Witness Test. For Level 1 review projects only, if the EDC does not inspect the installation within 10 business days after the minimum notice period of 10 business days, or by mutual agreement of the Parties, the Witness Test is deemed waived.
Witness Test. For lab certified or field approved equipment, verification (either by an on-site observation or review of documents) by the EDC that the interconnection installation evaluation required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 5.3 and the commissioning test required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 5.4 have been adequately performed. For interconnection equipment that has not been lab certified or field approved, the witness test shall also include the verification by the EDC of the on-site design tests as required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 5.1 and verification by the EDC of production tests required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 5.2. All tests verified by the EDC are to be performed in accordance with the test procedures specified by IEEE Standard 1547.1.
Witness Test. For lab-certified equipment, verification (either by an on-site observation or review of documents) by the utility that the interconnection installation evaluation required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 11.2.4 and the commissioning test required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 11.2.5 have been adequately performed. For interconnection equipment that has not been lab certified, the witness test shall also include verification by the utility of the on-site design tests required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 11 and verification by the utility of production tests required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 11.2.3. All tests verified by the utility are to be performed in accordance with the test procedures specified by IEEE Standard 1547.1.
Witness Test a) The Utility shall perform a witness test after construction of the generating facility is completed but before parallel operation, unless the Utility specifically waives the witness test. The interconnection Customer shall provide the Utility at least 30 business days’ notice of the planned commissioning test for the generating facility. If the Utility performs a witness test at a time that is not concurrent with the commissioning test, it shall contact the interconnection Customer to schedule the witness test at a mutually agreeable time within 10 business days after the commissioning test, the witness test is deemed waived unless the parties mutually agree to extend the date for scheduling the witness test, or unless the Utility cannot do so for good cause, in which case, the parties shall agree to another date for scheduling the test within 10 business day of the original scheduled date. For systems sized less than 25 kWAC the 30 business days’ notice shall be waived.
b) If the witness test is not acceptable to the Utility, the interconnection Customer has 30 business days to address and resolve any deficiencies. This time period may be extended upon agreement between the Utility and interconnection Customer. If the interconnection Customer fails to address and resolve the deficiencies to the satisfaction of the Utility, this Agreement shall be terminated. The interconnection Customer shall, if requested by the Utility, provide a copy of all documentation in its possession regarding testing conducted pursuant to IEEE standard 1547.1.
c) After the generating facility passes the witness testing, the Utility shall affix an authorized signature to the Certificate of Completion and return it to the interconnection Customer approving the interconnection and authorization parallel operation.
Witness Test. For Level 1 review projects only, if the EDC does not inspect the installation within 10 business days after the minimum notice period of 10 business days, or by mutual agreement of the Parties, the Witness Test is deemed waived. Metering: Revenue quality metering equipment shall be installed and tested by the EDC. (Note: The EDC may allow interconnected operations prior to the meter installation.) Acceptance: The EDC’s representative has signed Part 2, the Certificate of Completion, approving the facility for energization.
Witness Test. For lab certified or field approved equipment, verification (either by an on-site observation or review of documents) by the EDC that the interconnection installation evaluation required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 5.3 and the commissioning test required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 5.4 have been adequately performed. For interconnection equipment that has not been lab certified or field approved, the witness test shall also include the verification by the EDC of the on-site design tests as required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 5.1 and verification by the EDC of production tests required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 5.2. All tests verified by the EDC are to be performed in accordance with the test procedures specified by IEEE Standard 1547.1. Attachment 2 This attachment shall include the following: The construction schedule for the Small Generator Facility A one-line diagram indicating the Small Generator Facility, Interconnection Equipment, Interconnection Facilities, Metering Equipment, and Distribution Upgrades Component specifications for equipment identified in the one-line diagram Component settings Proposed sequence of operations EDC’s Interconnection Facilities including any required metering shall be itemized and a best estimate of itemized costs, including overheads, shall be provided based on the Facilities Study. Also, a best estimate for the time required to build and install EDC’s Interconnection Facilities will be provided based on the Facilities Study. Attachment 4 Applicable sections of EDC’s operating manuals applying to the small generator interconnection shall be listed and Internet links shall be provided. Any special operating requirements not contained in EDC’s existing operating manuals shall be clearly identified.
Witness Test a) For all installations of 25 kW AC or larger, the interconnection Customer shall provide the Utility at least 30 business days’ notice of the planned commissioning test for the generating facility, which will also provide a witness test. For systems sized less than 25 kW AC, the 30 business days’ notice shall be waived.
b) If the witness test is not acceptable to SCMEU, the interconnection Customer has 30 business days to address and resolve any deficiencies. This time period
c) After the generating facility passes the witness testing, the Utility shall affix an authorized signature to the Certificate of Completion and return it to the interconnection Customer approving the interconnection and authorization parallel operation.
Witness Test. Following modification testing, a one-day witness test can be held at the Clemson Engineering Hydraulics facility to demonstrate the models with and without the proposed modifications. ENGINEER will accompany AWU and PM/CM staff to witness the Physical Hydraulic Model testing (near Anderson, South Carolina), to assist in understanding of the hydraulic conditions, limitations and recommendations. It is assumed that AWU and the PM/CM will address their respective travel and lodging expenses. • Raw video footage of the testing will be provided in DVD format. ENGINEER will present the results of the physical modeling as part of previously identified project meetings. • PowerPoint summary of modeling results, conclusions and recommendations ENGINEER will conduct a surge / transient analysis related to the CFAPS discharge piping. The analysis will be completed in conjunction with completing the PDR / 30% level design with update and refinement at 60% level design upon confirmation of pump specifications. The surge / transient analysis will include the following: • Pump power failure • Planned pump shutdown • Pump start-up • Maximum flow for future demand conditions or maximum number of pumps operating ENGINEER will provide pump and valve details for the CFAPS. AWU and the PM/CM will provide the water distribution system model and record drawings for pertinent pipelines including pipe profiles, type, material, thickness, presence of air/vacuum valves, and any other existing surge control devices. ENGINEER will present the results of the surge analysis as part of previously identified project meetings. ENGINEER will assess and model the benefits of surge arrestor tanks, surge anticipator valves, and relief valves. It is assumed surge arrestor tanks may be designed for implementation. • Surge / Transient Analysis Modeling Results • Surge / Transient Analysis Draft and Final Technical Memorandum Task 118 – Environmental (Phase I/II) Assessment ENGINEER will conduct a Phase I and Phase II (if needed) Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at the PBWTP in the area where fuel storage tanks were previously in operation and removed. The combined Phase I and Phase II scope will be performed with the goal of identifying and assessing Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs). The Phase I ESA will conform to the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) E 1527-13 Phase I investigative process, including the following elements: • Research into the environmental regulato...
Witness Test. For lab certified or field approved equipment, verification (either by an on-site observation or review of documents) by the cooperative that the interconnection installation evaluation required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 5.3 and the commissioning test required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 5.4 have been adequately performed. For interconnection equipment that has not been lab certified or field approved, the witness test shall also include the verification by the cooperative of the on-site design tests as required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 5.1 and verification by the cooperative of production tests required by IEEE Standard 1547 Section 5.2. All tests verified by the cooperative are to be performed in accordance with the test procedures specified by IEEE Standard 1547.1.