Technological Displacement. The Employer agrees that, whenever possible, no employee shall lose employment because of technological change, utilizing normal turnover of staff to absorb such displaced employees. However, when necessary to reduce staff, it shall be done as outlined in Article 6.01.
Technological Displacement. 1 If during the term of this Agreement, the Company notifies the Union in writing that technological change (defined as changes in equipment or methods of operation) has or will create a surplus in any job title in a work location which will necessitate reassignments of regular employees to different job titles involving a reduction in pay or to locations requiring a change in residence, or if a force surplus necessitating any of the above actions exists for reasons other than technological change and the Company deems it appropriate, any regular employee who is in the affected job titles and work locations may elect not to accept such reassignment to a job title involving a reduction in pay or to a location requiring a change in residence and shall be paid a termination payment. Any such regular employee who refuses to accept a transfer to a job title having the same or greater rate of pay and which does not require a change in residence shall not be paid a termination payment.
Technological Displacement. Normal turnover of staff shall be utilized to absorb employees displaced by technological change, provided operational requirements permit. If displaced employees cannot be absorbed by normal turnover and layoffs become necessary, article 16 shall apply.
Technological Displacement. The Employer agrees that, whenever possible, an employee shall not lose employment because of changes that fall under Section
Technological Displacement. (A) Employee Notified Employees affected by technological change shall be notified in writing at least twenty-eight (28) calendar days in advance of the implementation of such technological change.
(B) Union Notified
(1) The Employer shall notify the Union twenty-eight (28) cal- endar days before the introduction of any technological change which adversely affect s the rights of employees or their wages or working con ditions.
(2) Any dispute arising in relation to adjustment to technolog- ical change shall be discussed between the Employer and the Union. If subsequent to this discussion a dispute still exists, then either party may refer the matter to arbitra- tion for final and binding conclu sion as prescribed in Article 10 – Arbitration.
Technological Displacement. During the term of this Agreement any disputes arising in relation to adjustment or technological change shall be discussed between the bargaining representatives of the two (2) Parties to this Collective Agreement.
Technological Displacement. In the event that a regular employee is displaced, he or she shall be offered an opportunity to bid on jobs held by an employee with less seniority providing the displaced employee possesses the qualifications required of the job held by the junior employee. During the term of this Agreement, any disputes arising in relation to adjustment or technological change shall be discussed between the bargaining representatives of the two (2) parties to this Collective Agreement.
Technological Displacement. If during the term of this Agreement, the Company notifies the Union in writing that technological change (defined as changes in equipment or methods of operation) has or will create a surplus in any job title in a work location which will necessitate reassignments of regular employees to different job titles involving a reduction in pay or to lo cations requiring a change in residence, or if a force surplus necessitating any of the above actions exists for reasons other than technological change and the Company deems it appropriate, any regular employee who is in the affected job titles and work locations may elect not to accept such reassignment to a job title involving a reduction in pay or to a location requiring a change in residence and shall be paid a termination allowance. Any such regular employee who refuses to accept a transfer to a job title having the same or greater rate of pay and which does not require a change in residence shall not be paid a termination allowance. Employees eligible for a termination allowance under the terms of this provision alternatively may elect to participate in the Income Security Plan (ISP) providing they meet the eligibility requirements of that Plan.
Technological Displacement. (A) Employee Notified Employees affected by technological change shall be notified in writing at least twenty-eight (28) calendar days in advance of the implementation of such technological change.
Technological Displacement. 3.02 During the term of this Agreement any disputes arising in relation to adjustments to technological change shall be discussed between the bargaining representatives of the two (2) parties to the Collective Agreement.
3.03 Where the Employer introduces or intends to introduce a technological change that:
(1) affects the terms and conditions, or security of employment of a significant number of employees to whom this Collective Agreement applies; and
(2) alters significantly the basis upon which the Collective Agreement was negotiated, either party may, if the dispute cannot be settled in direct negotiations, refer the matter directly to an Arbitration Board pursuant to Article 5 of this Collective Agreement, by-passing all other steps in the grievance procedure.
3.04 The Arbitration Board shall decide whether or not the Employer has introduced or intends to introduce a technological change, and upon deciding that, the Arbitration Board:
(1) shall inform the Minister of Labour of its findings; and
(2) may then or later make any one or more of the following orders:
(a) that the change be made in accordance with the terms of the Collective Agreement unless the change alters significantly the basis upon which the Collective Agreement was negotiated;
(b) that the Employer will not proceed with the technological change for such period, not exceeding ninety 90 days, as the Arbitration Board considers appropriate;
(c) that the Employer reinstate any employee displaced by reasons of technological change;
(d) that the Employer pay to that employee such compensation in respect of his displacement as the Arbitration Board considers reasonable;
(e) that the matter be referred to the Labour Relations Board (under Section 98 of the Labour Relations Code of BC).