Placement Committee Sample Clauses
Placement Committee shall meet to decide on the placement on the salary scale of a newly-appointed Probationary Faculty Member. The committee shall consist of the Vice President Academic or designate, the Vice President Finance and Administration, Faculty Association President or designate, as set out in Appendix II, 1.6.
Placement Committee. Placement Committee shall meet to recommend the placement of newly- appointed Faculty and shall be made up of the: • Vice President Academic or designate • Vice President Finance and Administration • President of the Faculty Association or designate
Placement Committee. 11.1.1 There shall be a single, Institute-wide Placement Committee composed of eleven (11) members, five (5) members appointed by the Employer, five (5) members appointed by the Union, with a Xxxx or equivalent as Chair. The Placement Committee shall have the right to appoint a non-voting resource person on a case-by-case basis.
11.1.2 The Placement Committee shall be responsible for recommending to the Parties: Alterations to the criteria for initial placement (Article 11.2). Action on Employee advancement as specified in the Agreement. Action on applications and appeals with regard to placement or advancement on salary scales (Articles 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, and 11.7). Action on Assistant Instructor and Technical Staff promotion to Faculty (Articles 11.5.6 and 11.7.12).
11.1.3 The Placement Committee shall make its decision by majority vote with the Chair voting only in the event of a tied vote.
11.1.4 The Placement Committee shall give the decision, including reason, in writing to the applicant or appellant.
11.1.5 The Placement Committee shall be responsible for functions provided in the Collective Agreement and relevant Memoranda of Agreement and shall keep a detailed and complete record of all proceedings. Copies of such records shall be sent to the Employee and the Union. These records shall be kept in the form of minutes with the addition of any other information required to make up a complete and detailed record of the proceedings of the Committee. Operating procedures not specified in the Collective Agreement shall be the responsibility of each Committee. Such procedure shall not constitute nor result in additional requirements for placement or advancement beyond those specified in the Agreement.
11.1.6 Questions of interpretation and application of the Collective Agreement shall be referred to the Labour/Management Committee.
11.1.7 Appeals resulting from action taken by the Placement Committee shall be reviewed by the Placement Committee. If the appeal is pursued it shall then be referred to the Labour/Management Committee. The applicant shall have the right during these appeal processes to appoint a non-voting resource person from among the Employee's BCIT colleagues. Any action taken by the Labour/Management Committee shall not prejudice the Employee's right to grieve.
11.1.8 When considering advancement of an Employee who is at a step on the salary scale where further prog...
Placement Committee. The Company and the Union agree that the organization of work in the plant which will accommodate the reduction of cycle times, the increase of inventory turns, and, generally, the flexibility required to reach and maintain world class performance will at times require the absorption of standard work from one occupational group into another. Where the standard work to be performed consists of work traditionally performed by the support group 27 and consumes a significant portion of the takt time, the senior employee in the support group will be offered the opportunity to perform the standard work. The parties understand that such absorption can neither be accomplished on a plant-wide basis nor as a complete combination of job families due to differences in product flows through the manufacturing process. This letter is to memorialize the agreements on how absorption will be accomplished on a case by case basis and eliminate the job erosion from one occupational group to another. The parties mutually agree to the establishment of a placement committee consisting of 6 members, 2 Union, 2 management and at least one (1) member of the bargaining unit employed in the standard work of the occupation group will be added to the committee for these discussions.
Placement Committee. A committee shall meet to decide on the placement of a newly-appointed Probationary Faculty Member comprised of:
Placement Committee. B.
4.1 The Placement Committee will be established by September 15th of each work year and shall consist of two (2) LEU Representatives and two (2) LEG Representatives.
Placement Committee. 11.1.1 There shall be a single, Institute-wide Placement Committee composed of eleven members, five (5) members appointed by the Employer, five (5) members appointed by the Union, with a Xxxx or equivalent as Chair. The Placement Committee shall have the right to appoint a non-voting resource person on a case-by-case basis.
11.1.2 The Placement Committee shall be responsible for recommending to the parties: Alterations to the criteria for Initial Placement (Article 11.2). Action on Employee advancement as specified in the Agreement. Action on applications and appeals with regard to placement or advancement on Salary Scales (Articles 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, and 11.7). Action on Assistant Instructor and Technical Staff promotion to Faculty (Articles 11.5.6 and 11.7.12).
11.1.3 The Placement Committee shall make its decision by majority vote with the Chair voting only in the event of a tied vote.
11.1.4 The Placement Committee shall give the decision, including reason, in writing to the applicant or appellant.
Placement Committee. For each professional placed on availability, a Placement Committee shall be created by the Board. Each of the school boards located within 50 kilometres of the home or main place of work of the professional placed on availability shall be part of the committee. The Ministère is a full participant of the committee. The committee shall work to facilitate the relocation of each professional placed on availability.
Placement Committee. 11.1.1 Each School and Division shall have a Placement Committee composed of seven (7) members, three (3) members appointed by the Employer, three (3) members appointed by the Union, with the Xxxx or equivalent as Chair.
11.1.2 The Placement Committee shall be responsible for recommending to the parties: to the criteria for Initial Placement (Article 11.2).
Placement Committee. The Placement Committee is empowered to consider and make recommendations to the CEO on all matters relating to placement proposals submitted to it, and issues relating thereto. The Placement Panel composition will be as per Annexure “B”. The placement data will be reviewed in order to place the permanent employees that are not yet placed in the D1 to D5 levels.