Written Statement for New Employees. The County will provide a written statement to each new employee hired into a classification in any of the bargaining units represented by the Union, that the employee's classification is represented by the Union and the name of a representative of the Union. The County will provide the employee with a packet of information which has been supplied by the Union and approved by the County. The County shall provide an opportunity for the Union to make a fifteen (15) minute presentation at the end of the Human Resources Department’s new employee orientation meetings.
Written Statement for New Employees. The District will provide a writ- ten statement to each new employee hired into a classification in any of the bargaining units represented by the Association, that the employee's classification is represented by the Association and the name of a representative of the Association. The County will provide the employee with a packet of information, which has been supplied by the Association and approved by the County.
Written Statement for New Employees. The County will provide a written statement to each new employee hired into a classification which is in the Social Service First Line Supervisors Unit that their classification is represented by Local 1021, and the name of a representative of Local 1021. The County shall provide an opportunity for the Union to make a thirty (30) minute presentation at the end of the Human Resources Department’s new employee orientation meetings.
Written Statement for New Employees. CCCERA will provide a written statement to each new employee hired into a classification in any of the bargaining units represented by the Union, that the employee's classification is represented by the Union and the name of a representative of the Union. The Union will provide the employee with a packet of information which has been supplied by the Union and approved by CCCERA.
Written Statement for New Employees. The District will provide the employee with a packet of information, which has been supplied by the Union and approved by the District.
Written Statement for New Employees. A. The County will provide a written statement to each new employee hired into a classification in any of the bargaining units represented by PDOCC, that the employee’s classification is represented by PDOCC and the name of a representative of the Union. The County will provide the employee with a packet of information that has been supplied by the Union.
B. The County will make reasonable efforts to provide email notification to the Union as soon as a new employee hired into a classification represented by PDOCC has been scheduled for a new employee orientation. Whether or not email notification is provided, the County will provide written notice to the Union of all new employee orientations, at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the event. The County may provide less than ten (10) calendar days’ notice to the Union in instances where there is an urgent need critical to the County’s operations that was not reasonably foreseeable.
C. The new employee orientation notice provided to the Union will include the date, time, and location of the orientation.
D. The Union will be provided the opportunity to have up to two (2) representatives meet with new employees for up to thirty (30) minutes at the beginning of the orientation. One (1) of these representatives may be a bargaining unit member. A bargaining unit member attending orientation as a Union representative shall be given paid release time sufficient to cover the Union’s presentation and travel time. The Union will provide the names of any employees who they wish to be released at least 48 hours in advance to the Labor Relations Manager. Approval for release time is subject to adequate staff coverage at the employee’s worksite.
E. The Union may provide written materials to new employees during the new employee orientation. The Union’s presentation will be conducted during paid County time as a regular part of the new employee orientation. No representative of management shall be present during the Union’s presentation.
Written Statement for New Employees. The District will provide a written statement to each new employee hired into a classification in any of the bargaining units represented by the Union, that the employee's classification is represented by the Union and the name of a representative of the Union. The District will provide the employee with a packet of information, which has been supplied by the Union and approved by the District.
Written Statement for New Employees. A. The County will provide a written statement to each new employee hired into a classification in any of the bargaining units represented by the Association, that the employee's classification is represented by the Association and the name of a representative of the Association. For purposes of this section, a “new employee” is any person not previously represented by the Association who is hired into a position represented by the Association whether by new hire, transfer or promotion. The department will notify the Association within ten (10) days of hire of the new employee’s name, position, and any personal contact information (including address, phone number, and email) that the County has on record.
B. The County will provide written notice of both Employer-wide and department-level new employee orientations (no matter how few participants, and whether in person, online or through other means or mediums) to the Association, at least ten (10) days prior to the event. Where the Association holds quarterly new employee orientations, the Department will inform the new employees of the first available orientation and release them from duty to attend. The Association and Department will work to find mutually agreeable dates and times for such orientations.
C. The new employee orientation notice provided to the Association will include the date, time, and location of the orientation.
D. For Department-level new employee orientations, representatives of the Association shall be permitted to make a presentation of up to sixty (60) minutes, and present written materials, during a portion of the orientation.
E. A bargaining unit member attending orientation as an Association representative shall be given paid release time sufficient to cover the Association presentation and travel time. The Association will provide the names of any employees who they wish to be released at least 48 hours in advance to the Labor Relations Manager.
Written Statement for New Employees. The District will provide a written statement to each new employee hired into a classification in any of the bargaining units represented by the Union, that the employee’s classification is represented by the Union and the name of a representative of the Union. The District will provide the employee with a packet of information which has been supplied by the Union and approved by the District. The District shall notify the Union with at least ten (10) days advance notice of the date, time and location of the District new employee orientation meetings and provide an opportunity for the Union to make a twenty (20) minute presentation at the end of the District’s new employee orientation meetings.
Written Statement for New Employees. The County will provide a written statement to each new employee hired into a classification in any of the bargaining units represented by the Council, that the employee's classification is represented by the Council and the name of a representative of the Council. The County will provide the employee with a packet of information which has been supplied by the Council and approved by the County. The County will also provide the addresses of new employees to the Council if the employee consents in writing to the County providing this information to the Council. The County shall provide an opportunity for the Council to make a fifteen (15) minute presentation at the end of the Human Resources Department’s new employee orientation meetings.