ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING. A minimum 24 hours’ notice is given to SEARCH per call out; the workday includes travel time to a location and a minimum eight (8) hours is charged per call-out day.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING. In cases where monitoring is requested by a Center Consulting Party, at least one archaeological monitor will be present. Monitoring can be conducted by the Center CRM. This person does not need to meet SOI standards for archaeology, however they must consult an SOI-qualified archaeologist prior to and during all monitoring activities. The SOI-qualified archaeologist does not need to be present on site. If through consultation, a Center Consulting Tribe requests that a Tribal monitor(s) be present, NASA will consider this request, taking mission and timing requirements into consideration, and ensure additional Tribal monitors are present to the greatest extent feasible. A memo detailing the results of the ground disturbance will be drafted and included with the Annual Report per Stipulation XVI (Annual Reporting). If cultural materials are found, NASA shall proceed per Stipulation XIV (Unanticipated Discoveries). 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING. It is anticipated that the Section 106 consultation currently being conducted for this project will result in a requirement that all subsurface activities conducted at the Property include monitoring for archeological objects. As such, Stantec is planning to have an archaeologist present during all subsurface activities associated with this project. The archaeologist will have stop work authority but is expected only to exercise this authority if human remains or archeological objects of substantial significance are discovered. An Inadvertent Discovery Plan detailing protocols to be followed should human remains or archeological objects of substantial significance be discovered also will be prepared for the project following Section 106 consultation completion and will be implemented during this project.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING i. The Applicant, in consultation with the other Consulting Parties to this Agreement, may develop a comprehensive archaeological monitoring plan that will be in effect during construction of the Project. A comprehensive archaeological monitoring plan that has been approved by the BLM shall take precedence over those stipulations provided below. A draft comprehensive archaeological monitoring plan may be incorporated into the plan for post-review discoveries and unanticipated effects and attached as Appendix D to this Agreement. In the absence of a comprehensive archaeological monitoring plan, Paragraphs (1) through (4) of Stipulation V shall apply.
(1) The Applicant shall ensure that archaeological monitors will be on site during construction to observe grading, trenching or other ground disturbing activities for any facilities, roads or other Project components related to the undertaking near ESAs and in other areas designated for full-time monitoring, as detailed in Stipulation IV, Appendix A, and/or Appendix D.
(2) The Applicant shall ensure that archaeological monitors will meet the standards specified in Stipulation IX(a), will be approved and permitted by the BLM, will be familiar with the types of historic and prehistoric archaeological resources that may occur in the APE, and will be directly supervised by a principal archaeologist (PA).
(3) The Applicant shall ensure that the PA will submit bi-weekly documentation of archaeological monitoring activities to the BLM by email. Documentation will include the location of archaeological monitoring activities for the reporting time period, as well as a description of any archaeological resources identified and any actions taken. The PA will prepare a monthly field monitoring verification report with the compiled monitoring observations, results, and actions taken for submission and approval to the BLM. The BLM will provide copies of bi-weekly and monthly archaeological monitoring reports to the Consulting Parties, unless otherwise directed by a Consulting Party.
(4) Upon completion of all archaeological monitoring tasks and requirements related to Project construction and implemented pursuant to this Agreement, the Applicant shall ensure that the PA will submit within three months of completion of Project construction a final monitoring report to the BLM for review and approval. The final monitoring report will describe the monitoring program and its findings and results, and present a detailed professi...
