YEAR ROUND SCHOOL. A. Notification for increasing the number Year-Round-Schools The District will formally notify the Association President as early as possible, but in no case later than a recommendation to the Board, before increasing the number of Year Round Schools and bargain in good faith on matters relating to converting the sites.
B. Calendar
1. Beginning with the 2002/2003 school year, the Year-Round School Work year shall include one hundred eighty-one (181) work days, made up of one hundred seventy-three (173) instructional days and eight (8) non-instructional days, of which three will be “buy-back” days, adjusted to provide four (4) tracks of approximately sixty (60) days of on-track instruction and twenty (20) days of off-track vacation or intersession. A majority of the time shall be allotted for teachers to work in their classrooms and prepare lessons during designated track-on-days.
2. A minimum day at the end of each track shall be provided within the total annual minutes. No tracking on or tracking off teachers will be required to attend district in-services, workshops, or other meetings scheduled on these days, except for meetings with the site principal. The teachers’ workday on track-on/off days shall be of regular length unless excused by the site principal.
YEAR ROUND SCHOOL. If the school district changes the school year to a year-round school format, any necessary revisions to the master agreement will be negotiated by the Association and the Board. No member will be required to work longer than is defined in this agreement.
YEAR ROUND SCHOOL. A. The Board reserves the right to enter into a Year Round School Year. If such a decision is made, the Board agrees to negotiate the impact on the terms and conditions of employment with the Association.
YEAR ROUND SCHOOL. A. Employees assigned to a classroom and/or instructional support shall be scheduled to work no less than the number of teacher workdays (176)/student attendance days on a track.
B. 1. Food Service employees shall be scheduled to work no less than the total number of days the National School Lunch program meals are required to be served.
1. The duty year for unit members at a year round school shall be 182 duty days with 176 instructional days and six inservice days.
2. At each year round school site, the principal and unit members shall develop a plan for communicating with off track unit members. The site administrator is responsible for implementing the adopted plan.
3. Bargaining unit members assigned to a year round school program shall not be required to attend in-services or meetings during their off-track time.
4. The calendar for a year round school program shall be determined after consultation with affected bargaining unit members and the Association. The calendar shall be devised so that no more than three tracks are on school grounds at one time.
5. Each school site participating in a year round school program shall develop an appropriate plan for proper scheduling of parent conferences, back-to-school nights, open house, etc.
YEAR ROUND SCHOOL. In the event that one of the year-round concepts of school operation becomes necessary and adopted, the school calendar shall be amended by the Board and Article VII.1, Basic Compensation, shall be open to negotiation in the next contract.
YEAR ROUND SCHOOL. 15.2.1. Calendars governing unit members in year round schools shall be adopted by the Board of Trustees after studying recommendations from the District staff, community members, parents, and agreement with the Association.
YEAR ROUND SCHOOL. 9.1 When a school district or SCOE program changes from a traditional school year calendar to Year Round School, the current unit member(s) directly affected by such change who renders services at the school on the Year Round schedule may elect to go on the new Year Round schedule.
9.2 Should such current unit member(s) elect not to participate in the Year Round School program, those relevant positions will be opened internally to unit member(s) in positions requiring the same credential as the position in the Year Round program. The unit member(s) not electing the Year Round schedule will be transferred to the position(s) vacated by existing unit member(s) willing to transfer, regardless of location.
9.3 Unit member(s) will be allowed ten (10) days to make an election to either accept or decline a transfer.
9.4 If no unit member(s) requests a transfer, assignment of staff will be made based on program needs.
9.5 Teachers working in court schools may voluntarily enter into a contract from 184 days up to 212 days with prior approval of the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services or Designee. Should the days of operation be decreased during the contract year, Management has the right to reduce the teachers’ contracted days accordingly.
YEAR ROUND SCHOOL. Beginning with the 1994-95 school year, YRE drivers shall be considered twelve (12) month employees. Subsequent vacancies shall be filled according to Section 9.2. 3.
YEAR ROUND SCHOOL. Within 30 days of a decision by the Board(s) to implement a Year- Round School (YRS) calendar, the parties agree to meet and negotiate the effects of the change in work year, calendar and impact of the implementation of the YRS schedule, and any other changes to the existing terms and conditions of employment related to the decision to implement YRS.