ASSOCIATED PROFESSIONALS. 1. All Student Support Services employees recognized in the Certificate of Bargaining Authority shall be covered by all the terms of this agreement between the Board of Education of School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Xxxxxxxx) and the Kamloops Xxxxxxxx Teachers' Association. a. Student Support Services employees shall be paid according to Schedule "A" after initial placement, which shall be determined according to qualifications (number of years of training) and experience (number of years of work experience). b. Present incumbents (as at November 1988) in the position of School and Home Consultant will, in addition to scale placement, receive the district Counsellors' allowance specified in Appendix B. c. Student Support Services employees do not qualify for allowances specified in Article B.27.5. 2. In addition to the above, the parties agree that Student Support Services personnel covered under this agreement: a. Are paid in twenty-four (24) equal instalments from September to August. b. Contribute to the Municipal Employees' Superannuation Plan and not the Teachers' Pension Plan. c. Are covered under the provisions of Articles C.3 and C.15 of this agreement except as noted in Article B.33.3. 3. If the Board decided to completely close down or substantially reduce the School And Home Consultant Services and/or the Speech Therapist Services, employees would be given ninety (90) days instead of thirty (30) days' notice.
ASSOCIATED PROFESSIONALS. 1. An associated professional is an employee who: a. possesses post secondary education in a discipline related to the services he/she is employed to provide; b. works with students when unsupervised by a teacher. 2. Associated Professionals shall be paid in accordance with Article B.1.6 through B.1.10. 3. Placement on the salary schedule shall be: a. at the category which is most nearly equivalent to the category of teachers based on years of university level training in the discipline, and b. at the experience level as determined by Article B.23 Experience Recognition, of this Agreement. 4. Salary placement shall be effective from initial placement or the first of the month following the month in which the employee advises the Board in writing of entitlement to a change in category.
ASSOCIATED PROFESSIONALS. A.21.1 Associated professionals (school psychologists, speech/language pathologists, district behaviour specialists and district social workers as identified in Article A.20.1 and recognized in Article A.2) shall be paid in accordance with the salary schedule established in Appendix H. A.21.2 Placement on the salary schedule shall be: a. At the category which is most nearly equivalent to the category of teachers based on years of university-level training in the discipline, (see Article B.21) and b. At an experience level determined in a manner parallel to Articles B.22 and B.23, and approved by the Joint Salary Review Committee. A.21.3 Except as specifically provided elsewhere in Article A.21, all other terms and conditions of employment established in this agreement shall apply to associated professionals.
ASSOCIATED PROFESSIONALS a. Associated Professionals employed by the Board shall receive full experience credit for all Associated Professional experience. b. The experience of an Associated Professional (with a valid B.C. Teacher's certificate) who is eligible for consideration for a teaching position pursuant to this Agreement shall be determined in accordance with Article B.22.5 subject to Article B.22.6.c. c. An Associated Professional with a valid B.C. Teacher's certificate as of June 1, 1990, employed by the Board as at June 1, 1990 shall receive full recognition of experience for all years employed as an Associated Professional by the Board. d. Associated Professionals shall receive credit for other experience as determined by a committee composed of the Superintendent or designate, President of the ADTU or designate, and one additional representative of the Union and the Board.
ASSOCIATED PROFESSIONALS. Associated Professionals shall be placed on the basic salary grid in accordance with their years of academic training and years of appropriate experience.
ASSOCIATED PROFESSIONALS. Associated professionals shall be appointed to positions of speech pathology and audiology in keeping with the provisions of this Agreement and on the basis as set out in E.20.1.a.i and E.20.1.a.ii above.
ASSOCIATED PROFESSIONALS a. Associated professionals include Speech/Language Pathologist and Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapists. b. The Associated Professional salaries shall be the appropriate schedule in Article B.1.
ASSOCIATED PROFESSIONALS. 1. Associated professionals, as recognized in Article E.20.1.b of this Agreement shall be paid in accordance with this Agreement based on number of full years of university training agreeable to the parties. 2. Placement on the salary schedule shall be: a. at the category which is most nearly equivalent to the category of teachers based on years of university level training in the discipline, and b. at the experience level as specified in Article B.1 of this Agreement. 3. All other terms and conditions of employment established in this Agreement shall apply to associated professionals. 4. Associated professionals as recognized in Article E.20.1.b of the Agreement shall be allowed to participate in the pension plan for nonteaching personnel where they are ineligible to participate in the Teachers' Pension Plan.
ASSOCIATED PROFESSIONALS. 1. The following list sets out membership in the teachers‘ bargaining unit, as defined by XXXXX, included in the agreement of the former School District No. 55 (Xxxxx Lake), by variation of the LRB, but not included for purposes of the School District No. 56 (Nechako) agreement. a. Associated professionals including Speech Language Pathologists, Native Educational Counsellors, Native Language and Culture Instructors. a. After June 30, 2002, in the geographical area of the former School District No. 55 (Xxxxx Lake) agreement, all employees listed above shall remain, or, in the case of new employees, shall become, members of the teachers‘ bargaining unit and the BCTF. b. BCPSEA and the BCTF shall determine the terms and conditions of employment for the employees identified above. Should the parties be unable to reach agreement, the terms of Article A.1.4 of the collective agreement shall apply. c. In the geographical area of the former School District No. 56 (Nechako) agreement, employees listed above shall not become members of the bargaining unit except through the processes provided in the Labour Code.
ASSOCIATED PROFESSIONALS. 24.1. Associated professionals such as speech/language pathologists and clinicians and psychologists shall be paid in accordance with the salary schedule established in Article B.21 (Placement on Salary Grid). 24.2. Placement on the salary grid shall be determined by the Grid Placement Committee and: a. at the category which is most nearly equivalent to the category of teachers based on years of university-level training in the discipline, and b. at the experience level as determined by Article B.23 (Teaching Experience) of this Section. 24.3. Salary placement upon request for reclassification shall follow the timelines as stated in Article B.22.2 (Educational Qualifications) of this Section. 24.4. All other terms and conditions of employment established in this agreement shall apply to associated professionals.