Workplace Violence Prevention. In order to provide a safe and healthy workplace for employees, the State agrees to develop and implement "Workplace Violence Prevention" policies and programs. The State agrees to develop a model Workplace Violence Prevention Program and make the program available to all departments. The State agrees to provide training on procedures for preventing workplace violence and the Union will encourage employees to use these procedures.
Workplace Violence Prevention. A. In order to provide a safe and healthy workplace for employees, the State agrees to meet with the Union to develop and implement "Workplace Violence Prevention" policies and programs.
B. The State agrees to meet with the Union to develop a model Workplace Violence Prevention Program and make the program available to all departments.
C. The State agrees to provide training on procedures for preventing workplace violence and the Union will encourage employees to use these procedures.
Workplace Violence Prevention. The parties made a joint commitment to a shared goal of zero tolerance for violence in the workplace. The National LMP Co-chairs will appoint a national team to conduct a program-wide analysis to improve violence prevention. This team will consider the following subject areas in its analysis and ensuing recommendations: » education and training; » communications; » EAP; » organizational consistency; and » data and reporting. Once the team has completed its analysis, it will create recommendations for developing consistent violence prevention programs. The team will report recommendations to the National LMP Co-chairs, who will review and consider appropriate next steps. Labor may also independently make recommendations to management regarding possible workplace violence prevention policy changes based upon the analysis. See Exhibit I.J.6. for the implementation timeline and additional information.
Workplace Violence Prevention. A. In order to provide a safe and healthy workplace for employees, the State agrees to meet with the Union to develop and implement "Workplace Violence Prevention" policies and programs.
B. The State agrees to meet with the Union to develop a model Workplace Violence Prevention Program and make the program available to all departments.
C. The State agrees to provide training on procedures for preventing workplace violence and the Union will encourage employees to use these procedures.
D. Those Workplace Violence Prevention Programs and policies which have been adopted by departments and that meet the mutually agreed upon model program criteria to be established in subparagraph B. above will remain in effect during the term of this Contract.
Workplace Violence Prevention. The State and Union developed a model Workplace Violence Prevention program. Each department shall maintain a Workplace Violence Prevention Program that meets the mutually agreed upon model program. The department program shall be in writing and distributed and/or made available to all employees.
Workplace Violence Prevention a. In order to provide a safe and healthy workplace for employees, the State agrees to develop and implement "Workplace Violence Prevention" policies and programs.
b. The State agrees to develop a model Workplace Violence Prevention Program and make the program available to all departments.
c. The State agrees to provide training on procedures for preventing workplace violence and the Union will encourage employees to use these procedures
Workplace Violence Prevention. The Employer agrees to furnish a written report of all incidents to the co-chairs of the Joint Health and Safety Committee prior to the JHSC meeting.
Workplace Violence Prevention. A. In order to provide a safe and healthy workplace for employees, the State agrees to develop and implement "Workplace Violence Prevention" policies and programs.
B. The State agrees to develop a model Workplace Violence Prevention Program and make the program available to all departments.
C. The State agrees to provide training on procedures for preventing workplace violence and the Union will encourage employees to use these procedures.
D. All those Workplace Violence Prevention Programs and policies which have been adopted by departments and that meet the mutually agreed upon model program criteria to be established in sub-paragraph B. above will remain in effect during the term of the contract.
Workplace Violence Prevention. (a) The Employer shall maintain policies and procedures with the objective of addressing and ensuring a safe and respectful workplace free of violence.
(b) For all incidents of workplace violence from a patient, resident, or member of the public, the Employee must:
(i) report the incident immediately to the manager/medical leader or supervisor; and
(ii) document the incident, as soon as possible and within the same shift, through the appropriate Employer reporting process. If the Employee is concerned with having sufficient time to document within the same shift, they shall raise this with their supervisor who shall direct the time for such documentation.
(c) The Employer shall
(i) investigate the incident in accordance with the Employer policy; and
(ii) inform Employees affected by the incident of the investigation’s outcome, to the extent permitted by legislation or Employer policies.
Workplace Violence Prevention. 15.1 Violence or violent actions on County property or facilities, or while on County business, are prohibited and will not be tolerated. Any unlawful violent action committed by employees or members of the public while on County property or while using County facilities will be prosecuted as appropriate.
15.2 In the interest of maintaining a workplace that is safe and free of violence, except as hereinafter provided, possession or use of a firearm or dangerous weapons/instruments is prohibited on County property, in County vehicles, or in any personal vehicle which is used for County business or parked on County property. A dangerous weapon or dangerous instrument at a minimum is defined as any instrument capable of producing bodily harm and used to harm or intimidate another person or that warrants alarm for the safety of another person. A dangerous weapon or dangerous instrument, as defined above, shall include, but not be limited to, knives or any instrument, device or object capable of causing physical harm or mental intimidation to another person.
15.3 Employees are responsible for refraining from acts of violence and for seeking assistance to resolve personal issues that may lead to acts of violence in the workplace; and reporting to their department head and/or supervisor any dangerous or threatening situations that occur or are observed in the workplace. Employees are also encouraged to report any situations that occur outside of the workplace which may affect workplace safety.