TIME ALLOWANCE. (a) An employee having a grievance or complaint, or a potential grievance or complaint, may confer with his Union Xxxxxxx or with Management during his scheduled working hours, and
(b) Union Stewards, Chief Stewards or Local Officers may handle grievances, or attend meetings with the Company, during their scheduled working hours, without deduction of the time so occupied in the computation of the time worked for the Company, and without deduction of wages in respect thereof provided, however, that each employee, Union Xxxxxxx, Chief Xxxxxxx or Local Officer must arrange with his immediate supervisor, subject to service requirements, for all time off the job required for the above purposes.
(c) Any grievance related activities other than those referred to in this section are to be considered as other union business and the provisions of section 5.03 shall apply.
TIME ALLOWANCE. The Company agrees that:
(a) An employee who has, or believes she has a grievance may confer with her Representative or with management during her scheduled working hours, without deduction of the time so occupied in the computation of the time worked for the Company, and without deduction of wages in respect thereof; provided, however, that each employee must arrange with her immediate manager, subject to service requirements, for all time off the job required for the above purposes. A Representative may discuss a grievance with a or with management, or attend meetings with representatives of the Company on behalf of the Association, during her scheduled working hours, without deduction of the time so occupied in the computation of the time worked for the Company, and without deduction of wages in respect thereof; provided, however, that the Representative must arrange with her immediate manager, subject to service requirements, for all time off the job required for the above purposes.
(a) A District President of the Association may attend meetings held by the Association to prepare for bargaining with the Company, without deduction of the time so occupied in the computation of the time worked for the Company, and without deduction of wages in respect thereof, up to a maximum of five (5) days from her regularly scheduled tours of duty, provided that the Company is given the name of the District President at least two (2) weeks before the date the time off is to begin. It is agreed that the total of all such pre- bargaining time off for all District Presidents calculated together shall not exceed days. An authorized bargaining Representative of the Association may have time off from work during her scheduled working hours for purposes of bargaining, without deduction of the time so occupied in the computation of the time worked for the Company, and without deduction of wages in respect thereof; provided that such time is actually devoted to collective bargaining with management, but only until the expiry date of this Collective Agreement.
(a) Representatives may, without deduction of the time so occupied in the computation of the time worked for the Company, attend to other business of the Association during scheduled working hours, provided that each Representative must arrange with her immediate manager, subject to service requirements, for all time off the job, not to exceed consecutive calendar days, required for the above purpose and providing such bu...
TIME ALLOWANCE. The Company agrees that:
TIME ALLOWANCE. (a) An employee having a grievance or complaint, or a potential grievance or complaint, may confer with his Union Xxxxxxx or with Management during his scheduled working hours, and
(b) Union Stewards, Chief Stewards or Local Officers may handle grievances, or attend meetings with the Company, during their scheduled working hours, without deduction of the time so occupied in the computation of the time worked for the Company, and without deduction of wages in respect thereof provided, however, that each employee, Union Xxxxxxx, Chief Xxxxxxx or Local Officer must arrange with his immediate supervisor, subject to service requirements, for all time off the job required for the above purposes.
(c) Any grievance related activities other than those referred to in this section are to be considered as other union business and the provisions of section 5.03 shall apply.
(d) A Union Representative will be allowed to meet with newly hired employees for 15 minutes at a location mutually agreed by the Company and the Union. Time spent by the Union Representative shall be paid for by the Company while all expenses incurred by the Union Representative in attending such a meeting will be the responsibility of the Union.
TIME ALLOWANCE. (a) An employee having a grievance or complaint, or a potential grievance or complaint, may confer with his Union Xxxxxxx or with Management or attend a grievance presentation during his scheduled working hours, and
(b) Union Stewards, Chief Stewards or Local Officers may handle grievances, or attend meetings with the Company, during their scheduled working hours, without deduction of the time so occupied in the computation of the time worked for the Company, and without deduction of wages in respect thereof provided, however, that each employee, Union Xxxxxxx, Chief Xxxxxxx or Local Officer must arrange with his immediate supervisor, subject to service requirements, for all time off the job required for the above purposes.
