CLIENT’S ACCOUNT. 8.1. The Client shall open an Account with the Company to be able to trade in CFDs offered by the Company.
8.2. The Client does not intend to use his Account for payment of transactions to third parties.
8.3. The Client understands that no physical delivery of a CFD’s underlying asset that he has traded through his Account shall occur. All CFD contracts can only be settled in cash. The prices of these instruments are derived from the underlying assets or currency pairs related to these CFDs, but in no way you are acquiring any right for delivery of the underlying asset/currency. Moreover, engaging in trading CFDs with underlying asset a virtual currency pair, and due to high volatile nature of these pairs, you might be exposed to higher risks than trading the assets themselves or trading other CFDs with other underlying assets.
8.4. In order to open an Account, a Client should undertake the following steps: • Complete the TIOmarkets online application form, which can be found on the Company’s website . • After completing the form, the client should verify their email address by clicking on thelink sent to his email. • At this stage the client will be redirected to the secure portal in order to upload the following documents.
a. Identification document (Passport or ID card). For an identification document to be considered valid it needs to CLEARLY INDICATE photograph, signature, personal details, issue and expiry date place and date of issue, and serial number; and
b. Proof of address (utility bill, current local authority tax bill, etc). For a proof of address to be considered valid, it needs to be dated within the last 6 months. Once these documents have been uploaded and successfully reviewed by the back-office team, the account will be approved. Until these documents have been approved, the account will have a ‘pending’ status and will be treated as Not Verified.
8.5. If the Client is unable to upload these documents, the documents can be sent via email following the submission of the online application form. In the event that the Client cannot send thenecessary documents by email, the Company will accept them by fax or post, however, email still remains the preferred method.
8.6. In certain circumstances the Company can accept deposits up to a total amount of 2,000 USDor currency equivalent while the account is still pending approval. The Client has 14 calendar days to provide the required documents (as specified in clause 8.1). In t...
CLIENT’S ACCOUNT. The Client shall open an account with the Company in order to conclude any Transaction involving Financial Instruments offered by the Company, as specified in this Agreement. The Client does not intend to use this Account for payment to third parties. In order to open an account, the Client will need to fill out Company’s application form and provide all required documents as described on the relevant forms for account opening.
i. For Natural Persons – Individual Account Application and Joint Account Application
CLIENT’S ACCOUNT. 4.1 All monies, approved securities, approved debt securities or other properties received by Galaxy International Futures from the Client or from any other person, including the Clearing House for the Client’s Account shall be held by Galaxy International Futures as trustee, segregated from Galaxy International Futures’ own assets and paid into a segregated bank account, a segregated securities account or a segregated debt securities account (as appropriate) (collectively “Segregated Account(s)”) in the manner specified in paragraphs 7 to 12 of Schedule 4 to the Code and that all money or other property so held by Galaxy International Futures shall not form part of the assets of Galaxy International Futures for insolvency or winding up purposes but shall be returned to the Client promptly upon the appointment of a provisional liquidator or similar officer over all or any part of Galaxy International Futures’ business or assets.
4.2 Any monies, approved debt securities or approved securities received by Galaxy International Futures from the Client or from any other person (including the Clearing House) are held in the manner specified in paragraphs 7 to 12 of Schedule 4 to the Code, the Client hereby authorises Galaxy International Futures to apply such monies, approved debt securities or approved securities in the segregated bank account, segregated debt securities or segregated securities account respectively in the manner specified in paragraphs 14 to 15 of Schedule 4 to the Code in order to: meet the obligations of Galaxy International Futures to the Clearing House or an executing agent arising in connection with F.O. Business transacted by Galaxy International Futures on the Instructions of the Client provided that no withdrawal from the Segregated Account(s) may be made which would have the effect that the Clearing House margin, variation adjustment requirements or other trading related liabilities in respect of F.O. Business conducted on behalf of any client are thereby financed by other Client’s money, approved debt securities or approved securities;
(a) meet commission, brokerage, levies and/or other proper charges directly relating to F.O. Business transacted by Galaxy International Futures on the Instructions of Client (whether or not payable to Galaxy International Futures);
(b) transfer to another Segregated Account;
(c) make payments/ returned to or in accordance with the directions of the Client, but in such a case notwithstanding the Client...
