Expedited Process Sample Clauses
Expedited Process. (a) Where an Employer has made a selection pursuant to Article 24.3 (a) (Appointment Policy) and the employee disagrees with the Employer's decision, the employee may grieve the decision under the process set out below within seven days of being notified of the results.
(b) The dispute resolution process
(1) The dates and locations for the hearing will be determined by the parties. The hearing will take place within 45 days of filing the grievance.
(2) The parties agree that the expedited process will be heard by one of three expedited arbitrators: Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxx or Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, depending on availability and if availability is similar, upon agreement of the parties.
(3) If there is a dispute over disclosure of documentation the parties may contact the Arbitrator by telephone conference call and request an order for disclosure.
(4) The process is intended to be informal and expeditious and therefore, the parties agree not to use outside legal counsel for expedited hearings;
(5) All presentations are to be short and concise;
(6) Each case will begin with a comprehensive opening statement by each side;
(7) The parties will meet to develop a Joint Statement of Facts. The Joint Statement of Facts does not preclude either party from leading evidence that is disputed so long as the evidence meets the other guidelines of this protocol.
(8) Prior to rendering a decision, the Arbitrator will assist the parties in mediating a resolution to the grievance;
(c) Where mediation is not successful, the hearing will proceed as ordered by the Arbitrator and a decision will be rendered on the following basis:
(1) The Arbitrator will render a decision within two working days of the hearing.
(2) No written reasons for the decision will be provided beyond that which the Arbitrator deems appropriate to convey a decision. This process is not intended to prevent the Arbitrator from allowing the parties to agree upon a remedy.
(3) The decision of the Arbitrator is without prejudice. These decisions will have no precedent and value.
(4) All settlements of expedited arbitration cases prior to or during the mediated part of this expedited process will be without prejudice.
(5) The parties will equally share the cost of the fees and expenses of the Arbitrator and hearing expenses.
Expedited Process. (a) Where an Employer has made a selection pursuant to Clause 24.3 (Appointment Policy) and the employee disagrees with the Employer's decision, the employee may grieve the decision under the process set out below within seven days of being notified of the results.
Expedited Process. When the Employer identifies that change must occur on an expedited timeline, management will go to the ABC Committee at either a regularly scheduled meeting or by calling an emergency meeting. A delegate from the affected unit will be invited to the ABC meeting. An expedited process will move forward by mutual agreement in the ABC committee on the process and timelines.
Expedited Process. (a) The expedited process set out in this clause 3.4 applies to a proposal to amend this agreement if the Operator considers that the proposed amendments:
(i) are of a minor or administrative nature; or
(ii) relate to a matter that, if not addressed urgently, will result in that matter imminently prejudicing or threatening the effective operation of the Exchange.
(b) The notice to be published under clause 3.2(b)(ii) must:
(i) invite Members and other interested persons to submit written comments on the proposal to the Operator on or before the date specified in the notice (which must be at least 10 Business Days after the date of the notice); and
(ii) specify a date (the proposed effective date) for the proposed amendment to take effect.
(c) After the closing date for submissions, the Operator must, by notice published on its website, do one of the following:
(i) confirm the proposal and either confirm the proposed effective date or specify a later effective date;
(ii) amend the proposal and either confirm the proposed effective date or specify a later effective date;
(iii) defer a decision on the proposal and provide for further consultation before the final decision on the proposal is made; or
(iv) withdraw or reject the proposal.
(d) The Operator must give as much notice of the expedited amendment as is reasonably practicable before it takes effect, by:
(i) notifying each Member and the AER of the amendment; and
(ii) publishing the amendment and the amended Exchange Agreement on its website.
Expedited Process. The Association and the Employer may mutually agree to process a grievance via the expedited grievance procedure of the American Arbitration Association.
Expedited Process. The Administration, at its option, may agree to expedite a grievance (via the following procedure:) The grievance shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent or his/her designee. Within five (5) working days after submission, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall schedule a meeting with the Association in an effort to resolve the dispute. If the dispute is still not resolved to the Association's satisfaction within five (5) working days of the initial hearing, the Association may appeal the grievance to binding arbitration, under the rules of the American Arbitration Association for expedited arbitration. Both parties agree to be bound by the decision of the arbitrator. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be borne equally by the parties. Any grievance settlement made at any level shall not be inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. A grievance may be withdrawn without prejudice, record or precedence.
Expedited Process. In the event that a difference arises relating to the interpretation, application or administration of said procedure clause 27.07(b), the following expedited dispute resolution procedure shall be followed:
(i) either party shall have the right to refer the matter to the Employer's Director of Employee & Labour Relations and to the President of the Union for immediate discussion and speedy resolution;
(ii) in the event that the matter is not resolved within five (5) working days from the date of this referral, then either party shall have the right to refer the issue(s) in dispute to expedited arbitration;
(iii) if either party refers the matter in dispute to an expedited arbitration process, the dispute shall be heard by any of the following arbitrators who is available to hear the matter within ten (10) working days of its referral: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx
(iv) The arbitrator's decision shall be rendered, with or without reasons on the same day that the dispute is heard, with reasons to follow. The parties will jointly advise the arbitrator of the need for an immediate decision.
Expedited Process. When an employee, a group of employees or the Union is not satisfied that the provisions of Article 29.01 are being complied with, then the following shall apply:
(a) the matter will be referred in writing to the Employing Authority who shall immediately investigate the complaint;
(b) failing a satisfactory remedy within ten (10) days following such investigation, the matter may be referred to the Designated Representative at the final level in the grievance procedure;
(c) if the decision rendered in Article 29.02(b) is not satisfactory, the matter may be referred to adjudication for a decision which is final and binding on the parties.
Expedited Process. Where an Employer has made a selection pursuant to Clause 24.3 (Appointment Policy) and the employee disagrees with the Employer's decision, the employee may grieve the decision under the process set out below within seven days of being notified of the results.
(1) The dates and locations for the hearing will be determined by the parties. The hearing will take place within 45 days of filing the grievance. The parties will continue to discuss a resolution to the grievance prior to the hearing date.
(2) The parties agree that the expedited process will be heard by an expedited arbitrator listed in Appendix B (List of Arbitrators), depending on availability and if availability is similar, upon agreement of the parties.
Expedited Process. Information provided to the Credit Union in connection with the CEBA Program is for the purpose of making funding available on an urgent basis, and the Credit Union will not be held responsible for any misuse or unauthorized access to the information, nor for any actions of the Government of Canada or its agencies in connection with the CEBA Program, including any changes to or cancellation of the CEBA Program.