(c) Any grievance related activities other than those referred to in this Section are to be considered as other Union business and the provisions of Section 5.03 shall apply.
5.02 The Company will encourage managers to discuss required time off for grievance handling with the employee requesting such time to ensure that the necessary, reasonable amount of time is given, subject to service requirements.
TIME ALLOWANCE. The Authority agrees to allow a maximum of one and one half (1½) straight pay time hours for those employees obtaining licenses or permits where they are unable to obtain such permits or licenses without loss of time in securing same. Such time allowance will be determined by the employee's Division Manager and is applicable only to those employees with one (1) or more years of service.
TIME ALLOWANCE. The Company agrees that: An employee who has, or believes she has a grievance may confer with her Representative or with management during her scheduled working hours, without deduction of the time so occupied in the computation of the time worked for the Company, and without deduction of wages in respect thereof; provided, however, that each employee must arrange with her immediate supervisor, subject to service requirements, for all time off the job required for the above purposes. A Representative may discuss a grievance with a or with management, or attend meetings with representatives of the Company on behalf of the Association, during her scheduled working hours, without deduction of the time so occupied in the computation of the time worked for the Company, and without deduction of wages in respect thereof; provided, however, that the Representative must arrange with immediate supervisor, subject to service requirements, for all time off the job required for the above purposes.
TIME ALLOWANCE. (a) An employee having a grievance or complaint, or a potential grievance or complaint, may confer with his Union Xxxxxxx or with Management during his scheduled working hours, and
(b) Union Stewards, Chief Stewards or Local Officers may handle grievances, or attend meetings with the Company, during their scheduled working hours, without deduction of the time so occupied in the computation of the time worked for the Company, and without deduction of wages in respect thereof provided, however, that each employee, Union Xxxxxxx, Chief Xxxxxxx or Local Officer must arrange with his immediate supervisor, subject to service requirements, for all time off the job required for the above purposes.
(c) Any grievance related activities other than those referred to in this section are to be considered as other union business and the provisions of section 5.03 shall apply.
5.02 An authorized Bargaining Representative of the Union may have time off for purposes of bargaining without deduction of the time worked for the Company, and without deduction of wages in respect thereof provided that such time is actually devoted to collective bargaining, but only until the expiry date of the Collective Agreement, or the date that conciliation assistance is requested, whichever is later. All time off required after the expiry date of the Collective Agreement or the date that conciliation is requested will be without pay and subsection 5.03 (e) shall apply.
(a) A Union Xxxxxxx, may attend up to a maximum of five working days for each absence, to other business of the Union without deduction of the time so occupied in the computation of time worked for the Company, provided that it is the business of the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement.
TIME ALLOWANCE. 5.01 Bargaining unit employees shall have the right to assistance of a union xxxxxxx for any disciplinary meeting with the Employer or any investigative meeting that may lead to discipline. An employee who has a potential grievance may confer with her Union Xxxxxxx or Chief Xxxxxxx/Bargaining Unit Chairperson during her working hours, without loss of pay, provided that the time was requested in advance and permission has been granted by the Employer. It is recognized that the Union has an obligation to represent employees and such requests will not unreasonably be denied. Meetings under the grievance procedure will normally be held during the grievor's working hours. The grievor and the Union representatives involved in grievance meetings with the Employer will not suffer a loss in pay.
5.02 A new employee will be given the opportunity to meet with her Union Xxxxxxx within the first two (2) weeks of employment during their regular working hours for a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes to inform the new employee of the existence of the Union and the Health and Safety Committee. This meeting will be arranged between the Company and the Union twenty-four hours prior to the meeting at a location established by the Company.
TIME ALLOWANCE. SECTION 1: All operators shall receive a time allowance pay once each day on which they perform pre-trip work as preparatory time for the inspection of equipment, etc. Straight runs shall receive ten minutes. Split runs shall receive ten minutes for the first split and an additional ten minutes for the second split.
SECTION 2: When an Operator is required by the Company to see/meet with a supervisor, the employee will be paid for any time in excess of (5) five minutes. After the completion of the meeting the end time will be noted on an exception form and signed by both the supervisor and employee. A copy will be given to the employee for their records.