CLIENT’S ACCOUNT. 8.1. In order to open an Account, a Client should undertake the following steps: ● Complete the TIOmarkets online application form, which can be found on the Company’s website ● After completing the form, the client should verify their email address by clicking on the link sent to their email. ● At this stage the client will be redirected to the secure portal in order to upload the following documents. 1. Identification document (Passport or ID card). For an identification document to be considered valid it needs to CLEARLY INDICATE photograph, signature, personal details, issue and expiry date place and date of issue, and serial number; and 2. Proof of address (utility xxxx, current local authority tax xxxx, etc). For a proof of address to be considered valid, it needs to be dated within the last 6 months. Once these documents have been uploaded and successfully reviewed by the back-office team, the account will be approved. Until these documents have been approved, the account will have a 'pending' status and will be treated as Not Verified.
8.2. If the Client is unable to upload these documents, the documents can be sent via email following the submission of the online application form. In the event that the Client cannot send the necessary documents by email, the Company will accept them by fax or post, however, email still remains the preferred method.
8.3. In certain circumstances the Company can accept deposits up to a total amount of 2,000 USD or currency equivalent while the account is still pending approval. The Client has 14 calendar days to provide the required documents (as specified in clause 8.1). In the event that the required documentation is not provided and approved during the stipulated period, the following will occur:
1. Any and all account balances will be returned to the wallet, minus any profit or loss.
2. Any and all open positions on MT4 or MT5 will be closed.
3. The Client will not be able to open any new positions on MT4 or MT5.
4. The Client's account will be set to read-only until such time as they upload and verify their proof of address and ID documentation.
8.4. The Client does not intend to use her Account for payment of transactions to third parties.
8.5. The Client understands that no physical delivery of a CFD’s underlying asset that he has traded through his Account shall occur. All CFD contracts can only be settled in cash. The prices of these instruments are derived from the underlying assets or ...
CLIENT’S ACCOUNT. The Client shall open an account with the Company to conclude purchase and sale involving Financial Instruments offered by the Company. The Client does not intend to use this Account for payment transactions to third parties. In order to open an account, the Client will need to fill out our online application form. At the end of this form, the following documents must be uploaded: 1 Identification document (Passport or ID card): Photograph, signature, personal details, issue and expiry dates, place and date of issue, and serial number MUST BE CLEARLY VISIBLE; and 2 Proof of address (utility xxxx, current local authority tax xxxx): dated within the last 6 months. If the Client is unable to upload these documents, the documents can be send via email following the submission of the online application form. In the event that the Client cannot send the necessary documents by email, the Company will accept them by fax or post, however, email still remains the preferred method. If the Client has opened more than one Account, the Company shall be authorized to consider and treat these different Accounts as a single unit. Among other rights that the Company has in the way of handing these accounts, is the transferring of funds between accounts to cover possible negative balances, of any of these accounts, without this affecting in any way the right of the Company to terminate the account or close all Client’s open positions. Any funds received in a currency for which the Client does not hold a sub-account shall be converted by the Company into the Client’s base currency. The conversion will be made at the exchange rate applied on the day and at the time when the relevant funds are at the disposal of the back-o9ce department of the Company. Upon request, the Client may open a sub-account. The Client confirms that is familiar with the way financial markets work and with the Transactions he wishes to undertake. Any decision to buy or sell should be taken by the Client alone and should be based on his own assessment of his financial situation and his investment objectives. The Client is responsible to familiarize himself with the trading platform, its features and the orders that are capable of being carried out. The Client will himself monitor his position on his Account.
CLIENT’S ACCOUNT. 8.1 The Client shall open an Account with the Company to be able to trade in CFDs offered by the Company.
8.2 The Client does not intend to use her Account for payment of transactions to third parties.
8.3 The Client understands that no physical delivery of a CFD’s underlying asset that he has traded through
8.4 In order to open an Account, a Client needs to fill out the FXPRIMUS online application form, which can be found in the Company’s website. At the end of this form, the following documents must be uploaded:
8.5 If the Client is unable to upload these documents, the documents can be sent via email following the submission of the online application form. In the event that the Client cannot send the necessary documents by email, the Company will accept them by fax or post, however, email still remains the preferred method. In certain circumstances the Company can accept a deposit in a total amount of 10.000 USD/EUR/GBP/ SGD or 30.000 PLN while the Account is still pending. The Client has 21 calendar days to provide the required documents (referred in paragraph 8.4). In the event that the above documentation is not provided in the said period the funds will be send back to the source of funding. The Client will not be able to enter into any transaction of trading nature and his MT4 will be placed in a read-only mode until his KYC documentation is provided to the Company and his trading account is approved.
