Community Engagement Plan. Community Engagement Plan" shall mean the plan that sets forth the community outreach tools and goals of the City and Partners.
Community Engagement Plan a. Shall provide a preliminary plan that outlines efforts to get involved with the community.
Community Engagement Plan. Awardee shall submit a community engagement plan to the Department for its review and approval. Such community engagement plan shall incorporate strategies to identify key stakeholders and community resident, engagement activities and dissemination of information.
Community Engagement Plan. The Developer agrees to comply with its obligations set forth in the Community Engagement section of The 1Durham Real Estate Plan attached hereto as Exhibit F.
Community Engagement Plan. A small group of art students (approximately 20) from the adjacent high school, Xx. Xxxxx X Hayden Secondary School, have been recruited to participate in this project. The intent is to provide students with a #hands on! experience working with a professional artist(s) and to encourage a connection between the artwork and the student population / wider community. The students! availability will be dependent on their class schedules and related activities. As such, this plan should outline targeted opportunities for engagement rather than ongoing assistance with mural installation (i.e. students should not be viewed as #free labour!). Proponents may propose additional community engagement beyond student involvement if desired. The Public Art Managers will act as a liaison between the artist(s) and community members and will provide general project support and coordination. All costs and materials related to community engagement must be accounted for in the general project budget (with exclusion of meeting room rental). Please include the following information (not to exceed 1000 words):
a) Outline: detail how you plan to engage students / community members.
Community Engagement Plan. The goal of this task is to provide MFH residents with information on EV/EVSE, to engage them with use of the EVSE and to evaluate the success of this information and engagement effort. The plan and its implementation will leverage outreach efforts of the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District’s (SMAQMD) car share program. • Develop a Draft Community Engagement Plan, which shall include, but not be limited to: • Engagement objectives, target audiences, appropriate outreach media, and an implementation schedule. • EV awareness feedback, which will include residents’ understanding of EVs and their likelihood to adopt EV/EVSE. • An evaluation of resident satisfaction, availability (uptime), payment methods, and pricing of EVSE. • Outreach and engagement materials that provide information on EVs and EVSE, such as technical assistance on operation, EV costs as compared to gas-powered automobiles, EV incentives for MFH residents, and integrated outreach materials from SMAQMD on car share. • Provide a copy of the Draft Community Engagement Plan to the CAM. • Revise the Draft version into a Final Community Engagement Plan, incorporating feedback from the CAM. • Implement the Final Community Engagement Plan by the following actions, including, but not limited to: • Collecting EV awareness feedback from residents twice, prior to project initiation and prior to conclusion of the project. • Providing information to MFH residents through a variety of media and opportunities for resident input, including at least one in-person event. • Conducting focused outreach to residents to inform them of upcoming project and potential impacts on the MFH site and residents. • Conducting an evaluation of resident satisfaction, availability (uptime), payment methods, and pricing of EVSE twice, six months after project installation and three months prior to conclusion of the project. • Provide interim updates about implementation of the Community Engagement Plan in Quarterly Progress Reports to the CAM. • Prepare a Community Engagement Evaluation Report that documents the results of the engagement effort and makes recommendations for future deployments. The Community Engagement Evaluation Report will include, but not be limited to: • An analysis of the results of the EV Awareness feedback to determine if understanding of EV/EVSE and attitudes regarding EV/EVSE (such as potential to adopt) changed. • An analysis of the results of the Evaluation of Resident Satisfaction...
Community Engagement Plan. Implement Community Engagement Plan and provide quarterly progress updates per grant reporting requirement. • Community Engagement Plan (draft and final) • TAC Comments on Community Engagement Plan Summary
Community Engagement Plan. The project team will prepare a community engagement plan that reaches constituents within current and planned transit route coverage areas of the three subject transit systems. The engagement plan will target current and future users and include all rider types and socio- economic backgrounds. This engagement effort will specifically seek input from low income and disadvantaged communities in the Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx region. Community engagement will take place during the implementation of the feasibility study. The engagement plan will include methods for the community to provide feedback such as surveys, direct online comment forms, physical comment forms, and through email. The community will also have the opportunity to provide feedback when the project is presented to Councils, Commissions and Boards.
Community Engagement Plan. The Community Engagement Plan outlines the means of communicating with the general public and council members. It indicates the consultation and communications process for the Phase 2 application. This will be prepared within 3 months of signing the PPA
Community Engagement Plan. Involving all of our community in supporting our culture of student choice and challenge. Our aspiration: A great school builds robust and resilient learning relationships within supportive environments that inspire learners to grow in knowledge, skills and character so that they are equipped, empowered and enabled to assume responsibility for making a positive contribution to the world.