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING. QUALIFICATIONS, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. FEMA will ensure that the archaeological monitoring and fieldwork will be performed and/or observed by an archaeologist or archaeologists who qualify under the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards (48 FR 44716, Sept. 1983) previously published at 36 CFR Part 61 for archaeology or work directly under the supervision of an individual who meets the Standards for Archaeology. At least one member of the archaeological team will be a physical anthropologist/bioarchaeologist or equivalent. FEMA will provide SHPO with the opportunity to review and comment on the qualifications of the selected archaeologist(s) prior to the commencement of fieldwork. B. FEMA will ensure that an Archaeological Monitor(s) is present during all ground disturbing activities and demolition activities that have a potential to result in ground disturbance. FEMA’s Archaeological Monitor(s) is not required to be present during the selective demolition/abatement of lead and asbestos.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING. REPORTING AND FINAL CONSULTATION A. FEMA shall ensure that draft and final reports resulting from actions pursuant to this MOA will meet professional standards set forth by the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Archaeological Documentation (48 FR 44734-37) and will be prepared in accordance with the Louisiana Division of Archaeology Section 106 Investigations and Report Standards (xxxx://, and, if appropriate, will also follow the reporting requirements of the Louisiana Unmarked Human Burial Sites Preservation Act, in accordance with Stipulation VII.A. FEMA’s Archaeological Monitor will also submit a site update form that reports the results of the investigations to the Division of Archaeology. B. FEMA will ensure two paper copies and one digital copy of the Draft Report is sent to the SHPO and Indian tribes, for a 30-day review and comment period.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING. 1. The Applicant, in consultation with the other Consulting Parties, may develop a comprehensive archaeological monitoring plan that will be in effect during construction of the Project. If developed, this comprehensive archaeological monitoring plan will be incorporated into the plan for post-review discoveries and unanticipated effects and attached as Appendix F. In the absence of a comprehensive archaeological monitoring plan the following will apply:
a) The Applicant shall ensure that archaeological monitors will be on site during construction to observe grading, trenching or other ground disturbing activities for any facilities, roads or other Project components related to the undertaking near ESAs and in other areas designated for full-time monitoring, as detailed in Stipulation II (A).
b) The Applicant shall ensure that archaeological monitors meet the standards specified in Stipulation VI (A), are approved and permitted by the BLM, are familiar with the types of historic and prehistoric archaeological resources that are likely to occur in the APE, and are directly supervised by a principal archaeologist (PA).
c) The Applicant shall ensure that the PA will submit monthly documentation of archaeological monitoring activities to the BLM by email. Documentation will include the location of archaeological monitoring activities for the reporting time period, as well as a description of any archaeological resources identified, and any actions taken.
d) The Applicant shall ensure that the PA will submit a monitoring report to the BLM for review and approval within three (3) months of completion of all archaeological monitoring tasks and requirements related to Project construction. The monitoring report will describe the monitoring program and its findings and results, and present a detailed professional description, analysis, and evaluation of any cultural resources that were encountered and evaluated during construction. The BLM will provide a copy of the monitoring report to the Consulting Parties for review in accordance with Stipulation V below.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING. 1. FP&C/LAMD will ensure that it provides an Archaeological Monitor or Monitors who will be present during all ground disturbing demolition and ground disturbing construction activities. Archaeological Monitors must be qualified under the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards (48 FR 44716, Sept. 1983), also published at 36 CFR Part 61, for archaeology or work directly under the supervision of an individual who meets the Standards for archaeology (Archaeological Monitor). FP&C/LAMD’s Archaeological Monitor may or may not be the same qualified personnel described as Archaeologists in Stipulation IV.B Any Signatory or Concurring Party may review and comment on the qualifications of FP&C/LAMD’s Archaeological Monitor, and, if requested, FP&C/LAMD will provide such Party with a copy of the résumé of the Archaeological Monitor or Monitors who will monitor the ground disturbance.
2. The FP&C/LAMC Archaeological Monitor is not required to be present during the demolition of the above-ground portions of the 50-Series Buildings, such as the recoupment of selected architectural features described in Stipulation II, provided that the demolition will not cause ground disturbance and follows the procedures called out in LIDS.
