Posting of Notices. All postings will be signed and dated by an appropriate Association officer, and identified as Association literature. The Association may post materials on the bulletin boards which are appropriate to the workplace, not sexually or racially derogatory, politically non-partisan, and in compliance with state ethics laws. The Employer shall not pay for any incidental costs of preparing and posting Association material.
Posting of Notices. The Union shall be accorded the privilege of posting official bulletins or Union notices on the regular bulletin boards on the premises in which its members are employed. It shall not post notices of a political nature.
Posting of Notices. BULLETIN BOARD
Posting of Notices. The Board shall provide bulletin board space in each department or office for the posting of union notices and newsletters. The BTU-TSP shall have the right to post notices of activities and matters of BTU-TSP concern. Only official BTU-TSP notices shall be posted. Notices endorsing any national, state or local political candidate shall be prohibited.
Posting of Notices. Notice of all classified job vacancies shall be advertised within the District by email and posting at each District site in accessible locations.
Posting of Notices. 22.01 The Employer shall place at the Union's disposal a locked bulletin board where the Union may post notices related to its elections, meetings and social functions. This Bulletin Board is to be located in a prominent location where members have visual access. No notice will be posted without first having been signed by an authorized Union representative. Six (6) times per year, the Union may have the Employer include a folded sheet containing information mutually agreed upon directed to its members in each employee's pay stubs.
22.02 The Employer will provide a mailbox or mail slot for the Union’s use at a convenient location in the workplace.
Posting of Notices. The Corporation agrees to the posting of Union notices on bulletin boards or technological equipment, or through the introduction of technological changes providing greater service and efficiency, whereby the reliance on bulletin board notices may be eliminated. Such notices shall relate to appointments, meetings, elections, conventions of the Union and Union social and recreational affairs.
Posting of Notices. The Union shall have the right to post notices of activities and matters of Union concern in the transportation building.
Posting of Notices. Authorized representatives of Union shall be allowed to post Union notices on bulletin boards maintained on County premises.
Posting of Notices. The Association shall be allowed to provide a bulletin board in each school for its use, provided that it shall not cover over nine (9) square feet of space, and the location of such bulletin board shall be mutually agreed upon between the Association and the principal. The Association shall have exclusive right to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern on designated bulletin boards. The Association shall have the right to use employee mailboxes for communications to employees. The Association shall have exclusive right to post/manage notices of activities and matters of Association concern on a designated electronic folder. The electronic folder shall be visible on each individual employee’s district provided email account. The Board reserves the right to discontinue the electronic folder for just cause. District administrative staff may monitor items posted on either a bulletin Board or the electronic folder for content. The following procedures shall be followed should the Administration have concerns about the content of an item:
1. The Administration shall immediately notify the Association and cite for reasons and rationale for such concerns.
2. Following review of the posted item and discussion of the concerns, the Association shall determine whether or not to remove the item.
3. In the event that Association fails to respond or declines to remove the item, then the District may remove the item for just cause. The District recognizes that the Association’s right to communicate with its members is not to be abridged and/or interfered with in any way except as outlined above.