OBJECTIVE OF AGREEMENT. 8. The objective of this agreement is the provision by the States and by the Northern Territory with financial assistance from the Commonwealth of housing assistance for rental housing and for home purchase in accordance with, and in fulfilment of, the principles set out in recital (E).
OBJECTIVE OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement is an agreement for all employees of Xxxxxx’s Paragon Southport Pty Ltd. This establishment employs full-time, part-time and casual employees. The Agreement replaces all terms and conditions of employment contained in the relevant safety net Queensland award, that is, Hospitality Industry, Restaurant, Catering and Allied Establishments award – South Eastern Division 2003. The objectives of this Agreement describe the key elements of the success of the operation. They underpin the operation of every provision of this Agreement. The objectives are to:
(a) Provide working arrangements that ensure long term sustainable employment for employees and ongoing long-term viability for the Company.
(b) Develop and maintain a culture of continuous improvement in customer service excellence, cost of operation and quality. Continuous improvement means best practice in customer service, innovation, increased productivity and cost reduction.
(c) Enhance communication within the organisation to the benefit of our employees, customers, and the employer.
(d) Implement employment arrangements that provide opportunities for a customer focused, stable and committed workforce.
(e) Provide a climate for employees to maximise rewards through recognition of group and individual effort, which contributes to the overall performance and viability of the company.
(f) Provide a work environment where fairness and equity prevails and disputes are resolved with the interests of staff, customers, continuity of excellent service and achievement of these objectives as the priority.
OBJECTIVE OF AGREEMENT. The objectives of this agreement are:
(a) To enable the company to perform work in the activities covered by this Agreement in a productive and efficient manner;
(b) To enable employees to work in a productive, efficient, flexible and safe manner in accordance with their full skill and competence to meet the requirements of the company and their clients; and
(c) To provide appropriate remuneration and conditions of employment for employees working under the terms of the Agreement.
OBJECTIVE OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement is an agreement for all employees of Budgray Pty Ltd. This establishment employs full-time salary, part-time and casual employees. The Agreement replaces all terms and conditions of employment contained in the relevant safety net Queensland award, that is, Café, Restaurant and Catering Award - State (Excluding South East Queensland) 2003. This Agreement is to be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with the Café, Restaurant and Catering Award - State (Excluding South East Queensland) 2003 provided that where there is any inconsistency this agreement shall take precedence. The objectives of this Agreement describe the key elements of the success of the operation. They underpin the operation of every provision of this Agreement. The objectives are to:
(a) Provide working arrangements that ensure long term sustainable employment for employees and ongoing long-term viability for the Company.
(b) Develop and maintain a culture of continuous improvement in customer service excellence, cost of operation and quality. Continuous improvement means best practice in customer service, innovation, increased productivity and cost reduction.
(c) Enhance communication within the organisation to the benefit of our employees, customers, and the employer.
(d) Implement employment arrangements that provide opportunities for a customer focused, stable and committed workforce.
(e) Provide a climate for employees to maximise rewards through recognition of group and individual effort, which contributes to the overall performance and viability of the company.
(f) Provide a work environment where fairness and equity prevails and disputes are resolved with the interests of staff, customers, continuity of excellent service and achievement of these objectives as the priority.
(g) Existing casual employees' hours will not be reduced in favour of new employees that may be employed.
(h) The employer employs casual labour. The employer has a policy of permanent and part-time employment over casual employment. The conversion of casual employees too permanent or part-time employment will be considered when required or upon request for such consideration.
OBJECTIVE OF AGREEMENT. The objective of this Agreement is to set forth the mutual obligations and rights of the City and District for the accomplishment of City Work performed under District Projects.
OBJECTIVE OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement is an agreement for all employees of Dancof Pty Ltd. This establishment employs full-time salary, part-time and casual employees. The Agreement replaces all terms and conditions of employment contained in the Café, Restaurant and Catering Award - State (Rockhampton) (Excluding South East Queensland) 2003. The objectives of this Agreement describe the key elements of the success of the operation. They underpin the operation of every provision of this Agreement. The objectives are to:
(a) Provide working arrangements that ensure long term sustainable employment for employees and ongoing long-term viability for the Company.
(b) Develop and maintain a culture of continuous improvement in customer service excellence, cost of operation and quality. Continuous improvement means best practice in customer service, innovation, increased productivity and cost reduction.
(c) Enhance communication within the organisation to the benefit of our employees, customers, and the employer.
(d) Implement employment arrangements that provide opportunities for a customer focused, stable and committed workforce.
(e) Provide a climate for employees to maximise rewards through recognition of group and individual effort, which contributes to the overall performance and viability of the company.
(f) Provide a work environment where fairness and equity prevails and disputes are resolved with the interests of staff, customers, continuity of excellent service and achievement of these objectives as the priority.
(g) Existing casual employees' hours will not be reduced in favour of new employees that may be employed.
OBJECTIVE OF AGREEMENT. With this Agreement, the Artistic Producer undertakes the realization of the Artistic Production, described in clause 8 of this Agreement and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
OBJECTIVE OF AGREEMENT. 4.1 The objective of this Agreement is to manage and co-ordinate the planning and execution of safe railway operation on both Transnet Freight Rail and SARCC Networks between Transnet Freight Rail and the Operator as and when Access is granted in terms of this Agreement. This Agreement will be co-ordinated, implemented and managed by the signatories or their designated representative.
4.2 The Parties will operate their Rolling Stock on the Networks according to the following standards, copies of which have been supplied by Transnet Freight Rail and SARCC to the Operator and the terms and conditions of which are incorporated by way of reference and the Operator agrees to be bound to in terms of this Agreement:
OBJECTIVE OF AGREEMENT. The primary objective of this MOU is to establish a purchasing group for the purpose of replacing SCBAs which are at the end of their service life. The group will also be purchasing additional masks. See the table below for specific allocations of equipment. City of Xxxxxxxxxx 10 10 By forming this purchasing group critical benefits will be achieved; improved interoperability, increased purchasing power which will lower the unit pricing, better customer support from the manufacturer, and a thorough evaluation of the units in the marketplace. Most importantly, a long-term benefit will be the support each agency will be able to provide to the partner agency in servicing units and reducing duplication. The primary objective of the Regional AFG SCBA purchase is to increase the Central Valley’s regional interoperability and to enhance the local capabilities of each community therefore enhancing national capabilities.
OBJECTIVE OF AGREEMENT. The employer and employees enter into this Agreement with the common goals of providing benefits for both parties through the application of a flexible, permanent and casual working relationship with a dedicated client focus that will provide opportunities for business growth and therefore deliver on-going employment opportunities.