8.6 FXPRIMUS offers its Clients “negative balance protection”. This means that traders cannot lose more than the overall size of their investment. In this respect, FXPRIMUS will bear the costs associated with settling the negative Account balances to NIL. However, it should be noted that the Company reserves the right to unilaterally lift this protection and recover the negative balance from the future deposits of Clients who are repeatedly employing high risk trading strategies i.e. overleveraging, with a result their account to close negative in more than one time.
8.7 If the Client has opened more than one Account, the Company shall be authorised to consider and treat these different Accounts as a single unit. Among other rights that the Company has in the way of handling these Accounts, is the transferring of funds between Accounts to cover possible negative balances, of any of these Accounts, without this affecting in any way the right of the Company to terminate the Account or close all Client’s open positions.
8.8 Any funds received in a curren...
CLIENT’S ACCOUNT. The Client will open a commodity trading account (the “Account”) with the futures commission merchant identified below (the “Broker”). The initial deposit, all subsequent deposits to and withdrawals from the Account, and all transactions effected in the Account shall be subject to this Agreement. The Client represents that he/she has significant additional resources beyond any funds that are now or may in the future be deposited in the Account and that all funds in the Account represent only risk capital to the Client.
CLIENT’S ACCOUNT. 9.1. In order to open an Account, you will be required to execute this Agreement which includes the relevant Application Information, Customer Declaration, and the Addendum of Risk Disclosure and provide Identification documents as specified in the Application. The Company is under no obligation to open an Account with any Individual or Entity, even if all information has been provided. Failure to provide the required documents will prevent you from opening an Account with the Company.
9.2. At the end of the Application Form, the following colored and clearly visible documents must be uploaded: Identification document (Passport or ID card) with photograph, signature, personal details, issue and expiry dates, place and date of issue, and serial number; and Proof of Address, (i.e. Utility Bill, Current Local Authority Tax bill), dated within the last 6 months.
9.3. The Company will open the Account only after you have executed this Agreement and deposited an initial sum of money in the Account set by the Company and which may vary from time to time at the Company’s sole discretion.
9.5. The Company is not obliged to open an account for any applicant and may refuse any application for any reason and with no obligation to disclose such reason or provide any kind of explanations.
9.6. The Company reserves the right to close or suspend any opened account at any time. If the Company exercise this right, all open Transactions will be closed immediately at company’s current quoted price and no new Transactions will be accepted. Any Transaction that the client may have in markets not quoted (i.e. those that have closed for the day) will be closed at the first price reasonably available to the Company on the next business day or, in the case of a market suspended for any reason, closed under the terms of this Agreement.
9.7. Upon client’s Execution of this Agreement and payment of the Initial Deposit, the Company or any representative on its behalf will assist in opening the Account. The Account and other relevant data entered will be based on the information supplied to the Company by the client.
9.8. The client must ensure and verify that the information provided to the Company is complete and accurate. It is emphasized that providing erroneous information might be considered a violation of the Law and will result in the immediate freezing of the Account or its cancellation.
9.9. Once the Account is opened, the client will be provided with a personal ID code, usern...
CLIENT’S ACCOUNT. 9.1 All funds delivered by the Client to the IF for the purpose of acquiring of the Financial Instruments or which are the proceeds of sale of the Financial Instruments of the Client or which the IF holds for the account of the Client for any reason or purpose shall be held in the name of the Client and/or in the name of the IF for the account of the Client in a Βank and or other IF as shall be agreed from time to time with the Client.
9.2 By signing the Agreement the Client authorises the IF to proceed to any deposits or withdrawals from the above account on behalf of the Client including, without prejudice to the generality of the above, withdrawals for the settlement of all transactions undertaken in the context of this Agreement and all amounts payable by or on behalf of the Client to the IF or to any other person.