Basis of Determination Sample Clauses
Basis of Determination. The number of Performance Awards payable to the Participant (and any Performance Awards credited as dividend equivalents thereon) shall be determined on the basis of the extent to which the Performance Targets for each of the Performance Criteria have been achieved. The number of Performance Awards payable to the Participant shall be equal to the sum of the number of Performance Awards payable to the Participant with respect to each Performance Criteria, together with any dividend equivalents credited on such Performance Awards. The number of Performance Awards payable with respect to each Performance Criteria shall be equal to the Target Performance Award for such Performance Criteria multiplied by the Payout Percentages set forth in Exhibit A for such Performance Criteria, together with any dividend equivalents credited on such Performance Awards.
Basis of Determination a. Teachers who desire to bid or make application for the vacancy shall submit a written request to the Superintendent and Building Principal.
b. Teachers under regular contract will be given first consideration over applicants outside the school district when filling a vacancy. This will include those teachers who have requested a change or transfer for the vacant position in writing in accordance with Paragraph B, below.
Basis of Determination. The seniority of all employees shall be based on the date of hire, as per the January posted seniority list in each year (list attached). When two (2) or more employees are hired on the same date, seniority shall be determined by the date of the first shift worked. If employees start on the same shift on the same day, seniority will be determined by the draw from a hat, by the Unit Chairperson with the Administrator in attendance.
Basis of Determination. The rent payable to Assets Sino HK under the Tenancy Renewal Agreement is based on the amount of rent payable under the Office Premises Tenancy Agreement, which was determined after arm’s length negotiation between the parties with reference to the prevailing market rent for properties of similar use.
Basis of Determination. The annual rent payable by the Group in each of the Lease Renewal Agreements has been determined with reference to the prevailing market rates of leasing similar properties in the locality from the Independent Third Parties. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Appraisal Limited, a firm of professional surveyors and valuers independent of the Group, has reviewed the annual rent payable by the Group under each of the Lease Renewal Agreements and has confirmed that it is fair, reasonable and is consistent with the prevailing market rates of similar properties in the locality.
Basis of Determination. In determining the above proposed annual caps in respect of the provision and supply of air freight forwarding services contemplated under the EV Cargo Group Master Agency Agreement for each of the three years ending 31 December 2022, the Directors have considered generally:
Basis of Determination. The annual rent payable by the Group in each of the Lease Renewal Agreements has been determined with reference to the prevailing market rates of leasing similar properties in the locality from the Independent Third Parties. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Appraisal Limited, a firm of professional surveyors and valuers independent of the Group, has reviewed the annual rent payable by the Group under each of the Lease Renewal Agreements and has confirmed that it is consistent with the prevailing market rates of similar properties in the locality. Based on preliminary estimation of the Company with reference to the valuation report issued by Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Appraisal Limited, the value of the right-of-use assets to be recognised by the Group under the transactions shall amount to approximately RMB4.4 million, which is the present value of aggregated lease payments in accordance with HKFRS 16. Discount rate of approximately 5.5% per annum, which is equivalent to the Company’s incremental borrowing rate during the entire term of the Lease Renewal Agreements, is applied to compute the present value of aggregate lease payments under the transactions. During the terms of the Lease Renewal Agreements, the Leased Properties will continue to be used as the Group’s warehouse and production plant. The Company considers the location and area of the Leased Properties to be favourable and appropriate for such functions and can satisfy the needs of the Group. In addition, it is not easy to identify other appropriate premises and the Company will bear unnecessary relocation cost and expenses if the Company has to move to other premises. In order to ensure the terms of the Lease Renewal Agreements are on normal commercial terms and fair and reasonable to the Company and the Shareholders and are no more favourable than those offered by the Group to the Independent Third Parties, the Company has formulated the following internal control policies and adopted the following internal control measures:
Basis of Determination. Existing employees’ seniority is based on the agreed to attached seniority list. The seniority of any future employee in relation to any other employee or all or any group of employees in the bargaining unit shall be determined on the basis of the length of employment of such employee. Where two (2) or more employees are hired on the same date, seniority shall be determined by the date of the employees’ first shift worked. If both employees start on the same shift, seniority will then be determined by alphabetical order of last name.
Basis of Determination. The purchase and sale of each Product purchased ----------------------- hereunder shall be on the Price Terms determined pursuant to this Section 3, subject to Section 5(a)(i) if to be delivered by truck or Section 5(a)(ii) if to be delivered by rail or barge. The Price Terms for each Product offered by Seller to Purchaser for such Product ** (as defined herein) shall be** the price terms offered by Seller** (as defined herein); provided, however, that with respect to the price terms**, the price terms for each Product shall be based upon the** for a particular Contract Year** for such Product at all applicable locations** of such Purchaser and shall take into account special circumstances associated with the grade and quality of such Product, the time of year for purchase, the location of the source of such Product and the means of transportation of such Product; provided, further, that with respect to each Product with respect to which there are**, the Price Terms shall be as set forth on Sechedule 2 for the applicable Contract Year, subject to the maximum annual quantity limitation set forth therein. With respect to the Initial Contract Year, the Price Terms shall be as set forth on Schedule 2.
Basis of Determination. In determining the above annual caps, the Directors have taken into account: (1) the pricing principles of total fees charged (including the Custodial Fee and Withdrawal Fee) as stated above; and (2) the projected value of the Assets deposited at the Custody Account during the term of the OF Custodial Services Agreement and the HB Custodial Services Agreement, respectively, as advised by Orion Financial and HB Infinite. Reference is made to the Company’s announcement dated 4 May 2021. Application has been made by Huobi Trust to be registered as a trust company under section 78(1) of the Trustee Ordinance (Cap. 29 of the Laws of Hong Kong), and was approved by the Registrar of Companies. A Certificate for Registration under the Trustee Ordinance was issued to Huobi Trust on 29 April 2021. The Company considers that the Custodial Services Agreements provide an opportunity to strengthen the business of Huobi Trust in the market, by building up its customer base of institutional clients and management portfolio of funds of considerable sizes and bringing in additional earnings and to further diversify the Group’s income source. As a result of the prospective development of Huobi Trust, the Group’s income sources can be broadened, its scope of business diversified and its financial performance can be enhanced in the long run. The Directors further believe that the engagements secured under the Custodial Services Agreements will contribute to increasing competitiveness of Huobi Trust in the market, which the Directors consider to be essential to the future business growth of the Group in the area of trust company business. The Board (including the independent non-executive Directors) is of the view that the transactions contemplated under the Custodial Services Agreements are conducted in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group and on normal commercial terms, and the terms of the Custodial Services Agreements and the annual caps for the period from the Commencement Date to 30 September 2021 (both days inclusive) and the period from 1 October 2021 to 31 December 2021 (both days inclusive) thereunder are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole. As at the date of this announcement, Xx. Xx is beneficially interested in approximately 57.98% of the issued shares in the Company and is therefore a controlling shareholder of the Company. As such, Xx. Xx is a connected person of the Company under Rule 14A.07 o...