Winter Break Sample Clauses
Winter Break. The Resident may apply to occupy a Room during the Winter Break period as detailed in Table 2. Winter Break applications will be made available to Residents by the Manager. Applications are due on or before December 1 at 5:00 p.m. If the Resident’s application is approved, they may be required to pay a small fee (detailed in Table 2) for Winter Break occupancy before the beginning of the Winter Break. During the Winter Break there is limited supervision of the Residence, all services are reduced or suspended, and annual maintenance and renovations may occur. To ensure the safety and security of the Resident and the Residence facilities it is the intention of the Manager to limit the number of Residents staying during the Winter Break to a small number of individuals that demonstrate a significant need for Residence accommodations. If the Resident is found occupying a Room during the Winter Break without having given written notice to the Manager, the Resident shall be subject to $30.00 for each day during the Winter Break period or $200.00 for the entire Winter Break, due immediately. Academic Year 2023-2024 December 16, 2023 January 7, 2024 $30.00/per day
Winter Break. The Resident may apply to occupy a Room during the Winter Break period as detailed in Table 2. Winter Break applications will be made available to Residents by the Manager. Applications are due on or before December 1 at 5:00 p.m. If the Resident’s application is approved, they may be required to pay a small fee (detailed in Table 2) for Winter Break occupancy before the beginning of the Winter Break. During the Winter Break there is limited supervision of the Residence, all services are reduced or suspended, and annual maintenance and renovations may occur. To ensure the safety and security of the Resident and the Residence facilities it is the intention of the Manager to limit the number of Residents staying during the Winter Break to a small number of individuals that demonstrate a significant need for Residence accommodations. If the Resident is found occupying a Room during the Winter Break without having given written notice to the Manager, the Resident shall be subject to the Managers then current daily conference rate, immediately due and payable for each day during the Winter Break period.
Winter Break. At least ten weekdays, ending after New Year’s Day. If New Year’s Day falls or is observed on a Monday, students will return to school on the next day (Tuesday).
Winter Break. 35 Winter break shall be no less than ten week days, and begin no later than 36 December 23. Week days consist of Monday through Friday, and include 37 holidays if they fall within the period from Monday through Friday. 38
Winter Break. In order to equitably distribute travel and work assignments over the Company’s winter break, assignments will first be made with volunteers, then from those bargaining unit employees who have never been so assigned, and then from those bargaining unit employees previously so assigned (working from most distant in time to most recent).
Winter Break. The President shall designate six (6) days for a paid Winter Break. An employee required to work during the Winter Break shall be compensated according to Article 20, Section 2: Holiday Pay (excluding weekends attached to the Winter Break). Six (6) days observed during the Winter break: Veteran Day Presidents Day Columbus Day Three (3) administrative leave (winter break) days
Winter Break. The University plans to close the Residences for Winter Break from the day after the last December exam until reopening the Residences the day before the start of classes in January and will not provide accommodation, meals, services, nor the associated support staff during this time.
Winter Break. 2 Should the District decide to close the institution and District offices for the Winter Break Classified staff 3 shall not report for work and will have the option of using:
4 1. Authorized accrued annual leave or,
5 2. Unpaid leave for the period which has not been designated as Board granted or 6 national holidays.
Winter Break. Ten (10) month employees shall be eligible to accrue up to a maximum of 40 hours of break pay time to be applied to winter break at an accrual rate of .089285 for each hour paid. Accrual for winter break starts at zero on the first day of school. the 16th day after school starts in September with no carry over. Time accrued will be paid during the applicable winter break periods as indicated on the SPPS school year calendar. Time accrued will be tracked on employees pay stubs. Employees who work at Crossroads Elementary which is on a year around school year calendar shall be paid winter break accrual as indicated on the SPPS school year calendar. Employees must be actively employed during the break period to receive break pay.
Winter Break. Winter Break shall begin on or before December 22 and shall be a minimum of ten (10) working days in length.