Representations, Warranties and Additional Covenants Sample Clauses

Representations, Warranties and Additional Covenants. Contractor represents and warrants to Mercy Corps and covenants with Mercy Corps as follows. Contractor has full rights and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Contract. Contractor’s performance will not violate any agreement or obligation between Contractor and any third party. Contractor has the requisite skills to perform the Services in accordance with the SOW. Contractor possesses all governmental and other certifications and licenses necessary to perform the Services. Performance by Contractor of its obligations under this Contract will not infringe on any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary right of any third party. Contractor will comply with all applicable law, regulations and rules in the performance of its obligations under this Contract. Contractor has not, and will not, engage in transactions with, or provide resources or support to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism, including those individuals or entities that appear on the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List maintained by the U.S. Treasury (xxxx:// or the United Nations Security designation list (xxxx:// Contractor will comply with and train its employees in all applicable laws against bribery, corruption, inaccurate books and records, inadequate internal controls and money-laundering, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act. Contractor has not and will not offer or give any employee, agent, or representative of Mercy Corps anything of value to secure any business from Mercy Corps or influence such person to alter the terms, conditions, or performance of any contract with or purchase order from Mercy Corps, including but not limited to this Contract. Contractor, including its owners or employees, does not own, directly or indirectly, any other company that was competing for award of this Contract. Contractor did not seek or obtain confidential information related to the award of this Contract from any Mercy Corps employee, agent or representative. Contractor did not collude or conspire with any other individual or entity to limit competition for the award of this Contract, to set prices being offered or in any other way to interfere with free and open competition. Contractor is not owned in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by any i...
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Representations, Warranties and Additional Covenants. Contractor represents and warrants to Mercy Corps and covenants with Mercy Corps as follows.
Representations, Warranties and Additional Covenants. Client represents, warrants, and covenants that:
Representations, Warranties and Additional Covenants. Supplier represents and warrants to Mercy Corps and covenants with Mercy Corps as follows.
Representations, Warranties and Additional Covenants. Supplier represents and warrants to ADRA Yemen and covenants with ADRA Yemen as follows. الإقرارات والضمانات والتعهدات الإضافية: يقر ويضمن المورد لـ أدرا اليمن ويتعهد لها بالاتي: Supplier has full rights and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Contract. Supplier’s performance will not violate any agreement or obligation between Supplier and any third party. أن لديه كامل الصلاحية والحق في الدخول في هذا العقد و تحمل مسؤولية تنفيذ التزاماته بموجب هذا العقد وأن تنفيذه لهذا العقد لن ينتج عن ذلك انتهاك لأي اتفاق أو التزام بين المورد وأي طرف ثالث. The Goods and all documentation required will meet each of the standards and specifications set forth in this Contract. The Goods are merchantable and fit for their intended purpose, comply with all applicable law and are free from all defects in material and workmanship. أن كافة السلع وجميع الوثائق المطلوبة ستمتثل لكافة المعايير والمواصفات المنصوص عليها في هذا العقد، وأن السلع معروضة للشراء وتتناسب مع الأغراض المخصصة لها مع الامتثال لجميع القوانين المعمول بها و أن جميع المواد التي يتم تصنيعها منها و طريقة تصنيعها خالية من جميع العيوب. Supplier will deliver good and marketable title to the Goods free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances and interests of any other person, entity or government. The Goods will not infringe on any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary right of any third party. أن يلتزم المورد على أن تكون السلع المسلمة ذات سمعة طيبة وقابلة للتسويق وخالية من جميع الالتزامات والمطالبات لأي شخص أو حكومة أو أي جهة أخرى أو لدى تلك الجهات اي مصلحة من ورائها أو منفعة أو أي أعباء عليها, فضلا عن أنها قد لا ينتهك أي براءة اختراع لطرف ثالث أو علاماته التجارية أو حقوق النشر أو أسراره التجارية أو غيرها من حقوق الملكية.
Representations, Warranties and Additional Covenants. 6.1 The Service Provider hereby represents and warrants to the County that:
Representations, Warranties and Additional Covenants. Contractor represents and warrants to Mercy Corps and covenants with Mercy Corps as follows. a. Contractor has full rights and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement. Contractor’s performance will not violate any agreement or obligation between Contractor and any third party. b. Contractor has the requisite skills to perform the Services in accordance with this Agreement. c. Contractor possesses all governmental and other certifications and licenses necessary to perform the Services in accordance with this Agreement. Performance by Contractor of its obligations under this Agreement will not infringe on any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary right of any third party. d. Contractor will comply with all applicable law, regulations and rules in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. e. Contractor has not, and will not, engage in transactions with, or provide resources or support to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism, including those individuals or entities that appear on the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List maintained by the U.S. Treasury (xxxx:// center/sanctions/SDN-List/Pages/default.aspx) or the United Nations Security designation list (xxxx:// ns_list.shtml). f. Contractor will comply with and train its employees in all applicable laws against bribery, corruption, inaccurate books and records, inadequate internal controls and money-laundering, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act. Contractor has not and will not offer or give any employee, agent, or representative of Mercy Corps anything of value to secure any business from Mercy Corps or influence such person to alter the ودقا ف لا تا خرييصم ديدييسفب لا ييست ةي اييضةا لويرلا ت ار ا لاز ك .ب لويرلا ك ةلوركم تا خرييييييص ر تا خرييييييص لا و ه عثم ف دت أ وري ةيأخ تةاصيةا تم عمار عةةب الكيثوت مفي اخ ة ل لا رما خأ ةي اضةا ا ديدةفب ور كيييييسريم اوكفل لوك م عةيييييةب ةي خريييييض ىرتأ كئاثخ .لايةص عةةب اهدرةت متخ ةلوك م ت ار خيلاةفلا دقا ف لا دل فيخ ييضيخ ركي .ةيفاييضلاا تاده تلاو تاتامييضلا ، تارارقلاا .8 :كلافلا وةيلا ى ب ور كسريم ىلا قيتايماافلا الاخ ااربة ةي مايةلا ةييزنييييييصلاخ قوكةلا كي ي ديقاي ف لا ا .أ ااك خ قت اماافلة وايفيت أب دل فيخ ركيخ .اه ي فيتخ ةيقاف تةا و ه ور و ب رل أخ دقا ف لا يب ااافلا خأ ةيقافتا ر ااقرت عث ي ل ةيقافتةا و لل .ثلاث ةيييلايي لاخ ةييييفلا تا دييكلاخ تارر...
