smooth transfer in respect of Transferring Supplier Employees in line with good employee relations and the effective continuity of the Services. The Supplier shall immediately notify the Customer or, at the direction of the Customer, the Replacement Supplier of any period of notice given by the Supplier or received from any person referred to in the Staffing Information, regardless of when such notice takes effect. The Supplier shall not for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of transfer re-employ or re-engage or entice any employees, suppliers or Sub-Contractors whose employment or engagement is transferred to the Customer and/or the Replacement Supplier except that this paragraph 10.5 shall not apply where an offer is made pursuant to an express right to make such offer under Call Off Schedule 10.1 (Staff Transfer) in respect of a Transferring Supplier Employee not identified in the Supplier's Final Supplier Personnel List.