Access to Plant Sample Clauses
Access to Plant. 4.01 One (1) duly authorized representative of the Union who is not an employee of the Company (herein referred to as "the Union Representatives") shall be admitted to the premises of the Company at any one time to conduct Union business after notifying the Human Resource Manager or his/her designate upon entering the premises and before proceeding on the visit. The Company will keep the Union informed of the name of the Human Resource Manager or his/her designate if the Human Resource Manager is unavailable.
4.02 Whenever possible, meetings between an employee and a Union Representative shall take place on the rest period or meal period of the employee or immediately prior to or immediately following the scheduled work period of the employee. However, if the meeting must occur during the employee's working hours, the Company shall allow the employee up to fifteen (15) minutes of paid time off in order to meet with the Union Representative.
4.03 Discussions between the Union Representative and the employee shall be held in private so as to not distract other employees. The Company will designate the location of any meeting between an employee and a Union Representative. In no event shall the admission of the Union Representatives or their meetings with employees interfere with or disrupt operations.
4.04 The Union shall promptly notify the Company in writing of the names of the Union Representatives and any changes thereto. The Company will not recognize an individual as a Union Representative until it has received such notification from the Union.
Access to Plant. 17.1 An authorized Union representative shall have access to the plant area where production and maintenance work is being performed (except the area of the rockers) for the purpose of investigating grievances. However, such visits must be prearranged with a representative of Management available to accompany the representative, and the access permitted will not be in conflict with Company rules, safety regulations, or the Company's proprietary interests.
Access to Plant. MH shall provide RP with access to the Plant at all reasonable times for inspection of the Plant property or records, and shall cooperate in any routine inspections or audits of the Plant conducted by RP.
Access to Plant. A designated representative of the Union may visit the Plant twice 39 per month for each shift during the normal lunch break of bargaining unit employees. Visits 40 should be scheduled in advance by contacting and making arrangement with management. 41 The designated representative will be allowed to visit employees on their lunch break for the 42 duration of the thirty (30) minutes lunch break.
Access to Plant. The duly authorized International Representative of the Union shall be permitted to visit the plant during working hours for the purpose of adjusting complaints or ascertaining whether this Agreement is being complied with. Such visits to the plant are to be conducted so as to avoid interference with the operation of the plant and shall be made only after notification to a member of the Human Resources staff. General Grievance Committeepersons and the Unit President will be allowed entrance to the plant to serve their respective departments on all shifts, provided they notify the xxxxxxx of the Department of their presence.
Access to Plant. The Business Representative will have access to the facilities on 23 each shift during working hours for purposes of observing working conditions and investigating 24 grievances. Other Union business shall not be conducted on Company premises. 25 Prior to visiting the facility, the Business Representative will provide at least two (2) days’ notice 26 by email or phone contact, excluding holidays, to the Company’s HR Manager and his/her 27 designee, as to the time, expected duration and purpose of the visit. If the HR Manager or 28 his/her designee does not respond to the Business Representative within those two (2) days, 29 the Business Representative may enter the facilities without further notice. The Business 30 Representative shall notify the Company’s HR Manager or his/her designee when he/she is 31 arriving at and leaving the Company’s operations and shall comply with all requirements for 32 other visitors.
Access to Plant. The representatives of the Union who customarily handle grievances in Step Two of the Grievance Procedure shall have access to the Plant, subject to the established rules of the Plant, at reasonable times to investigate grievances with which they are concerned. (152)
Access to Plant. SCIOS NOVA shall have reasonable access to BC’s facility at all times that BC is manufacturing BULK SOLUTION for the purpose of monitoring BC’s activities under this Agreement. During such visits SCIOS NOVA personnel shall be observers and shall not have the authority to direct the operations of BC’s personnel. BC shall keep SCIOS NOVA reasonably informed concerning BC’s manufacturing schedule and facilitate such access. Following the agreement of the parties under Article 4.1, changes to the 3,000 liter PROCESS are to be agreed upon in writing by both parties prior to implementation.
Access to Plant.
14.01 The National Representative, upon getting approval from Management shall have access to the plant during normal operating hours to meet with the Union and/or Management, but in no case shall the visit interfere with progress of work.
Access to Plant. The accredited representative of the Union shall have access to the plant with the prior permission of the Company.