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Representations, Warranties and Additional Covenants. Contractor represents and warrants to Mercy Corps and covenants with Mercy Corps as follows. a. Contractor has full rights and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Contract. Contractor’s performance will not violate any agreement or obligation between Contractor and any third party. b. Contractor has the requisite skills to perform the Services in accordance with the SOW. c. Contractor possesses all governmental and other certifications and licenses necessary to perform the Services. Performance by Contractor of its obligations under this Contract will not infringe on any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary right of any third party. نايب ف كلذ لاخ ىلع صني مل ام ‘ ر ييييييسريم م قت ييييييس .ب اقفو ) ازن ييييييض م تنا اذإ ةلداملا ةر تافلا وأ( ةر تاف ل عفدب ‘تامدخلا وا ةر تافلا ملاتيييسا )1( نم قحلا تقو ف م ي 30 ن يييضغ ف عفدلا طوريييشل .اهيلع انتملا م سرلا رااشإ ف اهيلع ص صنملا د نبلا ةي ست )2( دقااتملل اهتمذب للبم يا )ةي يييست( ةيييصاقم لمع ر يييسريمل ي .ج .ر سريم ىلا دقااتملا ةمذب للبم يا لباقم فير¹صملاو موسرلا ، بئارضلا .5 ه دييقايياتملا نإييف ‘تاييمدييخلا نايييب ف كييلذ لاخ ىلع صني مل اييم .أ ةفا و دقالا اذه قه مب ءادلأا ف اهدبكت تلا فيرايييصملا ةفا نع لو يييسملا اذإ .تامدخلا ميدقتب قلاتي اميف ىرخلأا ةيم كحلا م سرلاو م سرلا ‘ قئارضلا نم قئارييييييضلا ا قتييييييساب م قت نا ر ييييييسريم نم قل تي ن ناق لا نا اهافدو قئارييضلا كلت ا قتييسا ر ييسريمل ي ‘دقااتملا ىلإ تاع فدملا مسر لاصيإ ميلستب ر سريم م قت س .ةبسانملا ةيبيرضلا ة لسلا ىلإ يأ ليلقتل ةل قام اد هه ر ييييسريم لذبت ييييسو .قئارييييضلا ذهب دقااتملل .ن ناقلا هب حمسي يذلا دحلا ىلإ ةا قتسم قئارض ‘دقااتملا تافورييييصم ديدييييستب حمييييسي تامدخلا نايب نا نا لاح ف .ب تافورصملا وا ن ف جردت نأو ةل قام تافورصملا ذه لثم ن كت نا ق يف عم لما لكييشب اهقيث ت متي ناو 1 لود لا ف اهيلع ص ييصنملا اهب مييسملا ر ييييسريم م قتل ل قام لكييييشب ةيرورييييض ىرخأ قئاثو ةيأو تلااييييصياا .حيحص لكشب اهدبكت متو ةل قام تنا فيلاكتلا نا ديدحتب دقااتملا نميييضيو رقي .ةيف¹طططيلاا ادتعتلاو ¹ ¹مطططضلا ، ارارقلاا .6 : لاتلا حنلا ىلع ر سريم عم دهاتيو ر سريم ىلا هتامازتلا ءاداو ماربلا ةلماكلا ةيحلاييييييصلاو و قحلا كلمي دقااتملا نا .أ نيب مازتلا وأ ةييقايفتا يأ ديقاياتملا ءادأ ورخي نل ييييييس .ديقالا اذيه قيه مب .ثلاث رط يأو دقااتملا ناي ب ىلا اق فو تام دخ لا ءادلا ةب ل ملا تاراه ملا كل مي دق اا تملا نا .ب .)SOW( لمالا اهريغو ةيم كحلا )تاداهييييشلا( تاقيدييييصتلا عيمه كلتمي دقااتملا نا .ج ءادأ ورخي نل ييييييس .تامدخلا ءادلأ ةم لالا صيخارتلاو تاقيدييييييصتلا نم ‘ رييييييشنو عبط و قح ‘ ارت...
Representations, Warranties and Additional Covenants. Contractor represents and warrants to Mercy Corps and covenants with Mercy Corps as follows. نمضٌو حرصٌ :ةيفاضلإا تادهعتلاو تانامضلاو تاحيرصتلا .6 :ًلٌ امب روك ًسرٌم ىلإ لوامملا دهعتٌو
Representations, Warranties and Additional Covenants. In addition to the obligations arising under this Coinbase Prime Broker Agreement and as a condition of and in consideration of Client accessing and using the Prime Broker Services, Client represents, warrants, and covenants that:
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