ARTICLE TRANSFERS. A member of the Civilian Branch who is transferred to the Uniform Branch will continue to have service with Civilian Branch counted on such transfer for the calculation of vacation benefits, sick pay, sick pay gratuities and welfare benefits only. A member of the Uniform Branch who is transferred to the Civilian Branch will continue to have with the Uniform Branch counted on such transfer for the calculation of vacation benefits, sick pay, sick pay gratuities, welfare benefits and service pay. The Board will notify the Association of its intent to permanently assign services previously solely performed by members of this bargaining unit to persons not in employ of the Board or to persons covered by any Collective Agreement between the Association and the Board covering the members of the Service, and the Association may within days, request a meeting with representatives of the Board through the Joint Committee to discuss implications of any such assignments including any adverse effects on members covered by this Collective Agreement. In this clause "permanently assign" means an assignment in excess of days.
ARTICLE TRANSFERS. An employee who temporarily assigned by the Hospital for one complete or more to job the unit where the wage rate than that of the job to the employee i s regularly assigned, shall receive the next wage above his regular wage rate in the job classification to which he temporarily assigned for all hours worked In the higher classification. If an employee Is transferred permanently to a higher or equally rated job classification, he shall receive not less than the rate that he was receiving at the time of the transfer or the starting rate of the job Into which he i s being transferred, whichever i s the higher and shall be advanced through the rates for the higher rated job classification as provided Schedule If an employee i s permanently transferred to a lower rated classification he shall move to the increment scale the lower rated based on his length of service with the Hospital. An employee who i s temporarily transferred by the Hospital to a lower rated job classification shall receive the pay rate he was at the time of the transfer.
ARTICLE TRANSFERS. Transfer When an employee is assigned temporarily to perform the duties and assume the responsibilitiesof a higher paying classificationin the bargaining unit, she shall be paid the rate in the higher salary range immediately above her current rate for all hours worked in the assignment.
ARTICLE TRANSFERS. In Article of the collective agreement, replace for a period in excess of one-half a shift with in excess of hours for extended tours.
ARTICLE TRANSFERS. An employee who is temporarily transferred from a higher to a lower rated job for the convenience of the Company in order to meet production requirements will receive his regular rate of pay during the period of such temporary transfer. An employee who is temporarily transferred to a higher rated job for any reason shall receive a rate consistent with his ability to perform the work to which he is transferred, but in no case shall his rate be less than the rate for the job to which he is transferred, as set out in Schedule provided the duration of the temporary transfer is two (2) hours or more. Job vacancies will be posted on the plant bulletin boards for five (5) consecutive calendar days. During that period, employees may make applicationto the Plant Manager for the postedjob. At the end of this period, the list of applicants will be provided to the Unit Chairperson, if the Union requests it. Applicants for a posted job will be considered with respect to skill, ability and general aptitude and where these factors are relatively equal amongst employees, then seniority will apply. If none of those applying has the necessary qualifications required by the Company, then the Company may fill the job any other source. Only the original job and the job from which transfer was made to the original job will be posted. Any further vacancies will be filled from any source available, but will not be posted. A successful applicant for a posted job shall not be permitted to apply again until six (6) months have elapsed. When a permanent shift vacancy occurs it will be posted within one (1) week of the vacancy and it will be filled within a further two (2) weeks after the posting procedure is completed. Plant maintenance department vacancies will be excluded from this provision. The Unit Chairperson shall be informed in writing of the disposition of each posted job vacancy. for vacant jobs will include details regarding the shift on which the opening exists. When the Company becomes aware of a temporary vacancy in excess of thirty (30) days, the Union will be notified and the job shall be posted as per Article The vacancy that results from the posting will be filled at the discretion of the Company. The Company shall inform the Union Chairperson of new jobs before posting.
ARTICLE TRANSFERS. An employee who is temporarily transferred to a higher rated job shall be paid the rate of the job to which he is transferred for all hours worked in the higher rated job. If the rate of the job to which an employee is temporarily transferred is less than the rate of his regularjob he shall be paid the rate of his regular job during the period of such temporary transfer. If a plant seniority employee desires a permanent transfer to another shift he may submit a written application to the management. If later a vacancy occurs in that shift which the Employer wishes to fill, those who have such applications on file shall be given consideration subject to Clause
ARTICLE TRANSFERS. When Management consider offering an opportunity to an employee to perform a position not covered by this Agreement, it will inform the Union Representatives prior to the appointment. Employees who are or have or selected for a supervisory position, or for any position not subject to the provision of this agreement, will not be covered by the provisions of this Agreement. A senior employeetransferred or appointed to a position outside the bargaining unit will continue to acme seniority during trial period for a maximum of thirty days. If the employee is back within thirty (30) days trial period, the employee in the plant or department with the least seniority shall be the one replaced. Employees having been employed only in positions outside the bargaining agreement shall, if subsequently employed on a job covered by this Agreement, be considered new employees for the purpose of seniority.
ARTICLE TRANSFERS. Any employee not covered by this Agreement when transferred into the Bargaining unit shall only be transferred when there is an opening and when all employees with seniority have been called back to work, and then only after the job posting procedure has been exhausted. However, any clerical or office employee who is not covered by this Agreement, when transferred into a position which is governed by this Agreement, shall be entitled to have accredited to his seniority standing any seniority he had accumulated previously in this Bargaining Unit. An employee included in the Bargaining Unit shall not be transferred to a position excluded from the Bargaining Unit unless the employee concerned agrees to such transfer. promotion providing they have the experience to perform the work in and that those with the least seniority shall be the first to be demoted or transferred providing those with greater seniority have the ability, skill, and experience to perform the work in an efficient manner.
ARTICLE TRANSFERS. If it is necessary for the Board to transfer a teacher from one school to another within the Division, the Board shall reimburse the moving expenses incurred by the teacher to a maximum of This article does not apply to a teacher who has requested a transfer. Any teacher who becomes an employee of the Board as a result of the provision of Section of the Act, shall retain any designation received from the previous Board, provided that the teacher remains in the same school plant.
ARTICLE TRANSFERS. Any employee assigned another for a period of one hour shall be for time of pay be attracted by that classification, as if the employee had been transferred If the that is less than rate of the be no in pay. A temporary transfer shall not exceed five days the written of Union. Any transfers exceedingfive