3. FEMA will provide written notifications, to include e-mail, to Signatories, Concurring Parties, and other Indian tribes that may have concerns about human skeletal remains and/or burial artifacts about the opportunity to observe ground disturbing activities associated with the demolition of the 50-Series Buildings, and the construction of a new Headquarters Building. The Signatories, Concurring Parties, and other Indian tribes will respond to FEMA’s notice, to include e-mail, to request that they be provided with FP&C/LAMD’s updates on the demolition, ground disturbance, and construction schedules and/or if they will monitor these activities. The Signatories, Concurring Parties, and other Indian tribes may include information in their response to FEMA that details aspects of the proposed demolition or new construction that are of special interest to the Signatory, Concurring Party, or Indian tribe.
4. Signatories, Concurring Parties, and other Indian tribes that request to be kept up-to-date on the demolition, ground disturbance, and construction schedule will provide FEMA with contact information as part of this request. FEMA will notify FP&C and LAMD within 5-days after receiving a request from a Signatory, Concurrin...
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING. A. The Applicant will contract with a SOI-qualified archaeological consultant to monitor all ground disturbing activities within the Corps’ Permit Area on the eastern bank of the White River;
1. If evidence of archaeological sites, such as prehistoric or historic artifacts and/or features is identified during ground disturbing activities, work within 100 feet of the find will stop until the archaeological consultant can assess the site and consult with the Corps and the SHPO regarding the potential NRHP-eligibility of the site;
2. If the SHPO and Corps concur that an identified archaeological site does not meet the criteria for inclusion in the NRHP, then the Applicant may resume work in the Permit Area;
3. If the SHPO and Corps concur that an identified archaeological site requires additional work, then the Corps will notify the consulting parties and interested Native American Tribes and work with them to develop an appropriate treatment plan;
4. Within 30 days of completion of ground-disturbing activities in the Permit Area, the archaeological consultant will provide the Corps and SHPO with a Management Summary (MS) detailing the results of the monitoring. The Corps and SHPO will provide comments within 30 days of receipt of the MS.
5. If archaeological sites are identified, the archaeological consultant will, within six (6) months of completion of ground-disturbing activities, provide the Corps with a draft report detailing the investigations. The report will comply with the SOI “Standards and Guidelines and Historic Preservation,” and the most current SHPO guidelines.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING. The primary purpose of archaeological monitoring conducted under this contract is to minimize or mitigate adverse effects to archaeological resources during construction and other ground disturbing activities. This task will be overseen by a professional Archaeologist (FR Vol. 62 (119): 33707- 337231 dated June 20, 1997). The archaeological resources encountered during monitoring are usually underground and may or may not have been known to exist before ground disturbance. The archaeological monitoring task includes the identification, recording and analysis of archaeological resources as well as non-cultural, recent historic and modern deposits, during construction or other ground disturbing activities. Data collected shall be sufficient to characterize the nature of all major deposits and strata, regardless of cultural content, discuss their known extent through vertical and horizontal space, and permit the evaluation of the resource in terms of the NRHP criteria in 36 CFR Part 60. The Contractor may be required to prepare an Archaeological Monitoring Plan prior to fieldwork. Monitoring plans shall include project and project area description, reason for monitoring, anticipated findings, fieldwork methods to be used, treatment of resources encountered, and methods of recordation. This plan will be reviewed and approved by the Government before being implemented. The Contractor may be required to perform data recovery should artifacts and/or human skeletal remains be inadvertently discovered during monitoring projects. Data recovery should follow the facility’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) on such an occurrence as well as follow NAGPRA regulations as appropriate. The Contractor should plan for a base number of inadvertent finds being made based on the previous archaeology and history of the area. Data recovery work should not extend beyond what is necessary to ensure any remains within the footprint of the construction are properly addressed. An inventory of skeletal remains found during the monitoring project should be kept with a basic profile of the remains being made by a qualified Physical/Biological Anthropologist or Osteologist. Information in the profile includes but is not limited to the skeletal element found, percent of skeletal element found, probable age and sex of individual, and any non-metric observations made. A formatted database with all requested fields will be sent to the contractor to insert the information then submit at wit...